MovieChat Forums > Superman III (1983) Discussion > The beginning of the movie

The beginning of the movie

is funny. The rest, not so much.


Wow you are old.


If I were as old as you are stupid, I'd be 156.




The beginning of this movie belongs in a different movie altogether. Its pure slapstick, and very poorly shot and executed.

And Richard Pryor. I love the guy but he practically ruined this movie.

Now the scene where Supes turns bad, thats more like it.


I moved to Calgary (Canada) for work (oil and gas) and I saw the opening to this film on TV and I said damn that looks like where I work and sure enough when I looked it up it was filmed here. My boss even remembers them setting up the phone booths that domino down but said he never saw any filming as it was done on the weekend.


Totally agree.

Was re-watching this last weekend and thought exactly the same thing. Was actually wondering if there was a story about that opening being tagged on.

Otherwise from Smallville onwards, and especially the evil Superman segment, it's not as bad as some say, not a million miles off Superman II in fact.


I disagree. This movie sucks and was more about Richard Pryor than it was Superman. Also green Kryptonite with a missing ingrediant turning Superman bad didn't make sense and neither did Superman and Clark becoming 2 different people and fighting each other. Everyone who wrote this movie should be ashamed of themselves.


It was because of Tar. Gus had to substitute in for element "unknown" hence the corrupted effect. I thought that was easy enough to follow.

What I didn't get is why Superman sat admiring it so much when presented with it. It should have been quite clear to him that it looked an awful lot like a big lump of Kryptonite!

Also that opening sequence - Was that an Alec Guinness cameo in there?


Shut up, Superman 3 is a decent movie. Shut up.


I'm sorry but I don't agree. The first 2 Superman movies are vastly superior to Superman 3 and 4. Frankly I've always enjoyed the 4th more than the 3rd too. At least it didn't have a comedian taking up more screentime than Superman.


Yes, in most people's eyes, Superman does probably suck as a Superman movie. But I should add context: I saw Superman 3, probably my first Superman movie ever, only a year after I saw Tron after getting heavily into computers, and loved the theme of the Ultimate Computer, so I consider this a personal favourite of mine. Get my point now?


Unacceptable. This is a poor film regardless of when you saw it or not


I feel like you are being unreasonable personally. Honestly I only ever really watched the first movie and 4th movie when I was a little kid and didn't see the 2nd one til I was a teenager. I never wanted to even watch the 3rd one as a kid because of the cover being too off putting. Superman carrying around some random guy (I didn't know who Richard Pryor was as a kid) with a comedic look on his face. It looked off putting and I didn't even want to have my parents rent it from the video store for me. I did finally see Superman 2 as a teenager and liked it. And have come to like the first 2 movies best. But that's just me.


I'M being unreasonable?? How dare you!


"missing ingrediant turning Superman bad didn't make sense"

Sure it did!
makes a lot more sense than other stuff in the movie
-controlling the weather??
-pointing the satellite into space to get the recipe for kryptonite (if memory serves) ??

{edit nov24}
Update "Controlling the weather" is now apparently a real thing according to the insane morons that have just re-elected Trump.
Many of them think democrats caused the recent hurricanes, I shit you not.


That's just it though. Even with a missing ingrediant it was shown that green Kryptonite kills him. So it shouldn't have effected him that way. They should have just had them find some Red Kyptonite and then used it against Superman. It's not like it would've cost that much more money to do. Then again this movie is all about going as far from the basis of the comics as possible because it was made by anti comics jerks (except for Christopher Reeve of course).


"-pointing the satellite into space to get the recipe for kryptonite (if memory serves) ??"

Ever heard of Spectroscopy? That's how we find out what the composition of stars are. It's not unreasonable.


it is not supposed to be funny, moron


I thought the beginning of the movie looked out of place in a Superman film, it felt like you were watching a Three Stooges or a Laurel & Hardy episode, especially with all of the chaos that was happening, I enjoyed most of the film although I wish we would've gotten to see less of Richard Pryor and more of Brad.


Also, why is ‘the chaos happening’?

Robocop 2 starts with a similar chain of connected events, but it’s relevant because they’re all crimes and it’s a witty way of showing the decay of Old Detroit.

Why am I watching various people falling over and a blind dude treading on someone’s head and walking through a painting at the start of Superman III??
