"Why was this written into the movie?"
Because girls do talk like that.
"Sure it's a school girl saying it to the character of Rocky Jnr., but that doesn't negate the fact that this line came from Stallone's mind"
Yes, because a writer has to be everyone. They have to be male, they have to be female. They have to be old. They have to be young. The writer is God of that universe. That's how writing works. A writer who writes like you're trying to say Stallone should be like isn't a good writer at all. Every character should think, act, and talk differently than the ones around them, especially if they are of different ages.
This complaint reeks of a lack of understanding of basic authorship.
"Sage Stallone was 13 when this was filmed."
Stallone didn't write this ABOUT his son.
Sage Stallone wasn't supposed to be Rocky Jr. at that point in the movie. Rocky Krakoff was to reprise the role in the early parts of the movie. But then, when the movie time jumps to 1990 near the end, that's when Sage was to have come in to play an older Rocky Jr. But when Krakoff proved unavailable, they just decided to have Sage do the whole movie, but they do make him look more fresh-faced and youthful at the beginning.