MovieChat Forums > Don't Go to Sleep (1982) Discussion > now that I have attained cult status...

now that I have attained cult status...

I have tried to locate this movie and have not been able to find it. I need it because...I wrote it. I want to do a remake of this as a feature - bigger, faster, scarier! - but I don't have the script anymore nor do I have a VHS or DVD. I tried to find it at Movies Unlimited but the title search came up empty. Any ideas?

Ned Wynn


Hi, Ned. Any more news on the remake?

Just saw you and your clan on TV last night ... ABSENT MINDED PROF.
Hadn't heard of DGTS until today; sounds great. Also want to find CALIFORNIA DREAMING. The IMDb discussion of it sounds very good.




So, I guess the remake project wasn't a "GO" after all... =(


i always thought i was the ONLY person who remembered this movie! yes, this is the reason i checked under my bed every single night....even through college! so scary!


There's a copy of the DVD for sale on Ebay right now, if anyone still is looking. *** Edit *** Ebay took it down, but anyone who is interested can send me a message.


I wasn't a child when I saw this movie, I was around 15 years old, and it scared me more than any movie on the big screne durring my high school years. It was so well done! Oh, how I hope this will be redone by you!!!

Don't Go To Sleep (and Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark, both made for tv movies, almost a decade apart), were the two movies that actually shaped my fears. Such a great movie!!


I just watched this on youtube after reading about it on kindertrauma and I loved it! Obviously a remake hasn't happened.. :(

"DM and GdelT*, who want to produce the remake, have picked LMcK to direct it."

I know it's random but does anyone have any guesses for who DM was? The other two were fairly obvious to me but I just can't think of who it might be..


Hi Ned,

I remember reading a long time ago that you were planning to do a remake of DGTS.

But you didn't have the script or the movie itself from which to do this. What has been the latest with regards to the remake. Because I have to admit, the original film was brilliant so well done with that, but sometimes as your aware there have been classic movies which have been ruined by remakes. I hope this movie won't be one of them.

I don't know if this will be of any help to you. But a little while ago while I was on the US version of EBAY. I came across the script of DGTS and you could buy it now. 180652312199?_trksid=p3286.m7&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26o tn%3D3%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D617031736155156691

Anyway please let us know what the latest with regards to the remake.



Now that they've remade Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (another old school horror TV movie), if it does well, maybe a remake for Don't Go to Sleep would become a possibility.




Mister Anderson,

I don't wish to burst your bubble. But I have seen the remake of Don't be Afraid of the dark and it was rubbish. But saying that, I'll let you decide if you wish to see it and I won't give too much away.

To be honest with you, I wasn't that impressed with the original movie.
