MovieChat Forums > Meet the Feebles (1995) Discussion > PETER JACKSON GIVE BACK UR ACADEMY AWARD...


Oh my GOD! let me start off to establish that im not a church going, God hates violence and sex in movies kind of person. I own Dead Alive which I love, thank you mr jackson for that fine piece of zombie cinema, but this Meet the Feebles was the worst piece of *beep* I have ever seen. Please, if you thought you wanted to see this movie, DONT! if you like peter jackson then DONT see this movie, because if Peter jackson had any credibility before, after seeing this, its not just ripped apart, its ripped apart, thrown up on, place in human excrements, and then soaked in semen. If you think that line was revolting, then just go watch this movie and see how something can be even more gross. I liked Team America World Police, and this is NO Team America World Police. Shame on you Peter Jackson you give back that Oscar, you sick freak, you dont deserve the way I love Dead Alive, The Frighteners, and LOTR



You're absolutely right and the fact that the "fans" of this film are taking you so seriously kind of makes me feel vindicated in being so let down by this movie. To sum it up: "YIKES!" I like being grossed out... in a good way, but this movie is just plain BAD. Bad direction, bad concept, bad script. Bad, bad, bad!

I wish I could have liked it, but if I'd seen this movie and not known it was PJ, I would have thought "this person has no talent whatsoever!". I'm sure PJ is still proud of it, but for me it's absolutely, completely and in every single respect: AWFUL!!!

Still, who cares!


You are right in one respect. Peter HACKson does have no talent, direction-wise. He occasionally tries something daring (usually doesn't really work). I will give him that.

Should he give his Academy Award back for some schlock crap he made in his youth? No. But, I will say this: he didn't deserve to win one in the first place.

Have you ever watched the direction of the movies in the LOTR series? Utterly terrible. I give him credit for the undertaking of the project and for trying (although failing) in bringing a classic book to the screen.

Anyway just my 2 cents.


Ahahaha. Ahahaha hahahaha.



The direction is fantastic. That's the one thing that is clearly present in EVERY Peter Jackson movie. Even Bad Taste.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


Don't take everything too seriously....


wow ... I didn't mention human excrement or semen once in my post, or anything vulgar to my best recollection, and my post was deleted. I think I was fair in my statement. I wonder why it was deleted ...

... I wonder if it was the "Until you are the one with your name on the director's chair ... " comment. I guess we will never know.


a semen-soaked reputation sounds like a compliment



Ok, I have to add my comments in here....

Yeah, this movie is shocking, but that's the idea of it in the sense that it is a satire of our society...... all the events happening in the movie are very harsh but very real -and existing- in our world. Yes, it is disturbing, but read your local newspaper or major newspaper and it all there..... eating disorders, venereal diseases, post-traumatic stress disorder (the Viet-cong puppet), etc, etc, etc...... all characters except for that little fellow (don't remember his name) are disturbed or have some kind of major personal or moral flaw.

Now, what I think is the beauty and genius of this film is that it was all done with puppepts.... why? because if PJ had tried to do a satire of our society with actual actors and had called something like "this is a movie about our social ills" or whatever, NO ONE would have gone and seen it. But but using puppets, who are supposed to be nice and cuddly and all that, he can show that which is part of our society -and hence the title of the movie-....."meet the FEEBLES"... feeble is someone who is weak or lacks strenght.

So, yes.... a harsh movie but a very intelligent film. One goesto see this movie with the idea that "it's all puppets", and then your thrown to a very "real" movie with real situations..... I guess you could call that "false adverstisement", but that should be another topic.

So, grow-up! Enjoy this movie!


Speaking as a writer/director of short films, I can say that EVERY director has at least one film of theirs that they don't like, some they downright loathe. Jackson acknowledged this at the Oscars. He admitted that it was no great work by any means. The point is, he EVOLVED as a filmmaker. Don't condemn him for growing as an artist!


All I have to say is that I caught this on IFC and have *never* laughed harder at any work of film.

jcbennett9 (a.k.a. sick freak)


i saw this movie quite a while ago and now its one of my favorites
it gets better every time i watch it, ya its sick and disturbing but the whole concept of the movie is excellent
the ending always kind of depresses me
im also in the middle of trying to get the songs garden of love and one leg missing, hahaha i already have the massacre suite and sodomy

you got about 1 f uckin second to live buddy- Frank Booth,Blue Velvet


If you don't laugh at the Vietnam flashback with the little chipmunk Vietcong or the sodomy song you've got be a prude of some stripe.




the best part was the Vietnamese chipmunks having a deep discussion about Marxism.


Hey person, :p MTF wasnt that bad, he was young and had a sense of humour, anyway, its a CULT CLASSIC, take that for bananas. But yeah if you reckon it was *beep* then u can think that... but ya no, i rekon it was pretty funny.

Just giving my opinion :p



I love Meet The Feebles and I also really like Street Trash...I'm sure neither film was meant to be taken seriously and the latter contains one of the finest decapitations in cinema history so lighten up a little people. I remember way back when Peter Jackson was making MTF and he said in an interview that it was a project he'd always wanted to do and I'm glad he did. Would you expect Robert De Niro to hand back his awards on the strength of one performance in a film that you didn't like?

Question: Did you ever hurt yourself to make somebody sorry?


The most ironic thing, of course, being that Jackson had more artistic credibility when he made Meet the Feebles than he does least in my book. MtF was startlingly original (as were his other early works). Now...a remake of King Kong. Re...make.

Doesn't mean his Kong movie isn't good...but as far as originality goes, he's taken a nosedive.



Maybe it's just because I saw Bad Taste first...I think that prepared me for MtF. It's not as good as Bad Taste or Dead Alive, in my estimation...but it's still pretty good. There are some great moments in MtF, from the hilarious Deer Hunter parody to the show-stopping Sodomy number. I loved it...and whenever I watch it, I get nostalgic for pre-Hollywood Peter Jackson.


I agree!


umm, peter jackson is a visionary genius and i think you oughtta think before you go and call it crap because i doubt you could do better. yeah, it is twisted, but it rocks. in my opinion, he deserves more oscars if anything, so cool it, and respect the genius who is peter jackson


PJ is highly over-rated, nearly anyone could have directed LOTR as good as he did. You just have to stick to the book as much as possible and fead the eyes with a special effects feast.


Actually he didn't stick too closely to the books and I actually think the movies are better. The characters are a bit less one dimensional and a good bit of the pointless bits were cut (Who out there really missed the whole barrow wights bit?).


MEET THE FEEBLES was the worst movies pj was involved in. I think all his other movies are awesome. Dead Alive being my favorite. Bad Taste was great too, but meet the feebles just seemed to lack a lot of everything.



I think it was mostly just a fun project for him at the time. There is a HUGE jump in quality between Meet the Feebles and Dead Alive. Dead Alive being the first time he had a real budget to work with. For only have 750,000 bucks, I'd say Meet the Feebles turned out really well. Especially considering all the subplots going on.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


no, i couldnt have and i highly doubt you could have. Have you ever seen hsi older stuff? everything he ahs worked on rocks


Based on this statement, it's clear you have no idea what a directors job is.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


I don't have to make a better move to be able to call a movie crap.


Are you kidding me? I mean honestly, perhaps you should pull you skull out of any lower orifices and think about what you just said for a second. "If you thought Peter Jackson had any credibilty before, after seeing semen." First off have you seen Heavenly Creatures? LOTR? Braindead? How can you say you love one director yet trash one of his works so much? Can you honestly say that one movie has completely repulsed against this man so much that his proceeding works mean nothing. Are you daft man? Seriously.



I heard abou that doc, yes.

As answer for the mr from the first post, although he doesn't come here anymore, I just have to say a little thing.

How can a person say that He loves Bad Taste and Braindead and don't love this one, there's something wrong with you, this movie clearly has Peter Jackson early trademark.

And as a side note, remember that this got nominated in various idependent film festivals, and even got some awards on its time.

Probably the author of the aclaimed post has grown up, since that post.


It's called Forgotten Silver.

I wouldn't call it a "shockumentary". A "mockumentary", yes. It's about the discovery of an early New Zealand film-maker who developed his own method of making film stock using flax and eggs, created colour before anybody else, and also recorded sound before anybody else, and filmed Richard Pearse's flight which just happened to show the newspaper proving the flight took place before the Wright Brothers, among other things. It is of course complete *beep* and he didn't exist.

If you're a Kiwi you can appreciate it better because we have a lengthy history of disputed firsts and DIY.

