MovieChat Forums > ak47wong
ak47wong (637)
Imagine has its own IMDb page
UK age rating increased because of "discriminatory language"
What happened to all the threads?
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We can only assume that gambling *was* a problem for Basil in the past, hence that particular avenue of pleasure has been closed off for him.
I'd like to think that I can make up my own mind whether or not I like a movie and not change my mind because of other people's reviews and videos after the fact. I loved TFA when I first watched it and I still do. I know it has flaws – the Mary Sue problem is very real and the Rathtar sequence is pointless – but I left the theatre with a sense of excitement that I hadn't felt about Star Wars for decades. I don't think it's dreadful at all, but I do think its two sequels are.
I don't see anything wrong with the cat burglar scene. Obviously it was shot by the actor crawling along the floor but I think he did a very convincing job of making it look like he was climbing up a wall.
I guess we need to agree to disagree about the Krypton scenes. I thought they were brilliant, some of the best parts of the film, nor do I see anything particularly dark about them.
I still don't see anything bizarre about the movie, but I don't have an answer if you think it was boring. Personally I think it was anything but.
Just to clarify, I hope you watched the theatrical version and not the 3-hour-long "Extended Cut" because that is full of unnecessary extra scenes that make the movie a WHOLE lot worse.
<blockquote>Superman - good
Superman II - good
Superman III - watchable
Superman IV - very poor</blockquote>
A very succinct summary.
Which parts of Superman 1 are bizarre? I'm genuinely interested.
I see you made the same comment on the YouTube video 😄
lol, the best response
Well you answered your own question. And if he had then we wouldn't have had an awesome scene like this one:
We complained less about everything because there were fewer people to complain to before the era of the world wide web. But the fact that you were a kid had a lot to do with it too. Kids are not very critical.
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