Did anyone feel sorry for.......
The shop owner and his wife who got murdered in the beginning?
shareThe shop owner and his wife who got murdered in the beginning?
shareI felt sorry for the mothers of the shop owner and his wife.
shareyes, I was hoping everyone saw the message in the scene at the end of the day.
Petey Greene: "Wake up, goddammit!"
Not really.
Too bad it happened, but the store owner smarted off - and kept smarting off - so ...
The killings were totally unjustified, but people should know when to shut up.
People are crazy; anything could set them off.
i hate racists but at tha sametime i feel bad for tha storeowners
them haterz can't tell me nothin
They was lookin for problems
shareSome people don't know when to shut up. That doesn't mean they deserved to die of course, but as far as fictional characters in a movie go, I didn't feel too shaken up for them.
FYC: Keanu Reeves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvaCWTkSXdE
Ad a black woman, I have never understood the idea of certain people that words should get someone killed.
So yes I feel sorry for the shop owners, yes I'm mad at them for profiling but they ended up being right about them.
1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avengers
Racial profiling is completely justified in their situation. Come on, they own a store in the middle of the hood, they've probably been robbed countless times. And it's not just the color of their skin, but their demeanor. O-Dogg is clearly a piece of shit criminal scumbag.