How old were you?

How old was everyone when this show came out? It came out in 1993, so I was 5 (now 19), and living in Richton Park, Illinois. I loved my old town, school and house. Watching Pete and Pete now reminds me of all that.

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Well, looks like I win the "Old Timer" award for Pete & Pete Fans.

In 1993, when the show cae out, I was 30. I'll be 45 in a few months.
Started watching it when my daughter was 3 (but I think I liked it ore than I even ordered the rare and hard to find Pete & Pete soundtrack cassette tape. It had the theme song (which is great) and came in a cardboard
slipcase to hold the tape. It might have even been free, with just S&H charges..
or a minimum charge of a couple of bucks. Maybe it was offerred on the back of a cereal box or something. But, I've only seen 2 other copies of that cassette since that time (on eBay)...Very cool collector's item for any Pete & Pete fan.

Dr Z




When they aired Pete and Pete in my country (Chile), I was probably around 6 or 7. I'm 18 now, and still love the show :)


I was -1.


Dr. Sues, got you beat. As a divorced dad, had my kids every other weekend. They were very young in the early 90s, and after a busy day and a big dinner, all three of them would get cozy on the pullout couch with a fire in the fire place and we would all watch Snick. Pete and Pete was my favorite. Proudly, my daughter says this was her fondest memory growing up. She is 23 this year and I just turned 47. My 2 other boys are 20 and 19 and I just sent an Artie T-Shirt to my youngest who is with the Marines in California. I have the Polaris CD and want Season one and two for Christmas


My dad absolutely loved the the music so much that he ordered a free cassette tape of the music. It only came 3 songs, Hey Sandy, Coronado II, and Staggering. But when the full CD came out he was all over it.


About six or seven, though I do remember shorts of this before the actual show started.

I'm kind of a big deal. People know me.


I was about 3 or 4 when it came out, and I watched the re-runs until 1999, and thats when it ended. I think Pete and Pete could have gone at least 1 more season because I feel like sometimes some shows should let the characters grow up and see how it affects the show.


I guess I was about 7 when the series first came out, but I probably didn't start actually watching it 'til I was 8 or 9. Anyway, I loved it, and watched all of the new episodes on Snick and then watched the reruns until they stopped airing it completely. That was a sad day for me.

I recently purchased both the first and second seasons on DVD and have "obtained" the third season off of the internet (although I'm missing an episode I believe), but I wish Nickelodeon had released a proper third season DVD set. Although, to be quite honest, I was shocked to find out they'd actually released seasons 1 & 2 in the first place. I guess I am still pretty happy about that.


Let me guess you are missing Road Warrior.


10 in 1993. 25 now.


I was 11. I remember that was the year I got my own TV with cable in my bedroom so the channel was on Nick about 80% of the time.



2 (1991) but i had siblings that were 3 4 and 8 years older then me so i watched what they did.



I was 4 when it came out in 1993 and grew up on it.

Ach du lieber! Das ist nicht eine Booby!



I was 5 and now I'm 21.


I was 10 in 1993, well in December 1993 so 9 I guess. Was 12 or 13 when it was cancelled. Got seasons 1 & 2 DVD and saw season 3 on youtube before they removed it. I hope they do release season 3 on DVD it was my fav season too, figures.


I was 9. Those were the days. :)

If you hate Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


I was 7. I watched "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" a lot too back then. They don't make 'em like that anymore.

" ...Like the mannequin in the window. Trompe-l'œil"



I was 7 when It came out in 93, but I discovered it in reruns, sadly... back then I didn't even know the concept of seasons.


I was 7. This thread and all the other ones about the early/mid 90s Nick shows brings back so many memories!

I watched the show at the time but I remember thinking it was kinda 'weird'. In retrospect, I think I was too young to really understand and appreciate the idea of quirky, surrealist humor. Especially Artie. I was a very practical 7 year old; I remember thinking 'why is that grown man running around in those tight red pants? Doesn't he have a job? Shouldn't he be in a psych home?" Lol


I was only 1 in 1993 when it came out, so obviously I didn't watch it then, but I did start watching it like in the last season, when I would have been 3-4.


I was 4 in 1993 and grew up on Pete and Pete. I think I appreciate the show more now though.


I would of been 6 but I am not sure the year the new at that point Nickelodeon UK starting showing it but I assume straight away with the specials.
