MovieChat Forums > Meet the Feebles (1995) Discussion > PETER JACKSON GIVE BACK UR ACADEMY AWARD...


Oh my GOD! let me start off to establish that im not a church going, God hates violence and sex in movies kind of person. I own Dead Alive which I love, thank you mr jackson for that fine piece of zombie cinema, but this Meet the Feebles was the worst piece of *beep* I have ever seen. Please, if you thought you wanted to see this movie, DONT! if you like peter jackson then DONT see this movie, because if Peter jackson had any credibility before, after seeing this, its not just ripped apart, its ripped apart, thrown up on, place in human excrements, and then soaked in semen. If you think that line was revolting, then just go watch this movie and see how something can be even more gross. I liked Team America World Police, and this is NO Team America World Police. Shame on you Peter Jackson you give back that Oscar, you sick freak, you dont deserve the way I love Dead Alive, The Frighteners, and LOTR


thats just a lame thought, "give back the academy award.."

this film is from 1989, its ironic, great if youre drunk or watchin it with a bunch of friends and ur on the right mode x)

anyways, maybe you should return your grades from school? oh, wait.. your still in 1st grade ;S


Alrighty then, let's look back to the Oscars, shall we?

Did Peter Jackson say something along the lines of "I apologize for 'Meet the Feebles'" in his Oscar acceptance speech? Yes. Yes, he did.

'Nuff said.



I like most of Jackson's films, but...that Oscar should have gone to Fernando Meirelles.

If anything, Jackson should have received an honorary award for the LotR trilogy. It was as though the academy felt he "deserved something" for the effort he put into them.

Taxes were here even before stew.



It's one thing to acknowledge he made what some people might consider to be a "bad" film, but to apologise fir it? come on! It's not like Peter Jackson committed a crime against humanity by making "Meet The Feebles" which, by the way, I thought was absolutely hilarious. Give me this over the Muppet Show, any old day of the week!

So this is how liberty dies-with thunderous applause?


Sorry, did you say 'give back the Academy award'?? I'm not quite sure I understood you. Maybe if you wipe the foam from your mouth and try again???
You idiot. Go and rent Pete Jackson's 'Bad Taste' right now, and watch it while eating a pizza! The results will astound you. Classic movie. Really.





Wow... okay, that was mature.

At any rate, this movie was great it was a Peter Jackson that didn't care about the critics, he made bad taste movies because he wanted to and those who saw where he was coming from loved them. Yes it was gross, but all 2 of Jackson's origional movies were llike that. The music was great and the songs were genius, I laughed pretty much all the way through. This was before he sold out and made Heavenly Creatures (dont get me wrong it was good, but his career just hasnt been the same since, it's worked for him, but I miss his low budget greats.)


You guys all need to watch "Let My Puppets Come"...


Clearly overreacting.
Just because -in your opinion- this movie was horrible doesn't mean he does not deserve the honor for his work on LOTR. 2 different movies, 2 different results.

Obviously you cannot see more than one side of people.
Personally I think Tom Cruise is a huge idiot, but he is fanastic in some roles on screen
I think Jeff Goldblum was great in ID4 and JP, but he has done 429840829 other films I don't like. That doesn't change anything.

There are also lots of actors out there who clearly have no talent at all and who in my opinion don't deserve to be on screen. But sometimes these actors get a part in which they fit naturally, and play good.
Like for instance, Arnold sucks, but he IS Terminator, and good at it.

So what I'm saying is, no matter what Peter Jackson has done in the past, or will do in the future, my impression of LOTR will always remain the same :)

If you hear a great song by a band, then another song by the same band which sucked...does the band suck? Think about it...


Okay, so the topic-starter is stupid (in the unlikely case that it's actually serious), and then numerous imbeciles reply saying the same thing, sadly conveying the idea that this film's fanbase is comprised of childish idiots. Meh.

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"


I think Jackson should have gotten the Oscar for "Meet the Feebles", LOL.


I actually agree. It's far more innovative and unique than his LotR trilogy, and almost as epic.

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"


Yeah, I like the "Rings" movies, but I don't love them. "King Kong" is more deserving of an Oscar than "Rings", IMO. I've been a fan of Jackson's since "Bad Taste", so when people who love "Rings" see his old stuff and get mad, it's weird, cuz that's kind of how I feel when he made "Rings". I'd much rather watch another of his splatter movies. "Kong"'s a personal favorite though, so I'm torn. I guess I'd like to see him alternate styles. :)


i luv meet the feebles, and all of jackson's early work really.

But King Kong was rubbish. The start of it was interesting, then it went downhill...


This was Peter Jacksons second movie. He filmed this with a very small budget and they made all the costumes themselves. I think this movie is alot better than some of todays movies which have a huge budget. Also if you hate the movie so much, then don't complain about it on the forums. Just get over it.


Amen hetfield. This movie was an amazing achievement, even if you didn't like it you have to admit that. Just like all of Peter Jackson's films, you can truly see dedication and a love for films. A lot of people don't know about PJ's early work, I think it would be hilarious if the general public knew the director of "LOTR" made "Meet The Feebles". I haven't seen a movie of his I haven't loved, he is one of the greatest filmmakers of all time. He definitely deserved his Oscar.


Get a sense of humor....

Matt Channing
Oscar quality film music at bargain basement prices.


Elijah Wood stated before LOTR was even being made, that Meet The feebles was one of his favorite movies.


Mr Stinky.....who ever you are NZ is not that under developed as you say!!! we may not have everything as huge as america and UK cos there is soo few of us but its good to know u like PJ and our films over here!! but were are more developed than some places anyway were getting more and more technology for films and stuf here we dont really like being called under developed were just not big!! peace out everyone thanks for noticeing our wee talent lol
