I was eight years old when this became a series, but I can remember the shorts prior to that. I enjoyed the series as a child but I was more drawn to shows like "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" since I love being scared. In spite of that, I swear a part of my young mind nagged at me and told me something was really special about this show and I remember feeling butterflies of excitement when I saw snippets of a new episode. Now, as an adult, it has made me long more for my childhood more than any show, any toy, any song, and any vague concept of what youth was about. This show was pure innocence, joy, and reckless abandonment of one's sel-consciousness. Everyone was different here, and that was okay.
Why isn't life like that now? Just as much beauty, but so much less understanding.
"Who in Jehovah's name poked my soufflé?!"