80s mandatory sex scene

What happened to them? Where have they been in the past decades?
They were great!

I hated them as a kid, they were cringeworthy, out of place, exploitative.
They were ubiquitus in movies that had little to do with love or sex, like action or horror flicks.

In reality they added an extra element to the experience, making it more human and mature, and also more female friendly and maybe more juvenile. I guess American puritanism prevailed, so idiotic moms feel safer now that their kid watches 2 hours of shooting but God forbid he takes a glance of a pair of tits for 2 seconds. It's been a bigot virtuewashing for the worse.

I miss them, enough neutered cartoons for dickless boys, Hollywood bring em back!


Why did you say that the sex scenes made the movies more female friendly?


Because it's material women relate with better than Maverick shooting down a MIG or a cyborg removing his own eye, for instance. N'est ce pas?


Omg you crack me up! I ‘guess’ so, I would never have thought of it that way. Us girls like the storyline too, it’s one of the best movies out there. The sex didn’t add anything special to it for me but I thought that the sex was in there for GUYS as guys always get excited about nudity in movies.


He said that because there's a gaslighting technique known as "concern trolling," where you pretend that you want something to happen because you also want to see other people benefit from it. In this case, he was pretending as if he really cares how women enjoy movies, to further pretend that they should be in there for their sake.

It's a classic expression of sociopathic behavior. For example, I remember how decades ago, when kids were getting sexualized in movies and such, the pedos argued that it was wrong to get outraged, because children have a sexuality, too, and we were denying them of their true nature.


Sex scenes are for sex-starved perverts and morons who demanded that mainstream entertainment have sex in it, either because they're too chicken shit to go to a strip club or aren't getting any at home.

Case in point: in 2,000 years of Greek drama, literature, opera, vaudeveville, broadway musical and theater, there were never any sex scenes. Sex scenes only started becoming "mandatory" in mainstream movies back in the 1970s when perverts too scared to watch porn in real life (which used to be at actual brick and mortar theaters) wanted an outlet.

It's also a known fact that people demand gratuitous sex scenes in mainstream entertainment to Trojan Horse other perversions. There's a reason why pedobait in regular movies and rape on cable series has become more popular over time or why in Japan, there's now full-blown pedophilia in both hentai and mainstream anime series. Sex scenes are always the conduit through which perverts in TV and movies start mainstreaming their other perversions.


The only perversion here is in your mind.
Sex scenes are often beautiful, important to the plot and above all cinematic.

You should stick to other media, like parchment drawings, that is more your speed.


Disagrees. movie sex scene are gratuitus. put in when script not working and film maker hope audience gets distract.

but sex scenes in terminator are at least relevance because sarah has to be impregnated for plot to work. so i undertstand in this film but not in titanics and such.


Hell yeah. I’ll watch The Terminator sex scene one hundred times before I ever watch the on in Titanic again!!


Linda Hamiltons > Kate Weighsalot


To us born in 1984 its like seeing ourselves conceived


The sex scene in this film was literally a major part of the plot. Probably the most important sex scene in any film.
