MovieChat Forums > The Breakfast Club (1985) Discussion > Do you wish you were back at highschool?...

Do you wish you were back at highschool? Or glad that it is over?

I just watched The Breakfast Club, and it obviously reminded me a lot of highschool (with its "highschool hierarchy", bullies, teachers with no sense of humor etc.) which was in the 1990s for me. It gave me the feeling that I am glad that I don't have to go to highschool anymore.

Did you also get this feeling from watching The Breakfast Club? Or did you get the opposite feeling, that you would love to go back in time to the years of highschool?


I wish I was back in high school for no other reason than I wish I had tried harder. I didn't work very hard(in college either). Had I put in a little more effort not only would I have been able to be a teacher myself, I would be approaching retirement right now.


I graduated high school in 1992. I had a great time in high school, especially senior year. I still keep in touch with several of by high school friends, and I am not talking facebook keep in touch, we actually talk on the phone and meet up.

However, I am glad it is over. I enjoy the real world much more. I enjoy making money much more than studying, writing papers and taking tests.

Also, I would not want to go to high school this day and age. I think of all the crazy/stupid thing we did and today with cell phones and cameras we would all likely would have been arrested.


I loved high school - they were the second best years of my life (college was first) and the most stress-free. I had absolutely no worries and played all the time. I wish I could go back.

Wendy? Darling? Light, of my life!


Reasons I wish I could go back...

1. To be going home to see my grandparents again.
2. So I could have the experience with my cousin (the brother I never had) before drugs began to control his life, ruining all trust and friendship that we ever had...still love him though.
3. I graduated in 1997, so I would have joined the Air Force as a career (I would be able to retire next year)...dumbest decision I never made.

Overall I had a good time in high school, but not great. College was 10 times better.

Reasons I never want to go back...

1. Because I can't.
2. Acne
3. Made several embarrassing decision that I don't want to relive.
4. I thinks its pathetic that people live in their high school glory the rest of my life.
5. The rock music was overall terrible 1993-1997...I wish I could have graduated around 91 or 92. I don't like grunge (never did), and that damned movement ruined my popularity in high school because I remained loyal to heavy rock such as Ozzy, Sabbath, Zeppelin, Van Halen, Crue, GnR, Megadeth, and Nugent. While everyone else thought it was cool to wear flannels, Doc Martins, and corduroy pants listening to Bush and Oasis while playing hacky-sack, I would rather just had a Van Halen shirt with a pair of blue jeans looking for a friendly gathering and hanging out and joyriding to ZZTop and Whitesnake. I was born at the wrong time.


Yes. Something ln my last year of HS triggered a number of events that would leave me disabled.


good question... go back to the 90's... maybe. go back to being a 16 year old and go to hs NOW??? hell no! the bullies are worse and the teachers are overworked, underpaid and are held to such high standards it is not worth it to have a sense of humor.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


High school (93-97) was not a good time for me, but I had a ball in college.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


It seemed as though it was easy to leave high school behind the first few years after I graduated.over the last few years however, I be started to miss it more. I often wonder how my life would have turned out if I would have been more successful academically and socially in high school.It is often said that your teenaged years are also your most formable. I would probably go back if I had the wisdom I have now. There were people who seemed to genuinely like and care about me. It would have been nice to form a closer relationship with my friends and actually bond with someone but I kept them at arms length.its seems like it is harder to form close friendships ad a adult.I also miss have almost unlimited time to persue your interests and develop your identity. Much of adult hood seems to revolve around work.


I'm glad it's over.

I wouldn't go back for a million dollars.

Hell is other people.


Just watched it again so I wandered in here. I would go back in a minute if I knew what was going to happen and could do it all differently, but man, did it suck at the time. I graduated in 1973, though, so it might be different for me since I'm one of the oldest people here. Anyone who says it's the happiest time of their life doesn't have much of a life.
