If they remade this...

It would suck because of all the CGI they would use when the babies talk.

It's cut just the way it is. It's a shame that now a days they wouldn't do it like this, they would make everything look terribly fake with digital effects.


It would be interesting to see how you might feel about this today, given all the "deep fake" and Reface stuff which can be done today. I'm sure there is a way to do it, especially since it's been done in so many kids' movies with talking dogs.


If they made it the baby would be gender neutral


samuel l jackson would be worthy of taking over for bruce willis.




Yeah. I wouldn't want to see this remade. You're not topping Kirstie Allie and John Travolta. Frankly today's younger actors and Actresses just couldn't do this justice imo.


They would have the story centering around a black lesbian couple (with one of them being a woman who identifies as non-binary), with one of them getting in vitro fertilized by accident, and the story would be told from the perspective of their daughter, voiced by Jazmin. Of course, unlike most black people, they would be living in the upper class areas of NYC. And they would have the kid surfing the web and before she can even talk.


I'm not sure that it would go that far, but I could see John Travolta being replaced by Kevin Hart, an Uber driver with a heart of gold and a propensity for fatherhood.


But you forget, Hollywood hates dads and men who aren't cowardly wimps or idiots in charge of something and throwing their weight around, pretending to be alpha males.


What am I forgetting? Doesn't Hollywood love interracial couples and devoted black men that break the stereotype of absentee fathers?


Sometimes. They could go that route.




.... all the usual bitching from CGI to minorities that you see in a standard "If they remade this" thread . (or more often a "They couldn't make this today" thread)


Make it with the original baby actor as the adult lead, who's now thirty-six years old.


The remake would be babies talking in adult bodies, and the rating websites would ensure no negative comments or ratings overtake. The media will praise it, and the production company and actors will condemn anyone who criticizes said movie.
