MovieChat Forums > Menace II Society (1993) Discussion > Did anyone feel sorry for.......

Did anyone feel sorry for.......

The shop owner and his wife who got murdered in the beginning?


no. they had bad attitudes.

I'm not taking my sneakers off,cause I'm Sneakers 0'toole.


Jesus Christ. Where the *beep* are some of you people brought up from? They deserved to die? I picture some of you idiots in high school with 3 kids thinking how Eminem should be President of the United States.


I don't think O'Dog was paying attention. Like you guys didn't. The owner said, "I feel sorry for your mother." Meaning that he feels bad that a mother has a child like him. All he heard in his rage was, "your mother." The insult was directed at him, not his mother. Not that I feel that understanding that the comment was directed at him would have made him less angry, might have because people are touchy about references to their mother.

On another note , considering the comments about them being in the store before and the fact that they are neighborhood kids. I feel that the store owners did know their character and did not just treat every black folk that entered the store, that way. It was kinda like, not these troublemakers again. "I feel sorry for their mother."

It could have gone either way, not enough information to know if they just knew these kids were trouble by past experience or word of mouth or if they treated all blacks this way. Either way, definately not justified in killing. I guess other people on here are looking at it from a standpoint of getting fed up with them coming in the store and getting treated like crap, maybe not having a choice of going anywhere else. That may be the only store. I can't relate to being fed up but that never justifies violence.


what do people think about grocers selling beer to 2 teenagers?


Most people on here are correct. The Koreans did not deserve to die nor was the violence justified.

HOWEVER, the Koreans were wrong for racial profiling the customers. It's obvious that they have surveillance in the store, so if Caine and O-dog stole something, they would of had it on tape and could have reported them to the feds. We can clearly see later on in the movie of how good a look the camera had on O-dog. Secondly the Koreans were very rude to their customers, rushing them out of their store, telling to them to buy and then leave. I'm also aware that Caine and O-dog shouldn't have started drinking the Beer before they paid, but in the grand scheme of things it isn't so bad because Caine had every intention of paying. And finally, what no one on this board noticed is that the store clerk DID NOT GIVE CAINE HIS CHANGE BACK. O-dog had to ask him to give his friend his change back. Isn't that technically stealing? While I don't condone what O-dog did at all, I think the Koreans were very wrong, and perhaps the ones who probably started the whole thing for their behavior toward their customers. Business Etiquitte: Treat your customers with respect. I can't believe some people on this board are saying the KOREANS are completely innocent.

Now O-dog completely over reacted. Yes it was an insult to him, but that doesn't in any way give him any right to take a life away. I think O-dog personally should have just been rude back to the store clerk. I don't condone disrespect in anyway in most cases, but I don't think the Koreans should have said what they said or acted the way that they did.



I'm glad koreans don't own the stores no more they R the Tough Irish of the EAST, nasty mofo's the Arabs toke over & a lot nicer too.



no. both of them were a couple of smart asses.

Popeye has eaten his spinach


Wow seriously?

They did not insult O-Dog, cuz he was black. O-Dog was creating trouble, cursing at his wife. And put yourself in their situation. At the time, they prob got robbed all the time by people, not just blacks, but youth who looked like they were trouble. No doubt the Korean couple dont get respected either. And you think
blacks arent racist against Asians? We are all racist, in the right circumstances, but at least the couple weren't murdering scumbags.


Go watch the scene again, O-dog didn't start the situation, granted he took it to another level. As soon as he and Caine entered the store, the Korean woman pesisted in following them around the store assuming they were going to steal something. Watching the scene you can obviously tell they were going to pay. (as they did) On top of that the Korean man was very disrespectful in not GIVING CAINE HIS CHANGE BACK. ODOG HAD TO ASK HIM FOR IT. I personally don't think that is proper sales etiquitte. Both were wrong for what they did. It's boggles the mind how people on this board think the Koreans were completely innocent.



-Chinese Pride-



I personally believe people who go out of their way to talk *beep* about someone deserve whatever happens to them. No matter how messed up, like Old Boy messed up. I think this reminds me not to do much *beep* talking myself. It wasn't even profiling them, it was the crack about his mother. Now the lady didn't do anything but she was a witness so it sucked for her, that her husband couldn't keep his mouth shut, I'm sure she's not the onl woman ever killed for this reason, not the last either.

Mother Juggs and speed, is it mother Juggs and speed?


The irony in this thread is all the justification of a brutal murder due to the supposed racial profiling (what's racial profiling mean anyways? The guys looked and acted like gangbangers so they were profiled as such. Race has nothing to do with it) being unjustified, when the characters they were so cruelly profiling turned out to be murdering scumbags. But blame it on those Koreans for their racial profiling! Christ, how old are you people?



Dummy did you see how rude they were walking all up on them. Thinking they gone steal then he said" I feel sorry for your mother"..Like whattt.. Thats what they get asians tryna be racist and they in America.. Take yo azzzz back to China then.. You is a fool.


LOL at not knowing what racial profling is..smh.


I felt sorry for them, and sorriest for the wife. But the husband should have kept his mouth shut and not started a problem.
That does not justify murder, but its a way to create a problem when running a business.
I didn't feel they were racial profiling. I am white and a female, and I get stared at CONSTANTLY by shopkeepers and even followed a few times. I don't know why, I never steal and I don't think I act "suspiciously", some storekeepers are just paranoid I guess.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Im white and english and I get followed round stores all the time for no good reason here in the UK. Especially by african security guards and Pakistani store owners. But does that mean it would be ok to kill everyone in the store?. Come on the korean didnt deserve it, they get robbed and laughed at everyday by black kids, so were they wrong to be paranoid? And should a comment like I feel sorry for your mother result in death for you and your wife. No. The Koreans were stupid, they should of kept there mouth shut, two bottles of malt liquor getting stolen isnt worth dying over anyway. And maybe they should of even been more hospitable to those kids and had some banter about basketball, boxing etc with them or reccomended some offer on swisher sweets, newports, twinkies or something (or whatever is popular to black ghetto kids.)

Caine wasnt really down for that happening, just crazy O dog, and I would feel sorry for his mother, although she was probably dead, a junkie or a worse physco than o dog himself.


I'd like to see some factual evidence where it's store policy to follow customers around the store, what do people think the cameras are for? If it wasn't racial profling then what was it? Granted Caine and O-Dog aren't angels but they had every intention of paying for the liqour. Also notice Caine paid for the items and the Korean guy initially did not want to give Caine his change back.

Caine: (after he hands the money to man)"Hey dog, get my change"

The Korean man then takes the money and closes the register.

O-dog: "hey why don't you give my homebody his change back?"

Why wouldn't he give him his change back? Come on now, the Koreans were very predjudiced and if you seriously think otherwise then you need a reality check.

I agree this does not condone murder but people saying they felt sorry for the Koreans like they were complete innocent angels is mind-boggling.


How can anyone compare a couple of rude store owners with 2 KILLERS?!
The Koreans didn't deserve people's business with nasty remarks & trying to keep their change.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


I guess feelings are more sacred than human life. God what a pussy
