Perhaps this is the weakest entry in the Rocky anthology, ok it is! But it has the best intro credits of them all with enhanced sound and editing of the Drago sequence. The Mickey scene is very touching and kinda explains how Rocky named his turtles. Even tho this scene took place after he already had the turtles. Coincidence?Lastly when Paulie gets knocked down, rocky’s reaction is priceless with his statement. The rest of the movie doesn’t stand with the rest.
The dialogue may have been unintentionally funny for you, but for me it was ear torture. The only kind of funny part was where it was obvious that Paulie programmed his sexbot to pleasure him but even then that wasn't meant to be funny.
Not being contrary for the sake of it, if so I wouldn't be on here praising films like Rosemary's Baby, The Godfather, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Saturday Night Fever, Taxi Driver, etc.
No problem! You may be confused with moviefanatic505, he follows me around to every board I post on and automatically says the complete opposite of whatever I'm saying because he has this strange obsession with me.
Rocky IV is a terrible film. Rocky V wasn't much better, but it was at least more of a coherent film, and had some powerful moments. Rocky IV is like a bad parody of a Rocky film.
IV silly entertainment with amazing editing. Stallone took it so far it became an entertaining cartoon. Not a great movie though.
V was supposed to be bring Rocky back to his roots for a farewell parade, and it failed in every aspect.
In my mind I proclaim Rocky 4 the Oscar for best editing without a doubt no matter if I thought the film was good or bad.
Watch Rocky 4 and tell me if there was any better editing before that period or for years after until editing became digital. Its a master class in editing. Even though I did dislike the final fight becoming a montage. Stallone was still in the editing room playing jazz, although it was to the detriment of the final fight.
>IV is pure garbage, no story, no plot, no characters, all style and no substance. It’s almost like it’s missing the 2nd act.
compared to Rock V which is as dull as dishwater. Rocky IV did have story, plot, characters, substance in comparison. They were both equally bad in those areas but the Rocky IV stops the cold war cartoon plot, and training in the Siberian Wastelands with the characters we love is far more entertaining than anything Rocky V had to offer.
IV had Apollo Creed which gives it x2 entertainment points.
If you can stomach either, IV is way more entertaining.
Rocky V had zero style, IV had the style, and the characters
Completely wrong. Rocky V was an actual film just the execution was flawed (mostly due to Stallone’s performance). Rocky IV is a music video. It tries to have a big epic payoff at the end but the thing is when there’s no buildup the payoff is meaningless, and that speech at the end was the stupidest thing I have ever heard. The Disney Star Wars films have similar issues . There is not a single redeeming quality about Rocky IV, although Rocky V does have some good things going for it, Talia Shire was on her A game even you can admit that.
They are both pretty bad, but the public still thinks Rocky IV is entertaining bad and V is just pure bad with very few redeeming features.
> but the thing is when there’s no buildup the payoff is meaningless
Look, here is where your argument fails. We can both say either is bad, because they are both poor films.
But to say Rocky IV has no build up compared to the Rocky V damps squib is ridiculous. Rocky V plot is Rocky trains a kid, he turns against him cuz Don Kinglite interferes, Rocky then fights kid, wins, sorta, then the movie ends to not much fanfare.
Rocky IV a millionaire with nothing to prove gets lazy with his happy family life and robots. His friend Apollo Creed, over the hill former heavyweight champ still has testosterone in his balls challenges a newcomer from Russia and is murdered in the ring. Then a retired Rocky comes back against all odds to avenge Creeds death. Rocky has to leave his million dollar life to train in worse conditions than he did in the first Rocky.
The build up, then the pay off of defeating a steroid monster who killed his friend, putting his life on the line as Rocky was another sure fire loss and another death in the ring candidate.
As opposed to Tommy Morrison barely existing on screen with zero presence, zero charisma to be defeated in a poorly edited, dimly lit street fight.
Rocky IV is lightyears ahead of build up and payoff.
Rocky IV has zero buildup, the fight just kind of happens. He goes through no character arc, doesn’t grow as a character and he’s not even playing Rocky, he’s just playing Sylvester Stallone, and I would love to know where you are getting this idea that the public likes Rocky IV better, Rocky IV won far more Razzies than V did. IV thought it could get by by just taking everything people loved about the first 3 and just making that the movie but as I said if you don’t care about any of the characters and if there isn’t any buildup it’s completely meaningless. Rocky IV was stupid, shallow and pretty boring while I’m at it. The acting is wrong, the dialogue is wrong, even the soundtrack is wrong. V at least had actual characters for better or worse. The only real flaw with V was Stallone’s performance and a few minor plot holes. IV literally did nothing right.
Look kid, if you like shit movies like Rocky IV that’s your right, but don’t lie and say that there was buildup because there wasn’t. Apollo’s death was so poorly handled it’s impossible to get emotionally invested, and between his death and the fight literally nothing happens except Paulie may have had a metal handjob from his Nexus 6 pleasure model, and while I’m at it: what is a robot doing in a Rocky movie? I mean I though that the universe of the academy award winning Rocky (1976) was very grounded and gritty and very similar to our own but instead it’s a sci fi film where you can just go out and buy artificial intelligence.
Also tommy Morrison was fine, he’s at least better than Brigitte Nielsen
You're right. Since Rocky 3 he is playing a different character, you can see he's had surgery between films, and is much more vien about his appearance. The once bouncy Rocky of the first 2 films has become a dour, mopey, introspective, jaded character, and Stallone feels the need to look like a male model in every shot. I do prefer the Rocky 1 character to the refined, cultured, and controlled part 3 and onwards character.
> I would love to know where you are getting this idea that the public likes Rocky IV better
Erm....maybe poke your head out your bedroom door. Nobody talks about Rocky V other than how bad it is. Rocky IV is spoken of as entertainingly bad, even a guilty pleasure.
That's the trick here. IV is entertaining. V is not.
>Rocky IV won far more Razzies than V did
Oh great, thanks for the information. Like anybody cares about Razzies.
>Rocky IV has zero buildup, the fight just kind of happens.
Erm...ok...Rocky just stumbles into a fight with Drago for no reason.
>He goes through no character arc
He doesn't go from millionaire with zero impetus to do anything to a driven maniac willing to risk his life to avenge the murder of his friend?
>IV thought it could get by by just taking everything people loved about the first 3 and just making that the movie
Yeh basically, thats all that was needed and what the fans wanted. Splash a bit of drama on top with amazing editing and a bit of pizaz.
Rocky V had......Tommy Morrison (WHO?) and......nothing else. Strip away everything that made previous films successful, hold the final fight in a street, hope to get by on the "rocky" name and not much else.
1. Yes in 3 and 4 Stallone was just playing Stallone, then in 5 he tried to become Rocky once again but it was like he forgot how and went way too over the top, again that is my big issue with 5
2. What are you basing this on? I know plenty of people who appreciate 5 but hate 4
3. You know that if 5 had swept the Razzies you would all of a sudden care about them, Rocky 4 is a bad movie, 5 isn’t great or anything but it’s at least competent and told a story at least
4. And as I said he goes through no emotional changes or a character arc building up to the fight. In the next scene after the funeral he’s now agreed to fight him and after 3 music videos (training montages don’t count as character development) he’s now fighting him in what is supposed to be the big epic payoff, it took all of about 10 minutes, as compared to the first two and even the third where the big epic fight at the end was earned and actually meant something
5. As I said, they did very little to make us care about Apollo’s death, they barely talk about it and it barely affects Rockys character, they wasted all of the screen time on music videos and bad music videos while I’m at it.
6. Totally wrong, as I said before the fights at the end of the first 3 meant something because they built them up and showed how preparing for the fight changed Rocky emotionally, he had obstacles he had to overcome both physically and psychologically, the second film absolutely nailed this, the ten straight minutes of depression were essential because when Adrian comes out of her coma and it then goes into the montage it meant something, the montage was epic because the film earned it and the shear contrast with what came before made it even better
7. Non sequitur , and plenty of great films have no name actors. And Timmy Gunn was still a better character than Drago because well he had a character, he had understandable motivations and we knew who he was, just his actions are what makes him an
>As I said, they did very little to make us care about Apollo’s death,
They did very little for us to care, apart from the fact they killed off Apollo Creed, who is one of the greatest film characters ever after he made an amazing entrance.
Ha ha Im howling laughing at your rants. Why do you care about Razzies so much?
> What are you basing this on? I know plenty of people who appreciate 5 but hate 4
Erm......pubic opinion.
If you want to use awards and reviews as a metric Rocky IV has higher rated audience votes than Rocky V on Metacritic (7.3 v 5.7), Rotten Tomatoes (76% v 31%) and IMDB (6.9 v 5.3). Not to mention that Rocky V made a only a 3rd the amount that Rocky IV did.
I put more stock in the Razzies, also the fan score for IV is still nothing to brag about. Sorry, kid but it’s a bad movie by all objective standards and I can back this up with evidence from the movie
Over hundreds of thousands of fan votes? And triple the box office?
So when trying to gauge the public opinion of a movie you immediately reference what a handful of people from California thought would be the best way to bring attention to their yearly show.
To be perfectly honest my perception of the movie guides my opinion the most and I have clearly explained why it’s bad while you have not even come close to explaining why it’s good, the fact that the Razzies agree with me is just a little added bonus.
Strawman , i never said my opinion was public opinion but because I have the ability to think for myself unlike you apparently my opinion means more to me than public opinion
This was my least favorite for a looooong time, but Creed 2 has taken that honor away from it.
Rocky V has grown on me and I flat out did not like Creed 2. I think it's the only Rocky movie I just hated. It has "different" from the rest. The tone, the acting, the way it's filmed, it all just feels different. It's almost like a parody in parts. I did however like the final fight - as cheesy as it was - and the stuff with his kid was good.