
I know this is kicking the hornets nest but I rewatched this last year for the first time in a long time. It's a fun movie which has broad appeal so you can understand why so many people like it but an 8.5 on IMDb (31st highest rated movie)?

This is the sort of movie that has a hard ceiling for me. It's a 7 or maybe an 8 at a push. A fun little movie but nothing that special.

Honestly it's no better than the popcorn movies of today, stuff like Marvel. People will probably argue against that but I'd chalk that up to nostalgic bias.


If you rate it a 7, you're among many that gave it a 7. 8.5 is the average.




I think its 10/10.


Come on Marvel movies? This movie has more thought involved than any of the recent marvel movies or tv shows.


Yeah, Marvels didn't seem to have much more substance than cartoon characters fighting each other all the time. CGI CGI CGI and more CGI...




As far as it's being overrated, I disagree but fair enough; as an 80s kid, nostalgia certainly plays a big part in my high regard for it.

But "no better than Marvel"? Come on, now. At the very least it was an original property and the brainchild of Zemeckis, as opposed to designed-by-committee, assembly line produced stuff based on stories from comics that range from 30 to 60 years old at this point.


Taste is subjective, so I might like and movie you hate and vice versa.

But you can't really say that Back To The Future isn't well made. They teach it in scriptwriting lessons. Almost everything that happens in the first 20 minutes or so has a pay off later. They manage to fill in a lot of exposition, whilst making it look like people are just generally chatting, or going about their every day life. Not a wasted word.


Maybe a little. I did give it a 9, but wouldn't put it above Jaws, Jurassic Park, Mad Max 2, Aliens, and The Shining - all of which are rated lower on IMDb.

BTTF II is definitely overrated though. For all its' flashy visuals and gimmicks, it's very sloppily written, incohesive, cheesy, and nowhere near as smart as it often tries to be.


Personally I don't think any of those movies are better. I actually either don't like or haven't seen them.


Heck no! It's awesome.
