MovieChat Forums > Don't Go to Sleep (1982) Discussion > now that I have attained cult status...

now that I have attained cult status...

I have tried to locate this movie and have not been able to find it. I need it because...I wrote it. I want to do a remake of this as a feature - bigger, faster, scarier! - but I don't have the script anymore nor do I have a VHS or DVD. I tried to find it at Movies Unlimited but the title search came up empty. Any ideas?

Ned Wynn


Your movie blew my ten-year-old mind! I was haunted by my memories of it for years, then finally tracked it down- a really nice print on DVD, no less. Let me know where to send a copy, no charge (least I can do). Good luck with the re-make!
[email protected]


I also have the film. Believe it or not, I purchased a different film and was sent this one by mistake. You are more than welcome to it. Let me know.


I am also interested in a copy of this movie, can someone please help me here?


Are you for real? How could you write a story and not have your own copy of it???


It was a long time ago, Foo. 22 years ago. I think my ex-wife may have a copy of the script in her files, but I haven't gotten the courage up to make that call. But never fear, it's me.

Ned Wynn


I hope someone does come through for you Ned. I wouldn't mind getting this one on DVD myself.

This movie scared me practically to death when I was a kid. It was really scary. After all these years I can still vividly recall scenes from it. You did a very good job!!


Well, let me just say, if you really did write this....I hate you. That movie haunted my entire childhood. I went to bed flat on my back with my legs pulled up indian style after watching that movie. I was terrified that little girl was going to grab my legs at the foot of the bed. And isn't there a pizza cutter crawling up the stairs? Hate you! :P Still scares me as an adult just to think about it.


I want to thank all of you guys for being so hardcore positive about this film. It does a writer good to know that people remember a movie he wrote so long ago, and that that movie had a strong effect on them. Sorry, FooNation, to have terrified you so much, but I'm actually giddy to think I really did. And thanks for all your suggestions on how to get a copy. Some of my former students (I teach screenwriting part time at SFSU) are also trying to get me a copy.

I will be writing you some updates on this thread after I meet the producer in Hollywood (meeting is a week from this coming Monday) who is interested in making this into a feature (big screen adaptation). I won't name him just now (he is a very well-know guy and has a real presence in the industry - he's not small fry), but if it looks like the thing is really going to happen I will fill you guys in first about it. You can watch a movie deal being made up close.

I like to think of you as my loyal fan base and I want you to know that I am touched by that. In a way I credit you for having kept this movie alive in the minds of many people. This producer heard about it from somewhere and got a copy over a year ago. He was waiting for another project to go first, but that one fell through and brought DGTS up on his production docket first. He wants to make it the debut feature for a new division of his film company, one which will be dedicated to making horror films.

It’s so interesting to me how certain images have stuck in people’s minds. The pizza cutter and the dead sister at the foot of the bed seem to be the biggest “moments” in this picture so far. I will keep that in mind when I do the adaptation.

Again, thanks, jbracht, FooNation, dirtygirl, thebax2, dpwalter. If this thing happens (keep your fingers crossed for me, or pray if you're so inclined), you will be among the first to know. I will give as many details as I can when they become available to me.

And thanks again for being such a loyal group. I am honored.



I am really torn right now, Ned. I don't know whether to be thrilled or terrified about a remake! But if it will help you, I'd be glad to call your ex for you and ask her for the script. :)

As you are aware, this movie had a profound effect on me in order for me to take the time to look it up on this database. I could not remember the name of it but I knew Valeria Harper was in it, so I looked her up. I actually got the chills when I scrolled down the list of her credits and saw the title to this movie. It is still so vivid after all these years. I can remember it coming on a few times in the years after I saw it first. I was channel surfing one time and came across it and I had to actually change the channel quickly because I was too scared to watch it again. No joke. But alas, I will keep the success of this project in my prayers (as I AM inclined) because I truly think it will translate very well to the big screen.

Best of luck and I can't wait to hear updates!!



Hey Ned,

Just wanted to let you know that DVD-R's are popping up on eBay with the Lorimar VHS only release artwork. You may want to give that a try. Here is an example link:

Hope that helps. This movie is truly one of the best. I had pizza two nights ago and thought about it which is why I'm here right now :-)



jbracht, I used your link and have a bid in on a copy. Thanks.


You bet. I know it'll be fun for you to watch the movie again. Especially when you are watching something that was made from your own writings.



It seems like the movie business is similar to the record business in that just like a recording artist has to surrender their master recordings over to the record company in many cases, a writer has to give ownership of his or her script over to whatever studio is backing the film - that sucks!!! And I bet you would probably have to go to court to get back what you wrote - that is crazy!!! Was just wondering: as you remake this, have you entertained the though of using an independent film studio (one that would allow you to retain ownership of your script and IP)? Good luck in your endeavors. I love this movie!


Where in the hell is the remake Ned????!! Status pls


Hey man, you should shoot me a e-mail. My good friend is co producer of the Dawn Of The Dead remake and he's looking for new stuff. Send me a e-mail at [email protected] and I'll fill u in. Also try looking for a copy n EBAY.


Thanks to all, I have attained a copy of the movie. Now people are sending them to me. At some point in the next few weeks, after I have this deal nailed down (if, indeed, I get it nailed down) I will be putting up some news. But for now I understand many of your worries regarding remakes. A lot of it has to do with our memories of the original and the desire to see that what it was in that that made us laugh or cry or scared the crap out of us isn't taken out of the new version.

I am doing my best to keep myself in the rewrite picture on this deal. As the owner of the property, I have made it clear that I want to have the first crack at the big-screen adaptation. It should not be impossible to do that, however, because there is a big name attached as executive producer, he will be getting a director attached before we go to the studios. That director may want to do the adaptation himself. However, I am hoping to at least do the first pass at this stage. If they don't like what they see, they are free to hire another writer. I will, of course, endeavor to keep those aspects which made the first one scary intact. But making movies is a collaborative effort, and unless everyone is on board with what it is that made the first one work, it is possible that something could be lost. So far, I feel confident that the producers and I are on the same page.

I will post real names as soon as I get the green light to do so. You will recognize the players here.

Thanks again for your support. It does a writer good.

Ned Wynn


Hello Mr.Wynn! I never saw this movie, unfortunately I can't find a copy anywhere, I'm from Portugal :(
But I have to tell you, I had trouble sleeping when I read what the movie was about (last year I think) This kind of subject really disturbes me. I thought it was based on a book.



Welcome, Robert an thanks for your kind words.

I have a call into the producer to find out when I may publish his name, the name of his Executive Producer, and the company itself. When he answers me - hopefully in the positive - I will be able to tell you that. It probably won't take place until next week at the earliest. I can say that I made a call Monday and was told "The movie is a "go." You can't hear better words than that in the movie business.






I have been tracking down the title of this movie for the longest time. I feel very exhilarated to have finally found the name of it, now I know what to look for. The next quest will be to track down a copy. I really hope that film distributors catch wind of the public’s interest in this movie, and start producing copies to be sold in stores.

If there is going to be a “Re-Make” of DGTS, I really hope that primal fear element experienced in the original can be preserved. I wish that the remake has that authentic 1970’ish; early 80’ish horror flick feel to it. Saying so, indulging on special effects and incorporating a fast paced cinematography common among today’s horror flicks, should be avoided. That’s not what the original was about.

Horror films were so much better back then, today’s horror flicks just don’t strike that kind of arousal anymore. Today, they resemble more of a video game, rather that campy, savory feel to it. Then again, the great horror flicks of the 1970’s probably conditioned me somewhat. There really wasn’t much gore in this movie, Richard Lang I assume, knew how to strike a chord with the audience’s fear through some rather shocking scenes.

I hope the producers can learn from the failures of prior remakes, and not make the same mistakes in this project. Somehow, a bad remake taints the sanctity of the original. However, it works the opposite way too; there have been some great remakes of movies that were relatively obscure.

Anyway, DGTS was among a short list of those horror flicks that left me with a sense of nostalgia.

For those who enjoyed this movie, here are a few similar “Closet Classics” from around that time, which I recently tracked down and discovered the title. Chances are you probably liked them too.

The Sentinel
The scene of the lead actress’ recently deceased father walking around in her apartment was totally scary. There were other scenes that I had recalled from watching the movie almost 30 years ago. As it turned out, there were many popular actors and actresses who played in the movie, such as; Chris Sarandon, Burgess Meredith, Christopher Walken, Beverly D'Angelo, John Carradine, Ava Gardner, and a young up and coming Tom Berenger. Definitely worth checking out!

Burnt Offerings
Lost classic! I remember watching this one on TV, not sure if it was a MFTV flick but the time frame matched up with the release year.

One of the most memorable scenes came when the family tried fleeing the house, only to be stopped by a Tree extending its “Roots and Branches”, to reach out and stop the car. The house just refused to let them leave. Karen Black, Oliver Reed, and Bette Davis head up a veteran horror flick cast. Can a cast get any better than that! I actually use to think Burnt Offerings and DGTS were the same movie. After a couple of decades, I guess you could confuse them after a while, very similar movies (Haunted House, batty old woman; “Ruth Gordon - dgts/Bette Davis – burnt offerings” and a menacing ghostly figure (Oldest sibling – dgts/ The Chauffeur – burnt offerings). Very interesting, scary movie to say the least.

Very interesting plot. I can watch this one over and over again.

Dance of the Dwarfs
I found this movie interesting, the most memorable things about the movie was the little ewok looking things and their red eyes, the crew leaving in a Huey, and the song during the closing credits.

There are a few more out there I have yet to find the name of, but the thrill of the chase is half the fun.


Wow! It's amazing how many people were affected by this little tv movie from 1982. But I'm one as well. There were several old movies that I remembered bits and pieces of from childhood, which I eventually rediscovered ("Dark Night of the Scarecrow", "The Girl, the Gold Watch and Everything"), but this was the absolute most haunting of them all. I've tried for years to find the title of this movie by searching for key words from the few scenes I remembered (pizza cutter, bathtub electrocution) but I always came up blank. Then last week I came across it by accident on another website, checked it out here, and literally screamed! Well, I got my copy off of ebay and watched it last night and it actually lived up to my memories. What was it about this movie that haunted so many people? I suppose it was the imagery which was so potent or the overall mood of the piece. Either that or they were running some subliminal tests on us! Anyway, as I was watching it again I felt that it was definitely worthy of a remake, and lo and behold...Ned Wynn is already on it! Well, good luck Ned. It looks like you have some dedicated fans and you can count me in too. Just don't let Hollywood mess with your vision, cuz you know if they get the chance to *beep* it up they will.


Hi All - yet another fan of this movie here! As with the rest of you I saw it when I was very young (under 8) and it has stayed with me since. I ordered a copy from ebay a few days ago & can't wait to see it again. Ned - this film definitely helped kickstart my interest in horror - along with Carrie, The Fury and Scanners - as far as I'm concerned it's up there with those!


Add me to the list of fans. I found the title of the movie by doing a google search of "pizza cutter" and horror, I think. The scene I remember most vividly is of course, the pizza cutter, but I also remember the scene where they had the car wreck and one of the girls had tied the other girl's shoelaces together and she couldn't escape the burning car. At least I think that was DGTS. Was it? I'm going to try to get a copy on Ebay to refresh my memory. Good luck with the re-make! They just don't make movies like they used to :)


Yes, rokalilbit, the tied shoelaces is DGTS. In fact, that is one of the worst of the terrors when you think about it. A joke, really common, a practical joke and your sister burns to death. I must be really twisted, now that I think about it!



Hi Ned, i stumbled onto this thread after looking for details on Poltergeist (Oliver Robins) and now ive been sucked into the cause re DGTS. Wots the production latest?



I just came across this thread in my own search for this movie. I followed the ebay suggestions and am about to buy one. But guess what? I'm a bit freaked out now because it's 1:30 in the morning and I'm remembering how scary the ending of this movie was. In fact, I've only seen the last half hour. And I'm freaked! I'm 38, dammit! What have you done to me??

Anyway-good job! Thanks for the heebie-jeebies.



How did you find the copy of the movie. I looked on Ebay and couldnt find it.
It too was one of those childhood films that always stuck with me. The sight of the girl under the bed staring with psychotic eyes was creepy as heck and still is to this day.
Someone tell where on ebay to find it.

Cant wait for the remake, but some how I feel we will all be disappointed.


Awesome that you are here. No other film in TV history has stuck in my mind like yours. I must say that it scared me more than any other film on TV or otherwise at the time. I literally obeyed the title. Congrats on having so many fans of this film. I would love to get a copy of this. The pizza cutter and the end was what stuck in my head. Man, you fashoined an incredibly scary film.



Dude, you rule! I've been looking for this movie on IMDB for ages and finally came across this posting when I went to the site for "Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist" and saw that someone had started a new thread their called "Scariest Movies Ever?" Well, low and behold, DGTS was a title thrown out by a couple of people on the board, along with the original "Exorcist" and "The Shining".

That's pretty good company for your flick, don't ya think?

I agree with everything that the other posters have written here. DGTS is one of the scariest movies ever, and a lost cult gem.

They really don't make 'em like they used to in the 1970's and early 80's. Back then, I seem to remember seeing a lot of super made-for-TV horror flicks on ABC. "Burnt Offerings" sticks out in my mind, as does this thing made called "Bad Ronald", which was about a schizophrenic teenager living in a secret room in his mother's house. When his mother dies, a new family buys the house, and ol' Ron just has to pull some serious mischief on them.

I wish you much luck with the new production of DGTS. Your flick is an inspiration to me. I'm now in the process of shopping around my first horror script, and I don't think I would have thought of trying my hand in this business if DGTS hadn't scared the p*ss out of me at age 11.

Take care,


I searched for this film for year's. like most people on here I couldn't for the life of me remember the name! (god bless google)

I watched it last night and dear lord! it still scared the be-jesus out of me!

The thing that worries me about a remake is that it won't retain it's creepiness. (ie boogeyman re-make and suchlike) may I suggest christopher nolan as director?

He didn't bugger up batman...........


I am so excited I found you guys. Ned, this movie scared the crap out of my sister and I when we watched it. I was 8 years old. We still talk about it. I am still haunted by the tied shoelaces scene. Every once in a while it just creeps into my mind and I remember the feeling I had when I watched it for the first time. Scary stuff, great movie. Hope the remake happens. And I hope you write some more great stuff.



My brother and I loved this as kids. Recently I found a copy and we were able to see it as adults... I mean... it had to be 25 years or longer since we saw it... LOL

I found this pizza cutter magnet at Bed/Bath/Beyond. I got it for my brother. I wrote on the blade w/a Sharpie marker "little pieces for you and me"....

Whenever we have pizza together, my brother says "Big pieces for daddy, little pieces for you and me..."

We love movies. This was one of our faves. :)


This is really amazing!! I too was affected by DGTS and I only saw it ONCE. I remember this movie from when I was a child. I am now 28, and over the years I have had the same memories, and lack thereof (I had a hard time remembering the title...all I could remember was Don't...something something...Sleep.) as you all did. I remember all of the death scenes and as I read what you guys have written, I recall even more details. The one scene that stuck out the most in my mind was with the Watermelon.

I also tried to find anyone that knew what I was talking about when I mentioned the story, to no avail. I am so glad that I happened across another movie with the word "Don't" in the title. It's what lead me here today!

Good luck on the re-write, I hope your lack of communication over the last couple of months means you're in production and are sworn to secrecy!! I look forward to that new release date!

Now, I have no choice but to track down a copy of the original myself...


I'm 28 too and can't believe that I found this movie! I have looking for it for a while because I remember all the scenes but dont remember how long ago I SAW it....hopefully I can find it somewhere!


Where can you get a copy of this movie, I havent seen in probably 20 years and would love to see it again!

hope this helps.

Sabbs. :)


I am 32y and, as many of you here, was scared to death by this amazing movie when I was a kid. It does deserves a remake although I am a little bit afraid that my childhood memories will stick with the original one forever.

Good luck, Ned, and let us know about the progress of the remake!!


I, like most of you, remember the film from watching it as a child. I have just found out the name of it at long last and am not sure if I could bear to rewatch it again, even as an adult. The film haunted my childhood, especially when in the back of the car with my brother, The scary bit was the fact that the girl died whilst her siblings played a silly joke, it still haunts me now. Can anyone help remind me how the mum died?? Brother from the frisbee on the roof? gran from the snake? dad in the bath? I think but how did the mum die? I am the only one of my friends who remember anything about the film and its great to hear that other people were as affected by the film like I was.


dude, oh wait *SPOILER* the mothers death is open-ended and the gran didn't die by snake but infact by the brothers pet iguana (FYI called Ed).

i want the dvd of this movie so bad it hurts my face.


I just wanted to add to the ever-growing list of fans of this movie. I was about 7 or 8 when I watched this, I only saw it once and I was thinking about it today and after some searching was finally able to find it. Like others I remembered part of the title "Don't", and I thought either Bed or Sleep was in there.

I also just ordered it from ebay, thanks everyone!!!


I would love to buy this picture and rewatch it as an adult to see how it affects me now, opposed to how I remembered it as a child when I originally watched it. However, I am now a terrified grown up girlie and don't think I have the guts to watch it again. As a child I could watch any scary picture but now I find it difficult watching anything even remotely scary. This film has haunted my thoughts for years and I have only just found out its title too. Enjoy the film when you get it.


I would love to buy this picture and rewatch it as an adult to see how it affects me now, opposed to how I remembered it as a child when I originally watched it. However, I am now a terrified grown up girlie and don't think I have the guts to watch it again. As a child I could watch any scary picture but now I find it difficult watching anything even remotely scary. This film has haunted my thoughts for years and I have only just found out its title too. Enjoy the film when you get it.



I wasn't a kid back in '82, but DGTS is one of the great TV movies. I was struck that it was an instant classic even then. I even still have my copy of the original ABC broadast, sans commercials that I made way back then and have enjoyed over the years. The most startling scene to me was not the pizza cutter as others have stated, but Jennifer's first appearance under the bed. Scary stuff. But, I really want to compliment you on the painful confrontation scene between the parents. It made me uncomfortable years ago, but now that I'm older, I see the truthfullness and honesty in that scene. Great writing.

Kudos and good luck with the re-make, which I'm sure will be great, but nothing can top the original.


As many others above I can't believe I've finally tracked down the name of this film! I remember seeing the beginning back when I was 10 or 11, but was sent to bed before the end. I remember the tied shoelaces, the bed, bath and roof scenes, so typed them into google and found a webpage talking about the film! Finally after 20 years! Just need to get my hands on a copy now so I can see it in full!
