Kimmy Gibbler's Evolution
It's interesting how she changed between the early seasons, and the later ones.
Early Kimmy: Kinda bland, had a boring, fluffy 80s style with bangs and was basically DJ's "best friend" accessory who followed her around and provided dialogue.
Later Kimmy: Actually got funny, has long, straight hair, bright red lipstick, wears brighter-colored clothes, and has better dialogue. Also pulls a lot of laugh-worthy stunts.
I remember, they really developed her character better in later seasons. She was still kinda dumb, but it worked for her. She was goofy, and had stinky feet. In fact, an ongoing gag they made about her was her smelly feet. In fact, the writers at the show indicated it was genetic, and she had to warn DJ away from visiting the Gibbler house one time because her family ran out of foot deodorant.
The funniest scene I saw her in, was at hers and Dj's prom. She was trying out some new press-on nails, and the glue wasn't quite dry before she and DJ got to the dance. Her nails then disappear while dancing with this nerd she fell in love with, and neither of them can figure out what happened to her nails. So they're slow-dancing, they turn around, and you see that her press-on nails got stuck on his butt while the glue was still wet, and she had had her hands there! lol