MovieChat Forums > ER (1994) Discussion > Your most disliked doctor?

Your most disliked doctor?

What doctor could you not stand on the show?

Mine would be:
Maggie Doyle
Dr Anspaugh
and at times Dr Benton

"Go and find your life Miss Skeeter"~ The Help


which ever one Julianna Margulus played. I forget now


I don’t mind any of them, except Kovac is a little annoying, as most incredibly good-looking men are.

Dr. Lewis is the best one. Weaver can be horrible, but when she’s good, she’s great. Soft spot for Mark. Elizabeth is awesome. Carter, what a cutie. I’m on season 8 and he still seems like just a kid.


Elizabeth Corday!

I cannot STAND her! The tense, tight Britishness; I'm sure Americans found that novel and charming, but as a Brit myself she just reminded me of some of the British traits I cannot stand in some Brits.

Romano was impossible to like.

Benton was so cold.


For me it's Pratt. He was cocky yet he made plenty of mistakes, leading to the death of more than one patient. He hit on all of the darker skinned nurses, leading him to sleep with his friend's sister. Then he foolishly cashes a car which shot at him (even though he has two passengers) leading to the death of one and a GSW to the leg of the other--nearly killing all three.


Sad to see how Pratt went out, though.




Like most people, I stopped watching in the late 90's.

So can't go with Benton..

Dr Anspaugh is my choice.
