MovieChat Forums > Leviathan (1989) Discussion > Can people recommend other good sci-fi m...

Can people recommend other good sci-fi movies

Hi there all,

Just would like a list of other good sci-fi movies like this.

Things such as:
The Thing
etc etc

Really love this era of Sci-Fi and want to get some new films.


They don't come any better than The Thing (and in fact Leviathan borrows from it just about as much as it borrows from Alien). You may want to check out John Carpenter's other films as well; he's done a number of other excellent SF-and/or-horror films.

I'd also recommend the 1988 remake of The Blob.

Of course there's also The Abyss, which is a great movie (especially the Special Edition, which is really a director's cut, and in my opinion is much better than the theatrical release). And I assume you're already familiar with James Cameron's other movies, but if you're not, don't miss his two Terminator movies and Aliens.

I also enjoy Screamers (from 1995).

There's also Species, which is notable primarily for Natasha Henstridge getting nekkid.

If you're interested in the "horror" side and you want some gore, there are the Living Dead series, the Evil Dead series, and Re-Animator and From Beyond, among no doubt many others.

There are lots more, of course, but since you're asking about films "like this" and from "this era of sci-fi," I'm trying to stick to at least marginally similar films from about 1980 to maybe 1995 or so.


The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


Thanks for the reply.
Sorry about the vague "like this" and "this era of sci-fi" but your suggestions are right on target.

Will check out From Beyond and The Blob remake as seen the others.

Please keep the suggestions coming though as they're looking great so far.

I loved Screamers, and obviously the Terminator series. Modern Sci-Fis haven't quite got the same feel to them as those of the 80s, apart from recently The Mist.


Okay, glad to hear it. I'll post again if I think of any others.

If you loved Screamers, by the way, you may be interested to know (if you don't already) that there's a sequel in production. I don't think there's an IMDb page for it yet but there's a thread about it on the Screamers board.

Of course there are also lots of other sci-fi films from the same era that aren't much like Leviathan, so if you're looking for more general recommendations that have the same '80s "feel" but not necessarily the same content/plot, let me know and I'll think up a few more.


The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


Yeah, doesn't have to be the same content/plot. Sci-Fi and action recommendations are great.

The reason I think I like them so much is usually the sense of isolation. Nowadays it all seems to be a case of "how many retards/mutants/ghosts and gore can we get in this film and don't forget to make one of the goods guys become the bad guy at the end".


Okay, you've probably already seen most of the following, but I'll list them anyway just in case:

Van Damme's Cyborg and Universal Soldier
The Mad Max series
Cube (from 1997, but a very low-tech indie film with a great sense of isolation)

And I've already mentioned Carpenter's other films, but if there are any you haven't seen, they'll probably fit on the list too. (A lot of people seem to dislike his post-1989 stuff. I'm not one of those people, and I even like the much-maligned Ghosts Of Mars. But your mileage may vary.)

There are probably lots of others, but those are the ones that come to mind at the moment. I'll post more later if I think of any, and probably other posters will have suggestions as well -- although the Leviathan board isn't very active.


The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


The Hidden from 1987 was very good.


Pick up The Blood of Heroes


deep rising is very similar to this film, it sucks as well but nowhere near as much as this huge dump.



'Event Horizon' comes to mind. A sci-fi/horror which I very much would recommend.

"It´s not the dress that makes you look fat, it´s the fat that makes you look fat."


if you liked the whole 'monsters in the middle of nowhere' kinda thing like 'tremors' then you definitely oughta check out "From Dusk 'Till Dawn".

also if you enjoyed "Aliens", then "Dog Soldiers" is a must. then, of course, there's "Predator" if you haven't looked at that already.


oh, and one more, try "30 Days of Night".

granted, it ain't perfect, but if you like the isolated small-towniness of "Tremors" mixed with the cold and snowy environment of carpenter's "The Thing" next to the few humans against a bunch of deadly, vicious monsters dynamic seen in "Aliens" or "Night of the Living Dead" then it might be just what you're looking for


I thought of event horizon good one someone else already said it another one would be sphere.


the sphere
event horizon
the abyss


not really sci-fi, more horror, but as people are mentioning john carpenter, I highly recommend In the Mouth of Madness. If you haven't seen them and you're into watching a good flick, check out (you can't really go wrong with a Sam Neil or Geoffrey Rush film, no matter what genre, especially if either of them are in the leading 5 characters, they can only really be a benefit to any movie (or mini series):

- Candy* (with heath ledger)
- The Tailor of Panama
- Harvie Krumpet
- Dead Calm*
- Death in Brunswick
- Event Horizon*
- The Dish
- Shine*

* personal favs (in a very long list)


I'm think he asked for Sci-Fi mate. ;) That list is was well off topic. :D

@ Crimsoncleaver. Most of the 80's and 90's sci-fi have been mentioned. Of course there is the superb Blade Runner but I think you're more interested in the B-movies.

Two I'll add that haven't been mentioned. Inseminoid (1981) and Titan Find (1985)



Deep Rising

"Hot Cocoa won't help, Mom!"-Charlie~FRIGHT NIGHT


Be sure to check out Danny Boyle's Sunshine - guaranteed to be a future cult classic.


Have to agree with that


Check out these underwater movies:

- Deepstar Six, of the same year and also an underwater monster movie. It's actually quite similar to this one.
- The Rift aka Endless Decent, same era. It gets low ratings though, but i liked it when i was young. It includes the drill instructor of 'Full Metal Jacket'! It's more a horror movie, but also, a small crew in an underwater movie!

On another level, I really enjoyed Dean Koontz's book 'Phantoms'. He also did write the script for the movie by the same name. I actually liked it, but Ben Affleck was a horrible miscast (although many 'Clerks' fans would call him 'da bomb' yo). Don't rely on the ratings, if you are looking for nail-biting sci-fi horror, check this one out! (or read the book, it's truly scary!)


I mentioned Blood of Heroes up top... but also try 'Split Second'... been a while since I saw it, but I remember enjoying it.


Thought of a couple more...
Def Con 4 (fuzzy about this one though, if someone else could verify...)
Enemy Mine

For newer ones I like Reign of Fire & I am Legend


Silent Running

It is definitely one of the best sci-fi if you are looking for that isolation feel.


anyone say deepstar six yet?, thats a good underwater movie like this and
20000 leagues beneath the sea.
