MovieChat Forums > The Land Before Time (1988) Discussion > Does anyone else actually hate this movi...

Does anyone else actually hate this movie?

Am I the only person in the world who hates this movie I used to get forced to watch it and the many mind-numbing sequels when I was a kid

"Oh darling, half the fun of eating meat is hacking it up!"


Yes, you appear to be the only person hating on this movie right now.

Mace, in yo face


The first one was great

I just prefer to separate it from the other 12 films because they became too kiddy.



first one masterpiece but the rest is junk


I'm watching it for the first time right now. I can guarantee you that, had I been able to see this as a child, when I was a budding paleontologist, I would have HATED this! It's too bad they didn't go with their original plan instead of the dopey voices and all the silliness. The colors are absolutely ridiculous! I understand kid-friendly, but I'll bet many children who love dinosaurs likely must have been drastically disappointed with this.

The skies and some of the landscapes are beautiful, but the shrieking voices are putting me on edge! I felt that I owed it to myself as a continued dino-lover to watch the movies at least once. Thank goodness this is free through On Demand. It truly is awful!

So, I agree with the original poster. As I said, 4-year-old me woould have been very peeved that dinosaurs were made so cutesy and irritating. I also would have despised Barney!

I'm not sure how much of this is left to go, but it cannot be over anytime too soon for me. Dinosaurs crying?!?! Oh brother! Dinos babytalking?!?! Yeesh!



I love the original, but hate the sequels.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


I don't think it's fair to say that you'd have hated it as a child. The reason you seem to dislike it now is because you're an adult, and you find many of the child friendly things annoying. Personally I think you can only appreciate these films fully if you saw them as a child. As such, I love the first one. Sure I may have grown out of it a little but the point still stands that it is an amazing film. Besides, children aren't too bothered about paleontoligcal accuracy, they're more interested by the sight of dinosaurs.

If you want to talk about innaccuracy, go watch Jurassic Park 3... :P


It's not the inaccuracy that would have disturbed me. It would have been pastel dinosaurs running around sounding idiotic, giggling, talking foolishness, and carrying on in a ridiculous manner. I was a very serious little girl. My parents recall me looking askance at other children when they were acting foolishly or in a silly manner, shrieking and carrying on like these child-dinos. I know that I would have found that insulting to "my" dinosaurs. Back when I was young, available dinosaurs on film were a rarity: "Fantasia" (superior animation in an amazing sequence), "King Kong" and "Son of Kong", then later "The Beast of Hollow Mountain", "The Giant Behemoth", "The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms" and others as I grew up.

By the way, I love "Jurassic Park III"! At least the dinosaurs look and act reasonably close to real creatures. That trilogy is among my favorite films in spite of some of the shortcomings. The CGI is so far beyond what I see in many other movies, perhaps because they mix in animatronics and other "solid" devices.

I still say that I would have looked down on "Land..." even as a 4-year-old. For me, it would have been demeaning and extremely irritating to portray dinosaurs the way those films do. If those movies and Barney had been my introduction to dinosaurs, I doubt that they would have launched my lifelong love of paleontology. Even "Gertie the Dinosaur" (1914) gives them more dignity!



While the characters are dinosaurs the film is mainly touches upon many concepts such as death, ignorance, friendship and hope. The film is about a band of children trying to survive in a cold, unforgiving world where they have no one to look after them but themselves.


I loved dinosaurs too as a child and adored the movies with stop motion dinosaurs. I see your point but at least the t-rex animation and the chase and battle scenes were more realistic. The t-rex does not talk btw.

My favourite animated dinosaur movie was a japanese one made in 1979 where a group of 3 kids go to the age of the dinosaurs and are chased by a t-rex. This movie was very violent and serious in some scenes. I am sure you would have liked this too if you dont mind the old animation.
Jurassic park movies had a huge budget in contrast to the aforementioned movies. The first could not risk a more serious approach.


as a kid, i grew up watching ER, Chicago Hope, Cheers, NYPD Blue and various other shows for adults that most parents never let their kids see because my parents figured since I didn't understand what was going on that it was ok, and i STILL loved this movie. and i was just like you- when I saw kids doing kid things, ("acting foolishly or in a silly manner, shrieking and carrying on like these child-dinos" as you put it), I also just figured they were idiots. but i liked this movie because they are dinosaurs and i could see past that. I'm not sure how old you were when this movie came out, but I was like a year old. if you were under five, maybe four, when this came out, I seriously doubt, just from having an understanding of child development, that you would have been in a place developmentally to make a distinction between the dinosaurs in this movie and "your" dinosaurs. That's not a you thing either, its just that the human brain develops in stages and kids that age can barely distinguish themselves as independent from the world around them.

Besides, and more importantly, you like Jurassic Park III. All your credibility went out the window when you said that. :P


Sounds like you missed out on childhood in general. I don't think I've ever been that serious in my life.

“Adults are just obsolete children and the hell with them.” -Dr. Seuss


I hope the Poster who’d have hated this as a Child realises its an Allegory. I loved Dinosaurs as a Child Too, and knew this was inaccurate, but its a Movie about Growing up and learning to overcome differences, not about Dinosaurs. The Dinosaurs are more of a Catch that makes this a Timeless Tale, but like Native American Mythology that has Spiders and Crows and Lizards talking or even marrying, its not intended to be taken Literally.


To be honest, it's normal childhood behaviour to run around and act silly. If you didn't like it, then that's unfortunate. But considering the main characters in this story are dinosaurs depicted as children, you would expect them to act like children. Back when the producers were thinking of having a dialogue-less movie, I'd bet the children in the movie would still be running around doing silly things. When one thinks "animated kid's movie about dinosaurs", one would tend to expect "pastel dinosaurs running around sounding idiotic, giggling, and talking foolishness". Could you reasonably expect something else?

What's Purgatory? Purgatory's kind of like the in-betweeny one.



Think of "Fantasia". That isn't filled with goofy dinosaurs. Why should this one have been? Also, a baby animal can be cute without being "cutesy". Maybe if they had used some documentaries as an example to follow instead of throwing in the human behavior~unless it's a carnivore.



Although I love Fantasia now, it bored me as a child. I don't know if it was because it had no dialogue, or it could have just been me as a child unfortunately not caring for music as I do now.

I don't mean to say there haven't been kid's movies that don't have "silly" dialogue. But it's not nearly common enough to expect it from an animated movie such as this one. I found the baby/child dinosaurs in this movie to have just the right amount of cuteness. In my opinion I think it reminds the viewer of how innocent and ignorant they are of the world around them on their journey. If all one could pay attention to is them running around being cute, then the touching storyline is missed.

Perhaps in the long run, this movie would have been more classical and appealing to an adult audience if it were more documentary-like. But I still love it as it is.

What's Purgatory? Purgatory's kind of like the in-betweeny one.




I call shenanigans. At four, I was also a "budding paleontologist" and had little books on dino facts, etc, and seeing them come to life before my eyes was incredible. So at four, you would have loved the goddam crap out of this one.

If as adult you can see past the shortcomings of the "Jurassic Park" trilogy, then as a child you would most CERTAINLY have been able to overlook what you "NOW" consider silliness and pastelness.

I can guarantee you'd be sitting on the couch thinking "RUN LITTLE FOOT, RUN!!!" when the Sharpooth was onto them.

Now as for the other Land Before Time movies, no. Just.. just no.

"It's so simple a six year old could figure it out."
"Quick! Someone get a six year old!



I don't hate the first one but I have never carded for any of the others though.


You sound like a lot of fun....




I haven't seen this since I was a kid. But I don't remember liking it. As a kid my favorite dinsosaur was the T-Rex. So seeing as how the main characters are all Plant eaters I couldn't bring myself to like this.

"Nobody knows why I became the Green Goblin!" Norman Osborn/Green Goblin ASM #40


i loved this movie as a kid. the original is not cutsey at all. as far as im concerned the sequels dont exist. the few seconds ive seen of them were so horrible that if i had been forced to watch them over and over or at all i wouldnt want anything to do with any of them either.


How does anyone hate this movie? It's one of the finest films ever created.


I despised these movies when I was a kid, and now that I saw the movie poster, I just got more irritated thinking about that little dino girl. This was a horrid series and I don't comprehend how anyone can enjoy it. Anyone who loves this movie may cuss me out! I think its better that I give you permission to do it before you do it. Always nice.

Hi I'm Al Gore.


you r one of the few who hate the first one. the first one is classic. those sequels were absolute sh!t.


Look, lets end this whole thread by saying:

This is one of the best animated movies of all time. This story touched my heart as a child and now as an adult just as much. It is true that you may not be able to fully appreciate this movie if your seeing it as an adult for the first time, you may need that viewpoint as a child and a connection with it as your grow up. Regardless, it's a world better than any of the animated films ive seen in the last 15 years.
