The tragedy makes no sense
Corporations are gaining more wealth and power every year, the whole 'C-mess' was MASSIVELY profitable to the super wealthy, the corporations and private a-hole families.
Drones are murdering children in countries that no one wants to talk about. In yet other countries masses of children die from starvation, similar countries have kids injured in accidents in child labor factories with second-schedule and almost no food for the child-slaves (have fun with your third-world-constructed fireworks when you celebrate your trivial holidays and proud mass murder moments (some people call this kind of conquests 'independence'))..
Massive floodgates of immigration from third world countries are now open so all semblances of 'civilized life' can be utterly destroyed and violence can be rampant in previously super peaceful countries.
Matriarchal fema-fascism is the norm, so even questioning anything about women gets you on some kind of black list where you'll be fired and beaten up, men couldn't be more vilified no matter how innocent they are, as they are these days everywhere in the west at least.
There are useless wars destroying countless lives, homeless people starving on the streets in the cold and rain, freezing to death in the snow and getting heart disease from the scorching sun.
More people are on weird pharma pills than ever in history, be it anti-depressants or anti-psychotics. How about all the incarcerated people rotting in horrible jail conditions with corrupt guards that help the system torture innocent or relatively innocent people in the most oppressing, unfair ways and die violent deaths just because they said the wrong word or were in the wrong place. Listen to 'Larry Lawton''s stories to know how hellish it can be.
He literally just asked an innocent, logical, common sense question as a newcomer, and was put on some kind of solitary confinement for a really long time for that. Human rights, hello? Oh, when do you expect them to come back? Oh, I see, I'll wait..
This movie has us think that a very wealthy man with big family and huge house, capable of wasting good money on useless car trips to get oversized trees and so much electricity the city has to use extra generators not being able to buy..
.. A GOD DAMN POOL?!?!?!?!
... is a TRAGEDY.
A real tragedy, my friends! Homeless kids die in the Philippines because they fall asleep in the traffic after sniffing glue, but sure, a rich idiot a-hole not getting a _P_O_O_L_ !! is a tragedy, according to this movie!
What kind of sense does that make?
HOW the hell are we supposed to sympathize or relate to not only the most first-word-problem anyone could ever have, but this particular, REALLY stupid jerk-off (there are so many moments in this movie that prove this man has a very low IQ, hopefully I'll get to some of them in another post) not getting a POOL being some kind of "OH NO!!"-situation?
Many viewers could NEVER afford a pool, let alone that kind of massive house, have a stable, loving family, afford to have that many people visit and have a bed for everyone, and yet we are supposed to feel sorry if Clark doesn't get a pool?
Did he even ask his family if they want one? How often would they even use it, if it gets that 'wintery' there? How many months a year would that be feasible, how EXPENSIVE would it be to maintain? How annoying would it be to constantly fill it with toxic chemicals just so the water doesn't spoil so you can then spend two hours in the shower trying to get the chlorine tingle out of your skin..?
I mean, a POOL being the source of tragedy.. what kind of sense does that make? Other christmas movies have things like 'little Timmy dies', but no, we are supposed to shed tears because some yuppie-neighbourghood unfair stupid man doesn't get a pool?!