MovieChat Forums > Awakenings (1991) Discussion > The scene that just broke my heart...

The scene that just broke my heart...

When DeNiro dances with the girl and then watches her through the fenced window as she leaves to get on her bus....this scene makes me cry and cry again--it is so well done. It happens while everyone quietly watches and then they all look away when he leaves the window and makes his way back out of the room....POWERFUL


This is the first movie I've seen in years that actually made me cry, because of the scene you mentioned, the one where he meets his mom after awakening, and the ending, among others.
A powerful, amazing film.

"Evil beware . . . we have waffles."
- Raven, "Teen Titans"


This entire movie is extraordinary. Who would have guessed that the director, Penny Marshall (Laverne) had this ability? One of the scenes I find so touching is when Leonard's mother sings him a lullaby. They did not substitute a professional singer with a perfect voice. They just let the actress sing in her own imperfect way. It makes me feel teary, just thinking of it.


I came here to write about that scene as well. I have seen this movie many times, but I can never get through the scene where they're dancing and his tremors almost stop for that moment without crying. It is, by far, the most touching scene in any movie I can recall.

This movie is just beautifully done all-around: based on an amazing book by an amazing author that itself was based on an amazing true story, perfectly cast, outstanding direction, so emotional. I just really can't say enough about how much I love it.

"I'm sorry, if you were right I would agree with you." - Robin Williams


That's the scene where i started crying until the movie ended. Those last 10 minutes were amazing, so sad.


There are a few touching moments for me where my eyes began to water. But if I had to pick the one that had the greatest affect on me, it was the scene when DeNiro was saying goodbye to the girl who had befriended him.

As he stretched out his right arm to shake her hand goodbye, she pulled on his hand as she moved in closer to make hand contact as they began to dance slowly. Initially, his severe body shaking kept their two bodies apart. But then his shaking began to subside, thereby allowing her to move in closer and make full body contact. In fact, his shaking did stop at least for a short while. That is when he began to smile indicating how much he was enjoying this close embrace and dance. Then I saw the tears rolling down the girl's cheeks. This is the best scene that broke my heart.


When the staff drop checks for more medicine
