MovieChat Forums > One Crazy Summer (1986) Discussion > One Crazy Summer VS Better Off Dead....

One Crazy Summer VS Better Off Dead....

I think Better Off Dead was the better of the two movies.It had the adorable Diane Franklin in it.It was also the funnier of the two movies.


The only thing I like about OCS is the animation. I think BOD is a great film in comparison.


Do either of these movies have a credit sequence that shows an animated bunny rabbit killing someone with guns and knives?

I seem to remember this from my childhood but I can't be sure...


Do either of these movies have a credit sequence that shows an animated bunny rabbit killing someone with guns and knives?

That sound similar to a sketch in 'Better off dead' when he is in the school canteen.


As a kid, I liked One Crazy Summer more. I think I like Better Off Dead more, nowadays.


I like both movies (even though Cusack hates them nowadays, it seeems). However, in a nutshell, I enjoy One Crazy Summer more because it's more light-hearted and not as dark as Better Off Dead. Better Off Dead does have one great aspect, Elizabeth Daily in a tight dress.


I love both of them, but Better Off Dead DID have the singing David Lee Roth/Van Halen hamburger!

Oh, but One Crazy Summer had the Cute And Fuzzy Bunnies that get blown away...

... but, Better Off Dead had Diane Franklin as the little French exchange student which was a totally wonderful performance...

... but One Crazy Summer had the late, great William Hickey AND Bobcat Goldthwait... back when he was funny...

... It also had lobsters in a swimming pool and a chopped up FERRARI BOAT!! Come on, people - FERRARI BOAT!!

... but then there was the downhill ski race on one ski with the paperboy chasing them...

I know, I'll vote for the one that had Curtis Armstrong!

Oh wait, he was in both, wasn't he?...

Well, he was funnier in Better Off Dead.

"This is PURE SNOW!!! Do you have any idea what the street value of this MOUNTAIN IS?!"

Don't ask me what I think of you,
I might not give the answer that you want me to.
- Fleetwood Mac, "Oh Well"


Both are hilarious, but BoD was the best!

There's a red-thingy moving toward the green-thingy. I think we're the green-thingy.



No one is having this debate on the "Better off Dead" board. BOD is the better film. Tighter script, fewer characters, more focused story line. OCS is a funny movie with a lot of good gags, but it's a bit of an incoherent mess.


I'd take one crazy summer any day.


Better Off Dead is the better movie, but I'll give the nod to Crazy Summer simply for historical reasons. It is only a step behind, it has Demi, and it was Cusacks first lead role. So if one of them goes up on my wall....


BOD is the clear choice. Just a classic movie with great roles and great lines. I did enjoy One Crazy Summer as well, but it isn't as funny as BOD.

How can you say that OCS is Cusack's first lead role? The Sure Thing and Better Off Dead were before it and he had the lead role in each of these films.


How can you say that OCS is Cusack's first lead role? The Sure Thing and Better Off Dead were before it and he had the lead role in each of these films.
You are absolutely right. Either my memory is way, way off or One Crazy Summer was the first movie that I saw with Cusack in a lead role and I then caught the other two (which came out the year before) at the video rental store.

Guess there's history and then there's your history.


I vote for Better Off Dead - hands down!
But I would like to ask a question of all the respondants here:
Which did you see first?
I have a theory that, since there is quite a different feel to each of the movies (imho), there will be more partiality to the one first seen.

Just thinking...

It's not just The Man upstairs that you gotta get right with... it's also His Son.
