The dance scene was the one that got me the most in this wonderful movie. There were many others as well. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the scene at the end where Penelope's character is reading to De Niro after he relapsed into catatonia. Earlier she had told him that she read to her father(sports scores I believe)but wasn't sure he knew she was doing it and De Niro told her that he did know, so seeing her doing the same for him knowing what he told her was so very touching. As humans we all have chances to do the same thing for those around us. Someone did so for me once and I try to do my best to repay that kindness whenever I can. Robin Williams held a world of emotions in his eyes. For me he was the most versatile and talented actor I've ever had the pleasure of watching on the big screen. So many of his movies spoke to me on so many levels. What Dreams May Come, Good Will Hunting, Awakenings, Bicentennial Man, Good Morning Vietnam, Dead Poets Society, The Fisher King, Mrs. Doubtfire, August Rush, The Birdcage, Aladdin and Patch Adams to name a few of his many great movies will always hold a special place in my heart. RIP Robin and thanks for so many great memories from a person who truly appreciates the care and dedication you put into your craft.