MovieChat Forums > Roseanne (1988) Discussion > What other middle class family shows are...

What other middle class family shows are there?

Like this one. Don't give me recent ones. Older ones, before this century.

I can think of Home Improvement, Cosby Show, Family Matters, Full House. What are some others?

Long ago men competed on a show to date a woman who competed on a show to date Flava Flav.


There are a lot of British shows that deal with working class families.

One that comes to mind is Till Death Do Us Part which was the inspiration for All in the Family.

A second is 2 Point 4 Children which was supposedly influenced by Roseanne.

Kramer: ...he was very impressed with what I do.
Elaine: What you do? You don't do anything!


The Conner's were middle class?


Working middle class. They tried to make them lower class towards the end.


My thought exactly. People pointing out shows that were too rich to be middle class, I think the Connor's were too poor to be middle class.


Totally agree. The Conner's were most definitely not anywhere near middle class, no were they ever depicted that way in the series. I'm very confused on the commentary in this thread. Comparing them to the Seaver's from Growing Pains? lol....nowhere near.

I think most of the people saying the Conner's were middle class led/lead actual lives that were/are similar to the Conner's, so saying the Conner's were middle class makes themselves feel better about their own lives.


The Cosby show is a Upper Middle class.

All In The Family the perfect example of a 1970s Middle Class Family. Leave it to Beaver was about a Middle Class Family Another from 1970s is Happy Days although set in the 19950s


Roseanne was still distinct from most of these shows, at least for most of its run, in that the Connors were a blue collar family (working class or 'white trash' as they put it) who dealt with with continual financial struggles. I can only think of Married with Children and Mama's Family which compare there.
The Cosbys were the virtual opposite.


I agree with your assessment.Most of the shows being compared to it here just don't fit with what the Connors were.Married with children and Mama's family are good comparisons though.I would also add Unhappily ever after which was essentially the WB's,before it became the CW,version of Married with children.


The King of Queens


I know you're saying before this century but The Middle was one of the best in terms of a middle class family show. It aired from 2009-2018.


Oh! I forgot Grounded For Life
