We currently live in the age of overthinking any movie staring a woman or minority into some SJW liberal PC propaganda piece. Aliens is about a masculine butch woman who starts bossing around highly trained military marines and saves the day as the other actually trained soldiers are killed. She’s always right, always succeeds the impossible, takes zero shit, and kicks any dude’s ass. Also, she’s a civilian space trucker with zero combat experience but shoots better and outdoes the highly trained marines in every regard.
Face it. This movie would be labeled as SJW pandering liberal garbage if it were released today in 2019. But is it? No, of course not, just as Get Out and Terminator: Dark Fate aren’t. Okay, so a movie doesn’t star a white male. Who cares? It’s just a damn movie.
Apart from being tall. She´s skinny and lady-like. She shows her maternal instincts by taking care of Newt. Vasquez even ridicules her appearance, calling her Snow White.
2. Ripley doesn´t outdo the marines, nor does she always succeed nor is she perfect.
She is actually imperfect because of her vulnerability, she never wanted to go back to deal with the xenomorphs but is forced to if she wants her old job back and because of her nightmares.
She actually survives as long as she does BECAUSE of the marines. She hides behind them up until the very end which is why she outlasts all of them. They also save her ass when Burke locks her in with the facehuggers and she spends most of the movie running away from the aliens. It´s actually her idea to nuke the site from a safe distance, hardly a bad ass move. She fails to protect Newt while fleeing from them. The only time she kicks ass, is when she rescues Newt by surprising them and when she uses the loader suit against the Queen, something she has experience in, not a badly written Deus ex Machina like you see in some recent movies.
Ripley is butch scenario: "Why is this lesbo tranny on my screen? typical lefty pc hollyweird agenda waaaah"
Ripley isnt butch scenario "Little woman beating up big monsters unrealistic typical lefty pc hollyweird agenda waaaah"
Cant win
Its the content producers I worry about,
they cant make a film or tv thing with a woman or a colored in it ,
without all the mysogenistic internet manbaby bigots blackballing movies.
Hopefully though i dont think they have too much effect on a movies sucess in the real world
People have to understand that not all women have the same organs let alone biology, and neither every woman has maternal instincts, that's why they tend to join army sometimes, or do more manly stuff, which is natural for them, modern films just show this truth, truth of the variety of life that people have been ignoring for a long time, and considering our genes change throughout our lifetime and the IQ of our population is neither as low as a few decades ago, at least based on some scientific studies, it's understandable why movies portray men and women behaving differently than 100 years ago, or are being so sophisticated these days and why some people seem to overthink things so much. Although, in this film Ripley's story is really subtle exploration of finding a new family, a child she couldn't have.
Hey, Star”man,” I’m still waiting for your reply. HOW DO SOME WOMEN HAVE ORGANS DIFFERENT FROM
OTHER WOMEN?! it’s a declaration SO PREPOSTEROUS that I’m going to HOUND you with it.
Starman, you are still on this site, and still ignoring my questions. Here is another one for you: how do our genes change in the course of our lifetime? Really, tell me.
I'm surprised he hasn't edited or deleted his post yet. However, for posterity just in case:
People have to understand that not all women have the same organs let alone biology, and neither every woman has maternal instincts, that's why they tend to join army sometimes, or do more manly stuff, which is natural for them, modern films just show this truth, truth of the variety of life that people have been ignoring for a long time, and considering our genes change throughout our lifetime and the IQ of our population is neither as low as a few decades ago, at least based on some scientific studies, it's understandable why movies portray men and women behaving differently than 100 years ago, or are being so sophisticated these days and why some people seem to overthink things so much. Although, in this film Ripley's story is really subtle exploration of finding a new family, a child she couldn't have.
I remember the post. It’s still intact, above; but nothing in the post answers my questions. The poster’s first reply was to cry to the Mods to have my post deleted, a sure sign of intellectual bankruptcy.
He stuck his foot in his mouth and is not adult enough to own up to it.
I disagree, because Sigourney is an enigma. She's also quite androgynous, even when glammed up in her 80s photoshoots with Helmut Newton, and has the presence/charisma/stage generalship to pull off the role.
The fact she was a woman was also largely ignored for the most part, except when some of the marines were dismissing her, she was just a person. In the SJW pandering movies of today they keep hitting us in the face with that sledgehammer over and over.
I see where you're coming from, and it might get that reaction today just as a knee jerk, but it would be incorrect.
A 1986 film which is rarely surpassed as the years go by. Its 2020 and I dream of going into the cinema and experiencing as good a film as either Alien or its sequel Aliens.
On the one hand, yes it would. But on the other hand, the movie wouldn't allow Ripley to just exist in the film, the whole marketing push would be obnoxiously ridiculing people who couldn't handle Ripley or something like that, thus inviting audiences to critique it solely on its feminism and wokeness.
And that would be the problem. No-one really has any problems with female lead action films. They have problems with having an agenda rammed down their throat.
There's also a difference between an agenda being the reason for the story and the agenda taking over the marketing. One makes the marketing intolerable and makes the film seem unappealing, but it might be a perfectly good film.
However, the first movie had the "weak male" and "perverted male" thing going on. That got cleaned up in the Aliens where the males were mostly good including the android.
You do know the Changeling and Nightmare on Elm Street both came out after Alien, right? He or she was talking about the first Alien being the first social justice movie. You are corect in saying For a few dollars more and I spit on your grave came before it though.