How did they come to be called Ewoks?

Two points:

1. They were NEVER, EVER mentioned by that name in Return of the Jedi, whatsoever.

2. No-one should NEVER, EVER consider anything CANON if it is OUTSIDE of the movies.


is it in the credits?


There used to be a tribe of midget native americans who lived in North California, where the scenes on Endor were shot. The midget tribes were known as Miwoks, so the word ewok sprang from there. I happen to be an expert on everything Star Wars and know more than anyone else


From the toys released the same time as the movie. You should have known this


I must have liked Ewoks when I was a kid. I had the huge village and all the toys and they were crazy ass fun to play with.

Tons of the characters and vehicles never got named till the toys came out.

Palpatine never had a name in the movies either, it was in the book.


Why would anyone read the book when there was a movie?


I remember that.


The soundtrack album had a track called "Parade of the Ewoks" at least.


Lucas had for nearly everything already the names, even if it was never mentioned on screen. Palpatine was never so called in the movies, but he was named already in all novels. Same for the word Sith and even names from the Prequel trilogy were already played around, even if they were not yet conceived as what we associate with them now. I am also quite sure that Lucas had already an explaination on how the force worked predating several years before Episode 1. So yes, a lot was known, even if not named in the movies itself.

Most of the names we now know came from the toylines. The Star Wars toyline was not canon yet, but as I am aware, the names from Episode 5 were all considered canon. Also the Ewok name was hammered into the people later with the Ewok TV movie, releasing in '84. That and the TV show were definitely my first exposure to the fury beasts, quite sure before I even knew Star Wars existed.


They were originally going to be Wookies, but there wasn't the budget.

Ewok is almost pig-latin for Wookie.


They couldn't have been wookies in this movie because we saw in episode 3 that the wookies were all defeated and enslaved. Or just killed


Remember that VI was made before III!
Lucas hadn't planned the sacking of Kashyykk at the time.
