MovieChat Forums > Full House (1987) Discussion > Ashamed of Liking Michelle

Ashamed of Liking Michelle

I used to watch this show as a kid, so a lot of the subtler things were lost on me back then. The place they lived was like some kind of faraway, fairy-tale land I could never hope to ever see, and yet I would have loved living there. I liked Michelle because she and I had a lot in common: we were both the babies in the family (being the youngest), we both had loving dads (though mine has a spine and balls compared to hers), we're both blonds (or I was at the time I watched it), and we were both from California. I loved seeing her adventures and having fun watching her interact with her family.

But if I were to watch now, I'd feel awful about this sort of thing. As a kid, I was blind to the fact that Michelle was a spoiled brat, allowed to get away with a lot more stuff than even her sisters, and she didn't really seem to appreciate her family very much. I was also blind to the fact that her dad and uncles were total wimps when it came to disciplining her, though often my kiddy self disliked hearing mom yell at the tv "Spank her, you wimps!" Nowadays, I'd agree with mom on why she would say that.


It’s ok Michelle had a lot of cute funny moments


Thats why i prefer DJ and Steph,they seem to mature as they got older




If I were Danny Michelle wouldn’t be able to sit down until she was 22. That brat needed to be put in her place she was completely out of control. I agree anyone who likes Michelle should be ashamed of themselves.


Don't worry. You'll be pleased to know that while I loved this show as a kid, I got "Full Housed" out years ago, when in my early teens. I had zero interest in seeing the reboot series, after remembering how cheesy the first one was.

It's interesting what turned my family off to the show permanently. For my parents, it was when Vicky was going to move to New York, and had to break up with Danny, despite how much they loved each other. My brother quit watching it when DJ broke up with Steve for no reason.




The only character I liked was Becky's cousin Dick because he told Jesse what a pathetic loser he was.


So, you’re saying that Michelle needed to have one of these

laid across her royal hiney, until it was blistered.

And points to those that are actually old enough to remember this little gadget :D


Yes that brat needed to be spanked, Danny should have taken his belt off.


Moviechatuser, that's child abuse. The idea of you beating her so badly that she couldn't stand til she was 22 makes me nervous at the idea of you raising your kids. You're implying that if your kid made the mistake of blowing up your phone bill, you'd beat them
So severly, they'd be disabled and badly cut up and bruised.

To you, phone bills and money is more valuable than your own children.


I’m not the one who thinks girls who wear short skirts deserve to be raped and I’m not the one who wants to have sex with the rugrats. You are the one who openly supports child molestation. You have serious issues and I’m going to make sure you get electroshock treatment at strive


You saying you wanna beat up a child so she can't stand up and sit up. Your implying that youd perform cruel and unusual punishments when kids run up the phone bill, bring a kiddie pool in the kitchen, and eating cake samples.

You're cruel! You're as bad as the mother of Dave Pelzer from the book, "A child called it"'


Never talked about beating up a child, it's about having an effective punishment and it's not cruel and unusual, you have to be firm with children or they will walk all over you and become crack whores like your children would. There are mothers on Dr. Phil all the time who put their relationships with their boyfriends over their children when the boyfriend molests the daughter, you are one sick person. Also don't talk to me about child abuse considering you're the one who wants to have sex with the Rugrats.


You implied that as Michelle's dad, she wouldn't be able to sit up straight til she's 22.

That's like saying, "This will be your last day standing". That's not discipline! That's a threat. You'd beat your kids til their black and blue just for eating the last cookie in the cookie jar. I sure hope your baby's momma has enough brains and common sense to leave the house and take the kids with her.


That's not child abuse, that's just a parent taking a firm stand against their child's bratty behavior and letting her know that it's not going to be tolerated, you're the one who is OK with child rape. And there is a huge difference between taking the last cookie and running away in a crowded theme park where she easily been abducted. I so hope you're so ugly that no guy would ever want to have children with you because if so you're kids are royally screwed.


And I never once said I wanted to have sex wit the Rugrats or that I wanted girls to get raped.

You have no proof or evidence so you're not qualified to make those accusations.


Yes you did say those things do not deny it. I have eyewitnesses.


You don't accuse people of shit without evidence. You have no evidence so your accusations are irrelevant.!


You know you said it and I have eyewitnesses to back me up, you said that girls in short skirts deserve to be raped.




The place they lived was like some kind of faraway, fairy-tale land I could never hope to ever see...

How so? They lived a comfortable middle class lifestyle, like plenty of real people do.

As a kid, I was blind to the fact that Michelle was a spoiled brat, allowed to get away with a lot more stuff than even her sisters.

Wrong! They did a whole episode about Michelle getting her first punishment, and she would be punished many times after that.

She didn't really seem to appreciate her family very much.

What gives you that idea?

I was also blind to the fact that her dad and uncles were total wimps when it came to disciplining her.

Again, wrong. They weren't.

Though often my kiddy self disliked hearing mom yell at the tv "Spank her, you wimps!" Nowadays, I'd agree with mom on why she would say that.

Spanking is never the solution to anything. It is illegal here in Sweden since 1979, and we're doing fine.


Well....when you live in a boring, ugly, flat place in America that's full of cornfields, San Francisco can seem very much like a distant, fabled land you only ever hear about in stories. This is particularly so if you don't have a lot of chances to visit California while growing up.

Yes, I remember. Michelle went swimming in her kiddy pool in the kitchen when her dad explicitly told her she couldn't go swimming outside. He then ends up stepping into her pool by accident, having no idea she'd go behind his back and do something like that. She was already at least 4 or 5 when that episode came about, so think about how long it took Danny to finally do the right thing and force her to learn a lesson? My parents were disciplining me by the time I was 2 or 3, and many parents start at a young age if they don't want their kid running the house before the age of 6. There are a lot of times Michelle got away with bad behavior on the show, too many to list here. She wasn't as horrible and annoying as the youngest daughter on "7th Heaven," but she sure could have used more supervision and discipline than what she got.

She didn't seem to appreciate what her family did for her when she pulled stunts to get their sympathy, knowing she could use her cuteness to get what she wanted. I tried a few of those stunts as well, and they not only didn't work, but they incurred my parents' wrath.

Oh trust me, they behaved exactly like most liberal American parents, where they see a cute kid, and wanta be their best friend instead of a parent, and can't bear to hurt them in the name of teaching the kid respect and the difference between right and wrong.

Makes me wonder how many spoiled brats (and future criminals) you guys have in Sweden, if the parents there are too cowardly to discipline their kids.


Well....when you live in a boring, ugly, flat place in America that's full of cornfields, San Francisco can seem very much like a distant, fabled land you only ever hear about in stories. This is particularly so if you don't have a lot of chances to visit California while growing up.

And yet, it must have been realistic enough for the children who grew up in a middle class family in a big city. Those existed too.

She was already at least 4 or 5 when that episode came about, so think about how long it took Danny to finally do the right thing and force her to learn a lesson?

She was only three years old, if I remember correctly.

She didn't seem to appreciate what her family did for her when she pulled stunts to get their sympathy, knowing she could use her cuteness to get what she wanted. I tried a few of those stunts as well, and they not only didn't work, but they incurred my parents' wrath.

Again, she was often punished. I'm beginning to wonder if we watched the same show after all...

Oh trust me, they behaved exactly like most liberal American parents, where they see a cute kid, and wanta be their best friend instead of a parent, and can't bear to hurt them in the name of teaching the kid respect and the difference between right and wrong.

So you don't believe that you can teach your kids right from wrong without spanking them?

Makes me wonder how many spoiled brats (and future criminals) you guys have in Sweden, if the parents there are too cowardly to discipline their kids.

Again, it is not necessary at all to spank children to discipline them. Spanking has never prevented anybody from becoming a criminal either. Most kids over here will be just fine as adults. And if some people aren't fine, it is not because they weren't spanked as children. Geesh...

Actually, those who are the most likely to become criminals are immigrant kids from the Middle East and Africa. And they're also more likely to be spanked at home than ethnic Swedish kids, so that proves that you're wrong.


If you had kids they would walk all over you and would probably be living on the streets selling their bodies for heroin. You should not be allowed to have children.


What bullshit! You can't possibly know that! Also, it is up to every person to make their own choices.
If your kids want to do drugs, you won't be able to stop them.


Naw I can know that, I can recognize a pushover parent who will let their children do whatever they want and then make excuses, "But all kids drink alcohol", "But all kids smoke pot","But all kids shoot heroin", "But all kids have sex", you would be a complete failure as a parent and your kids would be taken away from you.


I happened to watch this show as a kid/tween. And even back then, I happened to dislike Michelle. She was the precious baby to the family, who did nothing but spoiling and cherishing her to a degree that was sickening (considering that Nicky and Alex were the youngest in the family, shouldn`t they receive some attention too?). Besides, she was also a spoiled brat who got away with many things and yet she was the center of the family.
