I have been tracking down the title of this movie for the longest time. I feel very exhilarated to have finally found the name of it, now I know what to look for. The next quest will be to track down a copy. I really hope that film distributors catch wind of the public’s interest in this movie, and start producing copies to be sold in stores.
If there is going to be a “Re-Make” of DGTS, I really hope that primal fear element experienced in the original can be preserved. I wish that the remake has that authentic 1970’ish; early 80’ish horror flick feel to it. Saying so, indulging on special effects and incorporating a fast paced cinematography common among today’s horror flicks, should be avoided. That’s not what the original was about.
Horror films were so much better back then, today’s horror flicks just don’t strike that kind of arousal anymore. Today, they resemble more of a video game, rather that campy, savory feel to it. Then again, the great horror flicks of the 1970’s probably conditioned me somewhat. There really wasn’t much gore in this movie, Richard Lang I assume, knew how to strike a chord with the audience’s fear through some rather shocking scenes.
I hope the producers can learn from the failures of prior remakes, and not make the same mistakes in this project. Somehow, a bad remake taints the sanctity of the original. However, it works the opposite way too; there have been some great remakes of movies that were relatively obscure.
Anyway, DGTS was among a short list of those horror flicks that left me with a sense of nostalgia.
For those who enjoyed this movie, here are a few similar “Closet Classics” from around that time, which I recently tracked down and discovered the title. Chances are you probably liked them too.
The Sentinel
The scene of the lead actress’ recently deceased father walking around in her apartment was totally scary. There were other scenes that I had recalled from watching the movie almost 30 years ago. As it turned out, there were many popular actors and actresses who played in the movie, such as; Chris Sarandon, Burgess Meredith, Christopher Walken, Beverly D'Angelo, John Carradine, Ava Gardner, and a young up and coming Tom Berenger. Definitely worth checking out!
Burnt Offerings
Lost classic! I remember watching this one on TV, not sure if it was a MFTV flick but the time frame matched up with the release year.
One of the most memorable scenes came when the family tried fleeing the house, only to be stopped by a Tree extending its “Roots and Branches”, to reach out and stop the car. The house just refused to let them leave. Karen Black, Oliver Reed, and Bette Davis head up a veteran horror flick cast. Can a cast get any better than that! I actually use to think Burnt Offerings and DGTS were the same movie. After a couple of decades, I guess you could confuse them after a while, very similar movies (Haunted House, batty old woman; “Ruth Gordon - dgts/Bette Davis – burnt offerings” and a menacing ghostly figure (Oldest sibling – dgts/ The Chauffeur – burnt offerings). Very interesting, scary movie to say the least.
Very interesting plot. I can watch this one over and over again.
Dance of the Dwarfs
I found this movie interesting, the most memorable things about the movie was the little ewok looking things and their red eyes, the crew leaving in a Huey, and the song during the closing credits.
There are a few more out there I have yet to find the name of, but the thrill of the chase is half the fun.