Is this real or fake?

This may sound like a stupid question but is this movie a real documentary of a murderer, or is it a movie set up to mimick a documentary?

Baby, you're the finest, the finest I've seen. Baby, you're the finest dream.


I'm happy to see all the ethnocentrism and xenophobia on the board.

The country you're from is great in its individual way and it is, as a result hard to claim which is better or worse than any other.

Please do not judge countries based on their individual idiot residents, every country has bigots, big mouths and straight up morons, so everyone chill out and stop trying to browbeat eachother in submission.

I am paranoid, but not an android.






Wow... this thread.. (just wanted to post...)


yep!! proud to be part of it



looks like the circus is missing its clowns

In response to the OP (anyone remember that?) Of course it's real. European art movie directors have been getting away with murder for decades




Haha, I think "Yank baiting" should be an officially recognised sport! I keep coming to this site looking for intelligent discussions but all I get is pan-Atlantic squabbling. I have observed that these pissing contests usually start with a Brit (Or European) "baiting" the Americans and things quickly degenerate from there. Always worth a chuckle!

By the way, referring to a (very much) earlier comment regarding the relative manliness of American footbal and rugby. Rugby wins, no contest. Think American football but without all the girly padding and helmets. Oooh, we wouldn't to hurt our pretty looks now would we! The only time I ever saw the Jackass bunch look genuinely terrified was when they went up against a rugby team in the UK!

Of course if your looking for a sport that requires true balls then you should try Irish hurling or Scottish shinty. Both kind of like hockey as played by the criminally insane. I watched a shinty game once and by the end was struggling to find a player who wasn't dripping with blood!

Anyway... anybody who thinks that Man Bites Dog is real is too gullible for their own good.

Did you know there is a Guiness pipline that runs under the Irish Sea? It's true I tell you!



I don't want to sound like a jerk, but this was a bit of a dumb question. One only needs to take a short moment to consider it and you will come to the conclusion that it is a work of fiction. The first point would be in violation of many laws, the film makers would be held accountable, and would not be allowed to show actual murder on screen as well as never turning this man over to the law. Not to mention that brutal rape/murder scene, just imagine how the victims families would react if this was a series of actual events. As for the pro/con American conversation, I have a few comments to add. When it comes to our entertainment, music, film, television, etc. I believe that we are in the lead (for the most part), this is evident in the influence it has had on the rest of the world and their (pop)artistic output. On the subject of intelligence, I think that the dumbing down of society is most evident in this current generation (the generation following Generation-X, I believe that some refer to them as "Generation Next". If this is true, the moniker sums up how they have little regard for the past and the need to gain personal knowledge).
I think that the United States is the greatest country in the world for many reasons, but I DO feel like too many people under the age of, roughly, 28 just don't feel too concerned when it comes to being viewed as ignorant. I hate that having such views cause me to appear to be an old grumpy bastard. I enjoyed the world much more before the internet became big, when rock-n-roll (not hip hop) was the music of youth, when movie theatres had no more than two screens and ran double features, when movies were shot on Film, and the only regularly reality television programs were actual Documentaries (not mocumentaries, which have had the unfortunate and unforseen consequence of creating confusion, and in many cases flat out misleading people into believing
that they are watching actual events, which is evident in the question posed via this thread). This trend is extremely disheartening when you realise that there are people who watch a documentary such as "Paradise Lost" and think that it is just a movie. I am most bothered by this when filmmakers release a documentary and sell it to their aduience as being an actual documentary, I believe that this is geatly irresponsible and frankly reprehensible on the part of the filmmakers and marketing department.


"Teach Big Black Americans to play it and they'd dominate it any day."
On what basis do you make this comment? Do you have any idea about the game or are you once again making flippant comments from an ill informed position. I'm a New Zealander by the way hence my interest.
As far as the film goes I thought it trode the line very well of being darkly funny whilst always making the viewer question whether they should be laughing and feeling empathy for the character. I think credit to the actor that he created such a believable character that a thread like this could even begin. Although I am seriously concerned that anyone thought that material like this would ever receive distribution if it was for real.


Definitely feel empathy for the main character. Hey, sometimes you gotta pop the door on a random apartment and gang rape one of the tenants and murder the other.
Sorry! But thats the way sh*t works sometimes.


as to all ot the USA or EURO-bashers, don't generalize anything please. You can't call USA dumb or ignorant when it has millions of people, it's not like brilliant people only live in Europe or only in USA. It's only normal people want to defend their own culture (I'm from belgium myself), but talking like they're better than others just makes them look like a fool, because in the end, we're all immigrants. If not our generation, if not the one before, then 20-40-60 generations before. For us Europeans: we all originally (I mean, in "the beginning") spoke Indo-European as 1 language which evolved into the ones that exist now, so there's really no point in saying "Belgians are smarter than the Germans" for example.



I am an American and I'm horribly fed up with most aspects of American society. Some stereotypes of us are certainly deserved, but I do take offense to sweeping generalizations about Americans' intelligence and points of view. I can't stand how the US government has permanently tainted what my national identity means by tromping around the world meddling with other nations, detaining innocent people in Guantanamo, violating almost every aspect of international law, and murdering massive numbers of innocent people in Iraq that are trying to defend themselves while we exploit what little resources they have. America has had a long and bloody history mired in exploitation and corruption, and as a whole I am pretty disgusted with my own country. It also saddens me to read so many comments on here by Americans in response to being made fun of, when the comments themselves only serve to advertise the very things being made fun of. Despite all this, when Americans are completely over-generalized as all being conservative and ignorant, i take offense because I try my best to stay informed on world affairs, I have lived on three continents, and I despise the conservative republican ideals that my country's government represents. I have many friends that feel the same way. Of course we are in the minority, but while many American stereotypes do ring true, ones like "Yanks are idiots" are a bit broad.



Being an American/Yank, I can tell you that it's true... the majority of Americans are dimwitted twits... but the same goes for any other country as well. All you people calling all Americans stupid sound like you'd fit right in over here.


About me:
I'm a Californian. . . a Californian, well, if you want to get personal, the name's Logan, and I'm twenty three.
About the movie:
The filmmakers should feel proud when they read this question. They should feel proud that they are the ones who made the movie and didn't ask the dumb question.

Sorry, I'm also kind of an ass when I write.


ONtopic.......Yes of corse this film is real!! Several of the people seen on screen are now serving multiple life sentences.

//Sarcasm mode off


After reading this long and epic thread i decided to post since some ppl seem to be missing the important point's with the debate about the USA.

Due to the USA being the cause of most of the violence, death and destruction over the last 50 years people tend to dislike not only your government but generally feel the need to inform you of the growing dislike for your citizens.

Some ppl will say "but its not us its our corrupt government" this is not an acceptable answer as in a supposedly democracy YOU decide who runs the show.

So either the average American is a aggresive, ignorant warmonger or you are not practising democracy. Personally i think the reasons are a mix of the two.

For those USA citizens that dont already realise the terrible reputation you have throughout the world in general maybe its time you stopped supporting your murderous government and woke up.
Soon you will not want to leave your continent for fear of general hatred or even attack.

Its a shame that people will sterotype in this fashion but unfortunatly the USA has become the hate symbol for many nations/people and you'll have to work very hard to get away from this loathing sentiment.

A perfect example of this is the other day I walked down my town center and saw two americans followed by a group of young kids Booing them and shouting "Unclean, Unclean" ...Its a shame but i noticed generally other people in town laughing and some adults even joined in!!

Just to clear somethings up in readyness for the flames i expect to recieve in reply...

Iam from England and nearly everyone i talk to hates USA culture. Mostly all cultural imports from the USA have been terrible ..Ie Food, music, politics fashion etc etc.
UK & USA special friendship has been the worst decision the UK has made in a long time. (Tony Blair has been forced out due to the huge Iraq/Afgan/Terror error)

I could rant on and on but i think my point is kinda made.


I'm from America and 90% of my friends and associates absolutely LOATH the President and everything he stands for. Democracy is a great concept. Unfortunately, that's all it is... a concept. Looks good on paper, but it sure doesn't work the way it's supposed to.

Just be aware when you generalize all Americans, that there a GREAT many of us who feel exactly the same- if not worse- as you do about our corrupt government and the imbeciles who run this country. It's not like I voted for the absolute WORST president in the history of this country... In fact, I doubt that the majority of Americans actually did vote for Bush... the lying, cheating, murderous scumbag.

BUT... to say music from the US is terrible... Either you have awful taste in music or you haven't been listening to the right bands. And if you honestly think British food is better than American food, I feel sorry for you.



Exactly man, in a supposed democracy. At this point in the United States illustrious history of raping peoples' lands, extorting them, and silencing them, we are obviously not a true democracy. This nation is an obvious farce in almost every way, from our "culture" to our aberrant disregard for democratic values while we tout how democratic we are. In all honesty man, it would take something catastrophic to uproot the seeds of corruption, nepotism and overall disregard for humanity this filthy country has manifested itself into. Standing up and saying "this is *beep* will not work here...the gov't has far too much power and too many fellow citizens do not give a *beep* As an American citizen that grew up overseas in East Africa for 15 years, I am disgusted by our country's current role as a "world power", but I trust it will not be too much longer until the disgrace is brought down and exposed for what it is: a pathetic facade pretending to adhere to democratic principles. Until then, I'll just wear a Canadian flag every time I travel abroad.



i know, totally agree.
guys, where are you? don't let this thread die!


Due to the USA being the cause of most of the violence, death and destruction over the last 50 years people tend to dislike not only your government but generally feel the need to inform you of the growing dislike for your citizens.


Plz help me and tell me in the last 50 years, when the last genocide happened INSIDE the USA? When did a Warlord gatther his people around for a massive rape and killing spree in the USA? Burying woman and children in shallow garves?

I try not to get political in general... but saying the USA is the cause of most violent.... friend, get some information, now! It's not because they don't talk about other contry on CNN that there is nothing else going on in the world.

As of july 11th, aprox 9000 citizen from the Darfur were killed in an ethnic cleansing and genocide.

Im french... I don't care about my english spelling, deel with it!


You cheese-eating fashion queer! (just blending in)

keep this thread alive!

vote quimby !


"And if you honestly think British food is better than American food, I feel sorry for you."

I think the problem is that most British people have fairly limited exposure to American cuisine. My own experience is has mostly been Jerky (as far as I can work out, it is some kind of meat left out on a sunny day, dried to the consistency of leather and driven over by severel vehicles), Twinkies (A unique blend of E numbers and unpronouncable chemicals with a half life of several millenia), and McDonalds (... I'm not even going to pass comment). However here in Newcastle we have an American style place called the Stateside Diner, that serves some delicious food.

Likewise, British food has an undeserved bad reputation. Our traditional dishes are consist of good basic grub, and are no less tasty for it. Some of the less appetising foods such as jellied eels, black pudding etc. are just as reviled by British people as anyone else. Also, thanks to a culturally diverse population, our food has evolved a lot, incorporating many dishes from other countries. You know what the most popular British dish is?... Curry! In fact many curries assumed to be Indian in origin were actually invented in England.

So there.

Oh, and to Isleofpie, If you are proud to be British then please spell centre correctly. Thankyou ;)


when will people started judging on a person to person basis. i am born scottish, raised in the usa, and moved to mexico when i finished college. how would you judge me? i also do not agree with the current presidency and left the country partially because of it, but i am also very grateful for the opportunities and education i recieved from there. i often wonder how i would be had i been raised in a country without such opportunities.

i felt the need to post because since i have an american "way" about me, people often judge me and treat me with disrespect because of it and it's simply not fair. i am a very open-minded person who enjoys meeting all kinds of people and since i live in a tourist town can attest that there are jerks/idiots the world over - many of whom come to visit my town! jk :)

all in all, get to know someone before casting judgement, you might be pleasantly surprised. also there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers as a teacher of mine used to say.

Stop this rhyming, now i mean it!
Anybody got a peanut?

~The Princess Bride


I happen to meet the filmmakers while I was in Belgium and they said they killed exactly 57 people to make this film. Apparantly killing someone while you are shooting a movie is legal in Belgium.


wow! i didn't know that. the (western) european legal system is reputedly liberal and lenient but i had no idea that the laws were that generous!




Yeah, maybe he integrated a bit too well in American society…

The divinity laughed.




















And you gave your real name?? Who's the retard now?

The very last Czarnian


"First you wanna step to me
Now your ass screamin for the deputy
They send you to Charlie-Baker-Denver row
Now they runnin up in ya slow
You're gone, used to be the Don Juan
Now your name is just Twan
Bitch, you better run a check

So chickity-check yo self before you wreck yo self
Come on and check yo self before you wrickity-wreck yo self
So chickity-check yo self before you wreck yo self
Cause big diqqs up yo ass is bad for yo health"

I just love Ice Cube, dont you?
The very last Czarnian




how fantastic, this thread stills exists. and even funnier, there is still fighting! please keep going, you tough guys are hilarious.


Can anyone remember Man Bites Dog? It was this fantastic Belgian mock documentary about a serial killer. Someone once innocently (perhaps foolishly) asked whether it was real or not. After 2 and a half years and 28 pages of what can only be described as racism, i think i can answer the original question....

No, it's not real.

Oh and by the way there's stupid arrogant people everywhere. Also, Americans make great movies, they also make sh!t movies. Europeans make great movies, they also make sh!t movies. Same with music. And books. Same across the globe. Get over it and move on.


amen to that.



the good old days...


"the leader of the free world"


and btw jacobass545, the fact that you're a veteran doesn't mean sh!t

"I collect blondes and bottles" - The Big Sleep



Stampy man, you're a funny guy

I'm a veteran too btw, I fought in the Belgian civil war during the winter of 2002. I killed two American soldiers i've mistaken for deers in the woods.
my bad... but then again, what the hell were they doing there, there's no oil in Belgium...

Laura - "do you trust me now"
Brendan- "Less then when I didn't trust you before" (Brick, 2005)



I did not read this whole thread. But mockumentary comes to mind.
Unlike SPINAL TAP, which was very real....


dont feel too bad, I was at the premier and had not heard much about it other than it had been banned in some countries and for the first few minutes I was wondering the same thing


this thread is still alive, that makes me genuinely happy. who would have thought that some kind of rather obscure belgian (right?) masterpiece would have such an impact? keep on going!



fair enough...but still, you gotta admit...



that's so funny, i do the exact same thing. cheers, mate.






krishnaraj, why do you have to spoil our fun? what's wrong with two guys talking about the fun they had on a thread?

