Worst Episode Ever

This week's episode was basically a left-wing diatribe about America's shrinking middle class summed up in an unbelievably long (and not very clever) musical number sung by Hugh Jackman and Robert Reich.
Could I have finally just watched The Simpsons jump the shark?


Could I have finally just watched The Simpsons jump the shark?

i thought it did that years ago.


Doesn't get any positive reviews: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14458122/reviews?sort=submissionDate&dir=desc&ratingFilter=0
Sad ending for the season with the great "A Serious Flanders" 2-parter.


The worst Simpsons episode is every new one that is made because it's one episode further away from when it should have ended.


Most politically-slanted episode of a family show I’ve ever seen. Not exactly an edifying message for our youth either: burn “the system” down.


Wait- this sh*t is still on?! And people are still watching it? WTF?!


The recent episode got 930.000 viewers which is a bit surprising, honestly. Even few of the episodes of the recent season got almost 4 million viewers.


Did you get confirmation from the dude at The Android's Dungeon?


The Simpsons hasn't been funny in about 20 years now. Seasons 2-10 are gold for me with many excellent episodes scattered up to maybe season 13 or so. Seasons 1-2 are watchable.

I can't watch *any* Simpsons from 2015 on. Not one. Just garbage. I'm glad people still can enjoy the new ones, I just don't have a clue how!
