Were Luke and his friends in the wrong?

Were they wrong to break Han Solo out of Jabba's palace? If one looks at the situtation objectively, Han is serving his just punishment. He must have agreed to the terms of his job with Jabba. If one goes by the original version of the film, Han is a cold blooded murderer who blows away anyone who stands in his way. He killed Greedo so calmly and casually that it couldn't have been his first time.

Moreover, Jabba actually showed mercy. From the sound of it, Han assumed he was a dead man walking if he fails to return money that he owes Jabba (that sounds like he cheated Jabba out of some money which is bad in it of itself). However, Jabba chooses to let Han live. Rather than acknowledge Jabba's act of mercy, Luke and his goons kill Jabba in cold blood.




Jabba was a malicious gangster. Han's friends rescued him, because they care about him.


No! When Han helped Luke blow up the death star, he was given a pardon and didn't owe Jabba anything


You'd think that while Han was up on that stage with Luke & Leia getting his shiny gong the resistance would send a couple of heavies round to Jabbas place with the "take the money & Han is debt free ... or die" routine




Yeah, why didn't the rebellion come together to help Han pay off his debt to Jabba? You would think a enough people throughout the galaxy would happily donate to pay off Han's debt. If it wasn't for him, Luke would have failed in his mission and their planets would be next on the chopping block.

Because the Rebellion was too cheap to pay off Han's debt, they decided to disregard local culture and tradition by attempting a prison break. Their arrogance caused them to get arrested for trespassing and for the attempted aided prison escape of an inmate. Then, rather than apologize for their dishonorable actions (they should have went through a legal process), their leader Luke, now a Jedi Knight, demands that they get released or they will murder Jabba.
Source " Free us (prisoners)... or die!" -Luke Skywalker


Han had the money to pay Jabba off since his reward for rescuing Leia and helping with the Death Star.

But he kept getting side-tracked by Rebellion matters.

By the time he was hanging near the Tauntaun head, Jabba didn't care about the money anymore.


Han is a cold blooded murderer who blows away anyone who stands in his way. He killed Greedo so calmly and casually that it couldn't have been his first time.

Yeah, poor Greedo. He wasn't doing anything wrong.

However, Jabba chooses to let Han live. Rather than acknowledge Jabba's act of mercy, Luke and his goons kill Jabba in cold blood.

Jabba kept Han prisoner. And Jabba was a crime lord, right? How many crime lords would you give the right to keep prisoners rather than turning them over to the authorities?

And who's going to bring Jabba to justice for all of HIS crimes?
