The so-called 'welfare state' has been hijacked as a way to attack people for their social standing and culture. It has been built up into something that drains more from the system than it does, it's been portrayed to be a minority-only thing (personally the only people I know taking money from the government are white as white gets), and as a whole it's used as a way to attack the poor (and by poor I mean non-white) for choosing such a lifestyle and harming the middle class. I cannot think of any society throughout ALL of human history that was brought down because the so-called "poor" drained too many resources from their society and nation. It's just a fallacy. Many people who take from the state are working as well, and classified as working poor. If you work 50 hour weeks at minimum wage without any weeks off you make less than 19k a year. In many places or depending on the size of your family that's not enough to break even.
However, throughout history we see many nations that have been ruined either by the rich abusing the system and destroying any semblance of middle class, from military states, from corrupt leaders, from corrupt wars, from overreach, and from a general sense of "us vs. them", almost always based on misrepresentations of truth, and that leads to internal destruction.
The reason I'm tired of hearing about the welfare system is because that card is always overplayed, moreso than any race or sex card. Of course there are abuses, but in the big scheme, there are 100 other things that lead to abuses that harm this country far more. To focus on that like THAT'S the top problem, when in fact it's just a result not a cause, that blinds us and our country just sinks further down the hole. If you cut off all government money to "poor" people overnight, the overall shape of America and its situation would be about the same. I really do believe America would be better off if it split up as a country and let different regions try their thing. The amount of people in this country who know nothing about economics or any social class but their own (ie the poor know about the poor, the middle class know about the middle class, and the rich know about the rich) is astounding, and it leads us to constantly attacking straw men because the truth is too complicated and messy for digestion.