Is this real or fake?

This may sound like a stupid question but is this movie a real documentary of a murderer, or is it a movie set up to mimick a documentary?

Baby, you're the finest, the finest I've seen. Baby, you're the finest dream.


Damn. I Thought I was reading a co-belgian wo could lay some nuance in his posts but here you go. Talk about generalizing in those last 2 sentences. When talking about chronically socialist you could name Hainaut and Liège, but Walloon Brabant has been liberal for decades, and Luxembourg and the German districts are hardcore Christian-democrat. And for the north being liberal and, the south conservative: Flanders has a right-wing extremist conservative party getting 30% of the vote. And the voting rights for foreigners, Euthanasia and Gay marriage had far more support in Brussels and Wallonia than in Flanders. The north being more prosperous is a just statement though. Wallonie is stuck in a welfare-economy with corruption and socialist clientelism à volonté. And get this: I'm a Fleming, I don't join on the Wallonia-bashing, and I'm a Social-democrat!
Just to clear out those last generalisations.


Stupid, obese yanks!!


What the hell's your problem? I'm American, I'm not overweight, and I'm not stupid, though a lot of you obviously are.

If you bunch together every American as being ignorant for bunching together non-Americans, than you're both hypocritical and a bit racist.





But the only reason to fight for your country is because of the sh!t its in! This vicious cycle is nothing to be proud of.

We've met before, haven't we?


--Hell Yeah Koalanoichigo,USA!USA!USA! --

Man, lay off with the stupid comments. All the Americans who have put up a good argument have been gunned down by your stereotypical 'dumb American' quote directly after.

I don't think all Americans are stupid, but YOU definitely are.











you should also check out well crafted thriller with a twist ending that's sure to take you by surprise. it may be difficult to find though because an actor really drowned during one take and they used the footage in some of the bootleg versions floating around on the internet. the family is currently sueing the production.


RESCUE 9-1-1!!


well everyone that i've watched it with lately i've let them believe it was real and chuckled heartily.


Nobody believes it's real. Or you must be a retard. Are you an american?

"You got something on your forehead"
(Christopher Walken in "Blast from the past")



It's common knowledge that the best bands are from Europe, and movies too.
We don't like your jurkoff-Hollywood, we don't like your jerkoffmusic, we don't like you, jerkoff.
Most popular bands in Europe right now: Franz Ferdinand, Artic Monkeys (both UK). Most seen movies by director: Pedro Almodovars (Spain). What are you blathering about?



And who is voting for them? Americans.
The line "Made by Americans" is a good reason for us european 'morons' (that's a Bush-sample if you ask me) to avoid it as much as possible.
I quote The Big Lebowksi, because it's my favourite movie. Almost every critic described it as "European", because of its original scenario and charakters (which is commom here, and unknown overthere). Besides, the movie has plenty links with your mothercontinent (=Europe): the LP "Autobahn", the nihilists (nazi-like), the jewish immigrants, and the language: english.



I cannot believe my eyes. I clearly scribed: "described AS European". That indicates that I do know that TBL isn't european. As if I don't know that the Coens are american. If you want to discuss with me, at least get a little older, because if I had to guess, I'm talking to an eightyearold. Everbody here can name the presidents from the USA and other countries, because Holland is small. You cannot name any president in Europe except Blair, Chirac, Merkel, Berlusconi.
Your sentence "Georege W, George W, you're an idiot and Im through talking to you" (spelled wrong by the way) isn't very patriottic and offensive to the president. People in Europe have a much more developed sense for history, because our culture exists 14000 years or so. Amercian culture exists 514 years. Your whole country is like an eightyearold, so I cannot blame you your message.



Yeah, right. Now you know you're wrong, you try to escape through the classic "it was only irony"-backdoor. You do not fool me, my friend. Americans and Arabs have no sense of irony at all. You are fighting all the time, because you both take everything literally. When I put in my first message: "Or you must be a retard. Are you an american?" YOU, sir, didn't get the irony. And one other, VERY important thing: your messages are breathing out that you are not familiar with selmocking, that's for sure.
Any further harm visited upon this thread, shall be visited tenfold upon your message. ("Your quoting TBL again!" Yes, jacobignorant 545, I know that).



I'm just explaining why you and you 'enemy' are brainless followers of violence, while we are living in our quiet european beach community.



'English' is not a country, it's a language. Obviously, you're not a golfer.
Maybe you had the same geographyteacher as George W.: he didn't know where Spain was situated, the first country he had to visit when he became president by accident. There is no need to "help your world community become a better place" if you don't f uc k it up in the first place by starting Shellfactories in countries which didn't ask for it. You started the fire, now deal with it, man. Sir.



Don't you remember whom you have answered?
You are using the same sentences from a few posts ago.
I'm not from England, I'm from Holland.
And we have discussed quoting TBL (which I won too, by showing that all critics called the movie "european").
You said "English, the only country". When it's is a term "for people in England", you are still wrong: it still isn't a country. Go back to geographylessons and spelling, and don't choose Bush's teacher. I guess my English is better than your Dutch, that's why I can correct you all the time here. As another poster said: 80% from the americans cannot speak a second or third language.
A third-world country isn't gonna "bomb" our "ass for Allah". We didn't raise companies in their land without asking and without analyzing its culture. That was you, remember? Besides, (here comes a joke, so don't say that I understood your sentence wrong again, it's getting boring): I don't have an "ass for Allah": that will be you, because you are being f uc ked in it during years now.



What are you blathering about, insane warmongering twat? ("Boohoo, I was in the army, and you are sitting there doing noting, boohoo". Well, don't f u ck the worldpeace up, then).
The question isn't if TBL is an american movie! Try to focus for once.
The question is, why I like this movie so much. The reason is not its american descent, but the european quality, which is praised so much in papers (= medium in which you can read the news) and books (= a pile of faxes). You DID say English is a country, but you are forgiven for that: you're living in a country who's president didn't leave Texas before he was 45.
There is no link between HOSTEL and Holland: it's not Amsterdam you are seeing and the people are talking German in the movie. Another proof for your unletteredness. You said, in an older post, that you are not a redneck, but you are showing the opposite again and again. You cannot help it, you are pitiable, but not 100%. Being born in the USA doesn't mean you don't have to develop yourself. You DO have a responsibility too, to make a change in the retardness.



The fact that you smoke pot explains a lot to me.
Your shouting underlines your stupidity: "Hostel" WAS filmed in Holland.
You are overscreaming yourself to hide your unsteadiness. Goooood boy, no need for stress here. This is just a moviethread. I know much about you president, because you have to know your enemy.

Why do you think I hate you? I've never said that.
Why do you think that I have a lot of interest in America? I've never said it.

Is Holland insignificant to the world community? I blow that thesis away, sir.
USA never provided the leader of the United Nations, we did TWICE.
USA's ranking on the development aid-list is low, we are NUMBER ONE!
(But then again, USA itself is a third world country: no social security like it should be, 2 out of three dollars is going to military operations, mysterious elections. It could be West-Africa when you think about it). Do not confuse "we don't care" with "we are wittingly held stupid, so that we stay harmless for the USA-leaders". Why are you discussing when you don't know the facts?



Netherlands Leads World in "Quality" Aid
Jim Lobe

WASHINGTON, Aug 13 (IPS) - For the second time in three years, the Netherlands topped the world's wealthiest 21 donor nations for its policies to promote development in poorer countries, according to the 2006 edition of the "Commitment to Development Index" released here Sunday.

I rest my case.



Hahahaha, beautiful.
You are proving your ignorance again and again.
You gotta love this guy.


too many t's and 14000 years??? surely youv'e found the answer to crack?
please e-mail me the ingredients


I do not understand that. Stop smoking pot, like Jacob decided to do (I hope he saw it is the only way).



I think people wrote that TBL was European because they knew that you would use that fact in this very threead. Oh, and Americans definitely understand irony. i can't understand where that came from.


From interpreting jacobstamper.


I've never seen it desribed as an "European" film. And for you to claim "Europe" had some responsibility for its creation because Coen made characters who were from Europe is ridiculus. I quess America should take credit for a few Godard films with that logic.

Yet again you generalize american cimema as bad, but ignore the countless classic and influenetial films made here. I'm not saying americans make better movies, either.

Someone else was bragging that the most popular bands in Europe were the Artic Monkeys and Franz Ferdinand. This is nothing to brag about. Both bands are bland derivatives. For some original, and challenging american music check out deerhoof, xiu xiu, tv on the radio, liars, fugazi, and prefuse 73



Loebas, have you ever considered that e.g. USA never provided a leader of the UN because leaders of the UN or always chosen from 'neutral' and/or 'small' countries? When a leader of the UN would come from major global political player this would paralize UN because it's intetgrity would be questioned by other members. Russia would never except an American leader, USA not one from China, etc, etc.

Btw, I´m laughing my ass off reading this conversation, it doesn´t make any sense! I mean, generalizing Americans that they're stupid and ignorant about the rest of the world, while generalizing itself is actually a clear symptom of being stupid amd ignorant.

Sure, all countries have their stereotype, Brittish are cockey, Dutch greedy, Belgian dumb and Americans arrogant. Somehow though, as soon as you start knowing people, they rarely turn out to be that stereotype. Being dumb and ignorant is 90% a matter of personalty and 10% of IQ and education. Personality and IQ donb´t really depend on where you are born. Education a little, but if you have internet (is everyone on this board), not really as you can educate yourself with sources from all over the world! Isn´t that wonderfull...

Just saying, let´s all try to keep an open mind towards each other. Okay? I love stereotypes, but for joking, let´s not take them serious.

For the record, I´m Dutch.


Quote: "generalizing Americans that they're stupid and ignorant about the rest of the world, while generalizing itself is actually a clear symptom of being stupid amd ignorant". Unquote. That was exactly my intention, to provide a mirror, because thoughtful messages like yours didn't seem to reach some kind of posters.
Pitty that you couldn't pick that up, being dutch and all.


In case you two haven't noticed... You're both idiots. You both think that you are obviously smarter than the other but fail to see the dumbness in your own posts. Try reading over what you've written and then you might see what i'm writing about.


If you read correctly, you will see that we give feeback to former posts the whole time. Next time, if you want to be a smartass, be more accurate please. Answering to irrelevant messages takes a lot of time for me, so I need to make selections.


t garn is right, franz fking ferdinand en the artic morons suck...
xiu xiu and prefuse make indeed great music, everything from the warp records is mindblowing

"I collect blondes and bottles" - The Big Sleep


franz ferdinand and the arctic monkeys SUCK HUGE UN-CIRCUMSiZED COCK!!!
and yeah rabid grannies was F#$KING AWFUL!!!


True, I hate them too. It's the average taste, better than the average American band. But at least they suck European cock and no american teenagemothers-are-everywhere-cock.


haha hollanders zijn toch grapjassen

"I collect blondes and bottles" - The Big Sleep


are the QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE from euorpe?? and you do , you love us ,check it, bitzzch. CUZ you LUV justin timberlake BBC.CO.UK SO SUCK IT!!!!


No, thank God they're from the USA.
Justin Timberlake is the white Michael Jackson. You're wet dream I guess.



Somebody has had a little too much beer: don't irritate us with your Korsakov-demention. I wrote weeks ago that my favorite music is european, and that The Big Lebowski is the only exeption in movies I like. It's time for you to react on meaning, I'm afraid.



Talking TO me? Talking LIKE me, you mean. Dear God, he cannot even remember what he wrote. When you discuss something, you must focus on meaning, not on form. Besides, you have to prepare the information and you have to REMEMBER which subjects have already been discussed.



You DID write: "Hey my names Loebas and I talk sh*t about americans all day and then worship their pop-culture,Im also a big Douchebag!!!!" That is not a Lebowski-link, you cannot talk yourself out of this like you usually cannot.



Was I talking about that?
No, I wasn't.
Get your act together and try again.



No, that isn't constructing anything neither. Go search for some therapy and get back to me when your done. Get well soon!


I really have to laugh at your comment that Arabs and Americans are fighting because we don't understand irony. hahaha....That is probably the funniest thing I have ever read on the internet. You will try to re-explain your thought, but don't bother. I don't want to spoil the moment.


You are a European purist. Nothing wrong with that, but please, don't take American things and somehow turn them into European things cause you read what a smug critic had to say. There is and has been from time immemorial a cross pollination of ideas throughout the world. Music, movies, food, writing! To take credit and beat your chest because someone from your nation came up with something out of a percieved vacuum is profoundly ignorant!!! The first line of defense on the internet is to insult someone's typos so, disclaimer; I probably miss spelled something!


Thank you, jacobstamper. Nice try. Now you have seen that you can never win this because of your refuse to put your ignorance away for a minute, you created a mild role for yourself and responded to me in that charakter. That way, it looks like that somebody else shares your thought. The mistake you made is caused by a too great enthusiasm: you responded three times, and that's just one time too often. It gave you away. I have pity on you. Your mind is sick and disturbed. May God have mercy on your soul.


I know all that, thank you. But I reacted in an extreme way to reach jacobstampers world, who has a "proud USA"-thing going.



Eeeeh... you just did?



What happened? Im confused.


I think you have the impression that I am this Jacob person. haha, No, I am not. I can't prove it I suppose. Unless we both posted at the same time which is almost impossible.


Maybe this will prove it that Im not Jacob cause maybe he/she wouldn't say this. I feel many (not all) Americans are ignorant when it come to knowing and expressing interest in the rest of the world. If you have ever been to epcot center in Disneyworld with all the remakes of different cultures like France and China etc,..Expressed simplisticly through vague stereotypes. That's the extent of the mind frame of the interest involved. So yes, when it comes to expressing interest in France or Belgium you might get reactions from people like you are foolish or some fruity artsy type. Not from all people, but your standard American college kid or blue haired old ladies or some random *beep* you pick out of a crowd at Walmart? Yeah, they might think you are crazy.


I told you to find some therapy first, when you want to be taken seriously (from behind) by someone.


from behind?




there's a black michael jackson?


Great! When exactly?


this thread is hilarious, and this fallacious appeal to popularity, wrapped in naive cynicism and claiming eurocentrism, takes the cake.

in fact, any argument pointing towards the majority of the inhabitants of any landmass (whose boundaries are strictly political [therefore, inherently FARCICAL]) as representative of that said (non sentient) landmass, succumbs to this here fallacy. this thread is so amusing because every argument for or against those damn yankees is hopelessly flawed.

keep going, though, its terrific!

rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in.


Your first three words were right, and your going the whole wrong way at:
"whose boundaries are strictly political". The point of this thread is, that they are CULTURAL determined. But have another try, if you wish.



We? So now you are a schizo as well.



Wow, quite an improvement. What's up?





Holy Christ! "ComeIntoMyWorld" ?? No, I think I'll stay right here. But ah...thanks.


Too be honest everyone outside of my brain is as thick as pig *beep* so there.


it doesn't sound like a stupid question, but i want to know,how f34cking stupid are you?


Forgive me for not wading through the entire thread as it seemed pretty obvious about 15 posts in that it was apt to be more than a little redundant.

I personally consider it a great accomplishment for a cinematic fiction to be mistaken for fact.

Films like Man Bites Dog, The Blair Witch Project, This is Spinal Tap, and Punishment Park provide such a long-lasting impact precisely because they are so dead-on convincing in their cinematic portraits that they prove capable of blurring the line between what is real and what isn't in the minds of some viewers.

And for the record:
So long as it is honestly asked, there can be no such thing as a stupid question. The problem with most people - especially those all too eager and willing to criticize others - is that they are afraid to ask so-called 'stupid' questions for fear of appearing foolish in the eyes of others who think themselves wise (yet in truth tend to know as little as themselves).

Pride is a bitch to unhitch.


I want you to leave a tribute to the director who passed away yesterday.


just like everthing on these threads is honestly asked? by meaningful human beings? did this IDIOT really think this was a documentery? Snuff suddenly got the go-ahead and was distributed on a worldwide scale? it's a god damned MOVIE and if you can't draw the distinction then...what the FU&K is wrong with you.?

it's only the door


just leave your tribute and stop the wisecracks



is it real or fake?

i'd have to say, i wish it were real....and there was a man like Ben in every city across America. Too many idiots, gotta thin them out.




ohooho hééhééhéé, I know, suicides aren't funny,
but your line was fun
you made my day

greetings from Liège




the post was dumb so the line was funny, that's all...I like the Rémy's work, but he's dead, that's life, so what...

but wishing the death to another person like this... it's totally bad taste and rubish




my brother is homosexual and was nearly beaten to death because of it. according to your opinion, he deserved this, i take it? or is there - as i strongly hope - no profound hatred in you against people who do not share your sexual inclinations and you are simply behaving like a thoughtless immature bastard?




your sensitivity and social competence certainly lack comparison. after your original remark - immature but "harmless", i was only asking - you actually see the need to insult me, notwithstanding that in my position, you might feel slightly offended when that term is used as if it were a swearword. this might indeed account for me suggesting that you could be termed thoughtless and immature in the first place. i don't see anything wrong with making sure that you read my opinion about your attitudes, especially so, when it is generally you who participates in discussions in a decidedly intolerant, loud, insulting and imposing way. furthermore: by using a term as an insult, you automatically take away its character of neutrality. thus, for somebody who allegedly fought in one/some/numerous wars and travelled around the world, you come over as surprisingly uneducated and naive - or hypocritical.



there's some really touching xenophobia on this thread.......

it's good to see that deep down we're all the same and that at the end of the day everybody hates everybody else, and the only thing that seperates us are the reasons we hate each other.....

oh i'm english by the way (or should i say from the 'english isles')


i hate you all



err...i beg your pardon?


pardon granted







yes indeed


Re: Is this real or fake?
by - matt-1804 on Mon Nov 6 2006 09:50:43

there's some really touching xenophobia on this thread.......

it's good to see that deep down we're all the same and that at the end of the day everybody hates everybody else, and the only thing that seperates us are the reasons we hate each other.....

oh i'm english by the way (or should i say from the 'english isles')


i hate you all


Never test the depth of the water with both feet


Jacob never reads opinions, because he cannot change his own. So why bother?



Mmmm... sounds like you've found some therapy at last.
Talking about movies is what people want to do here, and I wasn't sure that you had that same goal. Keep on truckin', then.






