Were Luke and his friends in the wrong?
Were they wrong to break Han Solo out of Jabba's palace? If one looks at the situtation objectively, Han is serving his just punishment. He must have agreed to the terms of his job with Jabba. If one goes by the original version of the film, Han is a cold blooded murderer who blows away anyone who stands in his way. He killed Greedo so calmly and casually that it couldn't have been his first time.
Moreover, Jabba actually showed mercy. From the sound of it, Han assumed he was a dead man walking if he fails to return money that he owes Jabba (that sounds like he cheated Jabba out of some money which is bad in it of itself). However, Jabba chooses to let Han live. Rather than acknowledge Jabba's act of mercy, Luke and his goons kill Jabba in cold blood.