Loebas, have you ever considered that e.g. USA never provided a leader of the UN because leaders of the UN or always chosen from 'neutral' and/or 'small' countries? When a leader of the UN would come from major global political player this would paralize UN because it's intetgrity would be questioned by other members. Russia would never except an American leader, USA not one from China, etc, etc.
Btw, I´m laughing my ass off reading this conversation, it doesn´t make any sense! I mean, generalizing Americans that they're stupid and ignorant about the rest of the world, while generalizing itself is actually a clear symptom of being stupid amd ignorant.
Sure, all countries have their stereotype, Brittish are cockey, Dutch greedy, Belgian dumb and Americans arrogant. Somehow though, as soon as you start knowing people, they rarely turn out to be that stereotype. Being dumb and ignorant is 90% a matter of personalty and 10% of IQ and education. Personality and IQ donb´t really depend on where you are born. Education a little, but if you have internet (is everyone on this board), not really as you can educate yourself with sources from all over the world! Isn´t that wonderfull...
Just saying, let´s all try to keep an open mind towards each other. Okay? I love stereotypes, but for joking, let´s not take them serious.
For the record, I´m Dutch.