Worst Bond film ever?

Please, don't tell me if there are worse Bond films after this movie. This was terrible movie!


Every Daniel Craig Bond movie was worth than this one.

Frankly, this may be the last decent Bond movie, period.


Every Daniel Craig Bond movie was worse? Talk about a hot take.

I'd put Diamonds Are Forever and Quantum of Solace below this one and probably Moonraker too. And if we're counting "unofficial" Bond movies, why not include the utter fiasco of the other Casino Royale (the 1967 one), which isn't just the worst Bond film by far, but one of the worst movies of any kind.


I get the dislike for Diamonds are Forever. It's an oddly uncompelling movie despite a pretty funny chase through Las Vegas. I have a nostalgic attachment to Moonraker, so I can't judge that movie objectively. The 67 Casino Royale is definitely unwatchable. Of all the Craig movies, his version of Casino Royale is the only one I stayed awake for. I just haven't felt compelled to watch it a second time. The others put me to sleep (to be fair, so did the Pierce Brosnan Bond movies).


I have a nostalgic attachment to Moonraker

I feel the same way about Octopussy. A lot of people consider it one of the worst Bond movies, but I watched it with my parents as a kid and had a magazine about the making of it which I read over and over, so it has a special place in my heart.


NSNA was a sort of remake of Thunderball - and personally I like it better than Thunderball. It's got some silly stuff in it, but so does every Bond movie from Diamonds Are Forever onwards. Roger Moore complained about the humour in NSNA, particularly the scenes with Rowan Atkinson, claiming it "wasn't Bond humour". Roger clearly never saw any of his own Bond films.

I never understood the hate towards Never Say Never Again, unless it's in sympathy with Sean Connery, who hated every minute of working on it.


Woody Allen’s travesty if Casino Royale is easily the worst effort.
