In case anyone even thinks about starring in movies, if you do, don't do a film in England. you're going to have a tough time trying to tolerate the Brits where they sit around drinking tea and question your director about his style of film making.
American film crews would've got a coffee and a donut whenever the director had a break haha.
That said, UK film crews were arguably the best in the world at that time. They worked on every iconic film of that era from Star Wars to Indiana Jones. The movie came out fine in the end, it's not as if their tea breaks ruined anything. It's probably Cameron's best film.
It's obvious that both sides exacerbated the situation since the list of complaints about the making of The Abyss is about a mile long, including Ed Harris punching Cameron and Mary Mastantonio having a breakdown over his intense directing.
well from what I heard, Ed Harris turned into a crying baby big pussy out in traffic where he claimed it was due to the underwater training. what a puss
From what I recall from watching the special features on The Abyss DVD (which was the goat of all special edition releases), Ed Harris almost drowned during filming one scene, and was only saved by an alert safety diver who saw what was happening and rushed over to give him air.
I laugh whenever I hear James Cameron's antics. The guy makes good films, so there's obviously method to his madness. As long as the film's good, then it's fine if some limey's are taking too long to eat their cheddar cheese sandwiches.
I bet there was no problems on the set of Avatar, and that film sucked on reviewings. The more problems on a Cameron set, the better.
well I typed in a question in the Google box to see where Avatar was filmed. apparently China, New Zealand, Hawaii and Playa Vista California. So I guess James Cameron had a better time with those places than the crap he had to deal with in England.
were the Brits back then in the mid late 1980s even aware of Roger Corman at all?
I think Cameron vowed never to enter England again, at least to film a movie.
He filmed The Abyss in an abandoned reactor in North Carolina. T2 was in California. True Lies was in Florida, DC and Rhode Island (because he couldn't be arsed going to Bern to film the opening scene). Titanic was in a Mexican film studio, iirc.
He was not kidding in the 'Making of Aliens' book when he said on the last night of firming when he toasted the crew and said something along the lines of: "what was keeping me going this whole time was the thought that i'd never have to work with you people again once I left the gates of this studio, whilst you bastards would be stuck here forever".
Does Britain have laws where you have to hire people purely to hire them, where they don't do much on set, if anything? Just cutting out those non-workers would save money right away.