MovieChat Forums > The Breakfast Club (1985) Discussion > Do you wish you were back at highschool?...

Do you wish you were back at highschool? Or glad that it is over?

I just watched The Breakfast Club, and it obviously reminded me a lot of highschool (with its "highschool hierarchy", bullies, teachers with no sense of humor etc.) which was in the 1990s for me. It gave me the feeling that I am glad that I don't have to go to highschool anymore.

Did you also get this feeling from watching The Breakfast Club? Or did you get the opposite feeling, that you would love to go back in time to the years of highschool?


Definitely glad its over. Didn't have an awful high school experience (at least not mostly), but there were A LOT of things about it that I'm happy to leave behind.


As long as I don't have to be who I was in highschool, and could be this me now, then I wouldn't mind going back. I had a fairly easy time, enjoyed studying and had a lot of friends - but I was torn up inside all the time. I was learning a lot about the world, about family and friends, about becoming the person I wanted to be, blah blah. Personal identity crisis was huge back then.

Still, if I could be me now and go back, then yes because I think I could accomplish a lot more and have a lot more fun doing so. But if I had to do it all as I did, then nah. I'm past figuring things out while still trying to decide who I am.


I'd go back in a heartbeat.


High school for me was hell. I was glad to get out. I didn’t even bother with college. I was lucky to graduate high school


The Breakfast Club makes me wish I had friends like they end up having. Sure, I had some but high school was so difficult for me (I did it to myself, trust me) that I wouldn't want to go back. At least not the same person I was then.


80s High school blew. 90s College awesome.


Hmm considering my high school years were closer to "Better Off Dead" I'm thinking we'll keep it all in the past


All I was ever in was trouble, 29 swats my Sophomore year. Turned my ass not black & blue, just black.

But, it's where I walked my wife to class my Senior Year. We still talk about that. It's like another life, but, it happened. She'd contribute her .35 cents to the lunch and then consume double that.

I asked her just the other day: "Why didn't you go with Bob Emond? He was crazy over you."

"Because I fell in love with you, Cully."

We'd have pep rallies on Friday mornings in the cafeteria. The cheerleaders would file in followed by a flag procession, the national anthem, then the school song.

Damn rights, I'd go back.
