- It tries to be 'deliberately cool', and the Bar scene is just a really awful, non-scary, nonsensical 'machine wants sunglasses at night for SOME reason' -- it makes sense in The Terminator (1984), because its eye is damaged, so it can better blend in if it hides the part that reveals it to be a machine - but here, it just wants to 'look bad' or 'look cool'
- Linda Hamilton doesn't look the part anymore, she's repulsive, disgusting, ugly and old, whereas in The Terminator (1984), she was just ugly.
- The stupid music in the bar scenes, etc. doesn't have to even be mentioned
- The time of the day-stuff makes no sense - so the liquid metal stupidity arrives at night (though why is it naked, when it doesn't have to wear clothes anyway, since it has no actual skin or fabric?), takes a cop car at night, and arrives during the day, when the sun is already high up, not even very early morning? What was it doing all those hours? Just driving around for fun?
- Sarah Connor can murder a guy, but the guy dodges the bullet accidentally. Then suddenly, she can't murder that same guy anymore, although she already shot him once. What kind of sense does it make? Either she can or can't, don't try to have it both ways.
- Why would the liquid terminator even need to immediately kill? Can't it just pretend to be a cop and make some excuse to borrow the car or something? Remember, it's supposed to blend in, not murder everything in sight.
There are at least a dozen more, but I don't want to waste my whole life thinking about that garbage movie.
It adds NOTHING interesting besides the visual gimmicks, except more and bigger explosions. The 'relationship' crap you can see in every movie, why would you need it in a Terminator movie? Well, at least it doesn't really have 'romance' in it, I give it that.
I'd rather watch friggin' Terminator GENISYS again than that Edward Furlong-crap.. "Easy Money!"