Why does everyone in the show hate Hyacinth?
I don't understand.
sharei don't understand it either. i think she's hilarious. i wouldn't want to run away from her, i'd want to talk to her and egg her on to talk about her sister with the swimming pool and room for a pony, and about the latest goings on of Sheidan. in real life, you would just laugh at her, not be terrified of her,
shareThe irony is that for all Hyacinth wants to impress and sees herself as the pinnacle of society, the expert host, she has absolutely no social skills whatsoever. She is incapable of reading people or situations and is completely oblivious to the fact that people do not want to be around her.
Nobody wishes harm on her or hates her although Emmett jokes about it. They just wish she'd leave them alone and she doesn't understand that.
but they all act like they are terrified of her, which is too far fetched I have always thought. and i don't know why they want her to leave them alone when she's so funny. I would be round there like a shot if she asked me in for coffee, i couldn't wait to hear more about the doings of sheridan and violet and bruce.
shareI find her quite hilarious. I love how she tries to move up in society, while trying to ignore her lower station of Daisy, Onslow and Rose.
She is good at heart, but is trying to desperately to improve her station that is she is clueless of how others view her.
I have to side with the OP about this subject.
Sure, Hyacinth can be a pain in the butt and even rude to people some times.
And I can see why most of the other characters don't particularly like her.
But I feel that some people around her tend to exaggerate to a ridiculous degree.
Yeah, I guess that we're supposed to find it hilarious when they act like they're scared of Hyacinth.
I can't see any humor in this at all though, despite how I find this a good sitcom otherwise.
No idea, they often seem just as bad as or even worse than Hyacinth.
shareI don't know. After all she's just trying to keep everyone up to standard.
It was just part of the comedy of the show.
She was shown as being snobby, insufferable and with very little self-awareness. If people had run up to her shouting; "Hyacinth, it's great to see you", the joke wouldn't have worked.
People who refuse to engage with reality are always a pain in the butt, that's why!
You always want to slap them upside the head and yell "You're not a fucking duchess, you're middle class! At best!!", but it'd never sink in. People who don't want to engage with reality can have incredibly strong defenses against it.
Because the woman is the extreme in terms of being insensitive and overbearing. If she showed the slightest bit of vulnerability people might have had some degree of pity for her.