Laura, Myra, and Maxine

Maybe I'm the only one but I could never relate to Laura's character. I've always liked Myra and Maxine better, even if the show always tries to make Laura look the best in every situation (except in rare cases).
Laura is simply too... perfect. She's perfect daughter compared to Eddie, the smartest AND the hottest girl in the school. ALL the guys only want Laura. Myra and Maxine are just as attractive as her, but they are largely ignored by everyone and they can only date "losers" like Steve and Waldo (after they are both rejected by Laura, of course!)
Myra and Maxine are often used to make Laura look better. Like the episode where it's revealed that Maxine is a terrible student in contrast to the brilliant Laura, even if Maxine was never portrayed as dumb in any way. Myra is supposed to be smart but they downplay her intelligence to make her look crazy, desperate, and only able to admire Steve. And then there are some lines, like Myra telling Laura "I wish I was as popular and appreciated as you", or Curtis explicitly telling Myra that Laura is prettier than her (?)
In my opinion, Myra and Maxine are just as pretty as Laura, and way more likable. Myra is fun and bubbly, and Maxine is a sweet and loyal friend. Laura is too uptight and stuck-up IMO.
I understand that Laura is the main female lead, but Myra and Maxine deserved better


This is so true! RIP Myra ❤️


Seriously, I think I could have written the same post!
It was really hard for me too to relate to Laura.
There were admittedly some occasions like once a season or so, when I could appreciate her after all.
Like that episode when she started a campaign for more Black History in school.
Or if she was allowed to tell a real creep off about his terrible behavior.
Most of the time though, she was only shallow (even though we were meant to see her as smart) and stuck-up.
Like you, I felt a much stronger connection to Myra.
The writers could never stop downplaying her good qualities to make their precious Laura look better.
But I was never convinced.
Like you, I found it very unrealistic too that Laura was supposed to be every guy's wet dream.
I have to say that Myra and most girls whom Eddie dated were much prettier than her.
I don't remember that Curtis said that to Myra, but I don't doubt that it's true.
However, I know she lost a job at a department store to Laura because she lied and was greedy.
Because when it was about making Laura look (supposedly) better, they simply had to ruin other characters.


It happens the first time Laura meets Curtis:
Curtis: How is the prettiest girl in the school?
Laura and Myra: Fine.
Curtis: I was talking to Laura.

Laura is specifically stated to be the "prettiest girl in the school" or something like that several times. Ted also called her that.


Curtis is an ahole. Why would Laura allow him to insult her friends?


Laura was really just as bad, so that is not out of character for her.


Maxine and Myra actually represent two tropes that were common in sitcoms, dating all the way back to the 50s. Maxine was the "best friend," and Myra was Laura's "Frequent Foil." You'll note that Maxine was not quite as pretty or as smart as Laura, which has been done on sitcoms for ages to make the main character look better by comparison. But I did like that Maxine got some character development, and she was perfect for Waldo.

Myra is a fascinating character. She's cute, she's smart, she's funny, and she would have been perfect for Steve, except she is 100% psycho. 90% of the drama between her and Laura over Steve was driven by her alone. She had this crazy delusion that she had to compete with Laura for Steve, despite Laura making it very clear that she was not interested in him, and was more than happy to dump him on Myra. It got even worse when Steve couldn't take it anymore and dumped her, and then her insanity was truly revealed.

The "frequent foil" character is a common one in sitcoms, where they're a regular member of the cast and are a constant irritant/enemy of one of the leads, and yet at the end of the day, they're forced to call a truce and make up for the next episode. It's an easy way to drive up the drama going on in the story, but it can get annoying or tiring if not done right. Myra and Laura's animosity towards each other reminds me of Hawkeye and Frank Burns' relationship on M*A*S*H, where they too were constantly having fights or conflict between each other, but forced to work together because of the situation they were in.


Yes, it is true that the writers wanted us to think that Myra was psycho.
But let's not forget that Steve told her that he would dump her for Laura in a second if she ever showed the slightest interest in him.
How can you expect Myra to not feel insecure after that?
And the fact that she was right to see Laura as a threat only makes her look more sane than the people who messed with her emotions...


Are you talking about Myra being psycho in the final season, when Laura really did want Urkel for herself? Or are you talking about the mid seasons, when Myra just wouldn't get it into her head that Laura did NOT even want Urkel?


You think Laura was "too perfect"? Did you miss all of the episodes where she made mistakes, was wrong/guilty, and had to get called out and be sorry for them?


Yeah she acted a fool.
