MovieChat Forums > ER (1994) Discussion > Your most disliked doctor?

Your most disliked doctor?

What doctor could you not stand on the show?

Mine would be:
Maggie Doyle
Dr Anspaugh
and at times Dr Benton

"Go and find your life Miss Skeeter"~ The Help




Romano and Abbey


Worst Doctors List In Descending Order Of Uselessness:

Dr. Meyers(Psych Resident, pretentious, pronounces his name Myers): Completely useless, and whenever he showed up you knew something terrible was about to happen. The kid that started the fire, the "family man" guy he refused to put a hold on and he went home and shot his family, Carter and Lucy got stabbed because Meyers didn't come down fast enough and Deraad had to take over when he came on shift later.

Dr. Anna Del Amico(Paediatrician, clueless but thinks she knows everything, blew Carter off for a drugged up loser with a bad goatee): She fought with everyone over the stupidest things, women's issues, abortion, the medical treatment of killer rapists. Everywhere you turned there she was choosing the worst option she could think of. She let her irritation with Dr. Ross stop her from telling him crucial info and almost killed a kid. She blamed a peaceful protester for "inciting violence" over an abortion bombing. Got angry with Carter for "withholding treatment" from a rapist killer, then withheld treatment herself for a woman who late term aborted, when the interrupted procedure threatened her patient's life.

Dr. Kim Legaspi(Flakie love interest of Kerry Weaver): Another useless psychiatric doctor, made bad choices when it came to encouraging patient decisions and barely kept up with emergency care calls. Fought with upper management because of her own paranoia over her sexual preferences.

Dr. Alexander Babcock: Fought with his colleagues, and later became an "Angel of Death" infecting post-op patients with bacteria and then allowing Elizabeth to be blamed for the outcomes.

Dr. Jack Kayson(Cardiac care physician/administrator): Prefers surgical intervention even when the patient clearly doesn't need it. Concerned more with pragmatism and conserving hospital money than actually caring for his patients. Often refuses, depending on mood, to listen to his students as they convey information crucial to the treatment of their patients, and belittles them when his inattention results in poor patient outcomes.

Dr. Michael Gallant(Resident/Army Doc): His concern for Army matters above all other things is frightening, and he could never seem to understand that his treatment of soldiers in the battle field actually served to prolong the dangerous conditions that resulted in injury to non-combatants. He personally witnessed what impacts the war caused to innocent women and children and felt sympathy for them, only to turn around and personally rehabilitate many of the aggressors who caused those same kinds of damage to other innocents elsewhere. Not only that, but after his war exposure, he failed to live up to his responsibilities and promises as a husband and nonsensically felt some sort of calling to return to the war and help the elements of the war-machine once more. He got himself killed in the process. He miserably failed to understand what "do no harm" means.

Other Doctors who sucked but I'm tired of explaining so I'll just list them:

Dr. Jing Mei Chen
Dr. Harper Tracy
Dr. Dale Edson
Dr. George Henry
Dr. Paul Grady
Dr. Skye Wexler
Dr. Div Cvetic
Dr. Neil Bernstein


1. Luka Kovac - The writers kept hitting us over the head with his "power over women" crap. His temper was realistic but also disturbing to watch. And I just never once cheered for him to have a positive outcome.

2. Cleo Finch - So cold and unfeeling. Even when she was happy she looked annoyed. She seemed like the opposite of a pediatrician.

3. Dave Malucci - Should have been fired about 10 times before he actually was fired. Treated everyone with disrespect.


Romano definitely. He was such an ahole. Benton could be an arrogant jerk at times but man was Eriq lasalle easy on the eyes!


Benton by far.

Though she never did anything really bad that I can remember, I just never warmed up to Elizabeth Corday. I think it was the actress more than anything.


I absolutely could not stand Neela, and every time some new (usually male, but occasionally female) character tripped over themselves trying to win her *precious precious* heart, it only made me hate her more. What a boring, timid, indecisive, overly-confident, overrated, selfish, whiny Mary Sue of a character. I'm just finishing a rewatch (finally powered through to season 15, whew!) and I just got to the part where she had the nerve to break up with Brenner for not telling her he was sexually abused, what a disgusting human being just ugh. Not a fan of Brenner either, but how dare she try and dictate when/how/to whom an abuse victim discloses their abuse story, f the hell out of her.

Less thoroughly hated, but still unliked: Malucci, Lucy, Gates, Doyle, Weaver, Susan, Del Amico, Clemente, wasn't too crazy about Mark around the middle of his run (or his daughter), and Sam (my god, and her awful AWFUL kid). I'm also one of the few who wasn't too fond of Carter, even in his first seasons (I loved the stuff with his grandma, though, and LOVED his relationship with Benton).

Horribly, Romano sort of grew on me (like a fungus lol) and though I hated Morris at first, by the end of the series he's become one of my faves.

(Lots of hate here, I know, but I did love Carol, Jeanie, Benton, Galant, Ray, Lucien, Corday, Coburn, Banfield, etc.)

I fart in your general direction... now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.


RipleyBlondeMacManus - I completely agree with everything you said about Neela. She was the nail in the coffin of the show for me. I did power through to the end though.

Hated Brenner in season 14 but they really toned him down alot in season 15 and I thought he was one of the better ones in the final season.

I also didn't really like Carter all that much. He was a whiny child most of the time but he was alright. I loved his relationship with Benton too. I love that Benton went with him on the plane to the rehab clinic. I smiled when I saw that :)

Romano was brilliant. Loved everything about him. No complaints except for the ridiculous way he left the show.


Romano, early Benton, Anspaugh, Abby always had too much drama going on in her personal life, Cleo was kind of cold. Pratt and Morris were jerks at first but they really matured over time and became really good.
