MovieChat Forums > Don't Go to Sleep (1982) Discussion > now that I have attained cult status...

now that I have attained cult status...

I have tried to locate this movie and have not been able to find it. I need it because...I wrote it. I want to do a remake of this as a feature - bigger, faster, scarier! - but I don't have the script anymore nor do I have a VHS or DVD. I tried to find it at Movies Unlimited but the title search came up empty. Any ideas?

Ned Wynn


Yes Mr. Wynn, I think it would be a super idea to remake this film, being that I just watched it for the first time in over 23 years!! I thought it was okay, still a remake would be beneficial in this day and age of all kinds of horror movie remakes. I finally found a copy, and I saw some images that could be very creepy with todays special effects capabilities!! My main question is will you play the role of the ambulance driver again? If you decide you want any suggestions for a re-do let me know, for I have been dying to write a "scarier than hell" horror movie!!


man if u all think that was the real ned wynn.. ur all idiots.. he uses the word foo, and he dont have copies of his own work?? *beep* him.. if he does a remake of his movie its like tope hooper redoin Poltergeist.. an absolute disaster..


I have no reason to doubt he's the real Ned Wynn. The word Foo he used was because he was addressing to a member whose name had Foo in it, and later changed the nickname. As for not having a copy, so many things happen in life, and one must move on. Maybe he forgot it at his ex-wife's house; depending on how the relationship ended, he might not want to contact her at all. Again I don't have reasons to doubt him as real Ned Wynn.


Pleeeeeease....Someone please let me know if they know how I can get a copy of this movie...Like many of you, I've only been looking for 20 years or so...have been trying e-bay, but have not seen it yet, after 3 months of waiting. I have access to many OOP made for tv movies...let me know if you are looking for something...I may be able to steer you in the right direction. And thanks for any help you can give...


To Bevus and other fans of DGTS on this thread,

Sorry for not writing here more often. I hate to say it but this movie remake is on the back burner for now. It has been harder to find a studio than we originally thought. It is being held off the market until it looks like we have another shot, and then we will be submitting it again. The screen name Keylimepie is me, Ned Wynn (I think you can look into my profile and see that, I don't know). The funny thing is that some people think it's not me. Why on earth would anyone claim to be Ned Wynn who isn't him? What's the gain there? Like, what would it profit me? I'm pretty unimportant in the scheme of things.

Anyway, I wish I had better things to report. I know that the group we have together including the two producers and the director, once we get a studio or some investors onboard will make a properly scary movie, updated and tuned to the times. I will do my best as the writer to maintain the scares that kept all of you fans for so many years. Again, I apologize for my long absence here. Keep the faith, folks. I really do appreciate all of you who loved this movie. You make me feel great.

Ned Wynn(Keylimepie, ekw, and some other names)


man if u think u can update a crappy made for tv movie into something great u are sadly mistaken.. and besides what are u gonna do since u dont remember what it was about since u wrote it?? were u stoned or drunk making and writing it?? oh well good luck and i doubt u are really ned.. cus if u were ud not ask a bunch of people who hardly remember it.. im sure a few have copies but if u did write it and not much after ud still remember 90 percent of it..


I saw this when I was a kid, but I couldn't remember the title, but som guy at another forum helped me and now I'm here! Where could I find this movie??? I really love it.. remember it was shown on TV3 here in Norway!



i certainly hope you do a remake. super duper creepy.
it haunted my childhood as well...had me afraid to wear the seatbelt in the car for a long while....and i won't own a pizza cutter-scissors will do fine thank you.


Just curious.


I found this whole thread quite accidentally. I remembered Dark Night of the Scarecrow from when I was a child. I found it on ebay the other day and purchased it. While looking it up on IMDB I came across the mention of DGTS and started reading all of these replies. Most of you are right...this is a difficult movie to find. I did manage to find one copy of it tonight on e-bay..for $19.99 plus about $4.00 in s&h. I can't say that I remember seeing or hearing about this one before...but all this responses have got me excited! Hope it's worth the $24 because I'm definitely a horror movie fan!



How is the video quality of this DVD?
Is it good?


eyes of medusa...the quality of the film is really good considering that it was a made for tv movie back in the 80's. I really enjoyed it. I never saw this when I was younger but I imagine I would have been more creeped out by it then...but I still found it very entertaining.


Wow. I came here thinking that I was the only one on the planet looking for this film. Man, this film ruled. It really did freak me out as a kid. I would love to see it again now that I'm 33. I used to go to bed at night and picture that girl at the foot of my bed. Yikes!!!!!! When I was a kid, there were two creepy images that played tricks on my mind when I tried to go to sleep. One was the twins from The Shining and the other was that girl from DGTS at the foot of the bed.

It's crazy that a movie made for TV is that creepy. For the most part, one would expect a dumb down version of a horror movie on primetime TV, but DGTS was really freaky and cool. I think it aired on ABC.


I can't beleive after 20 something years I finally found out the name of this movie! This film scrred the crap out of me as a kid, I don't however think a remake is in order here guys I think a officaly DVD release is what we need here


I have only seen this movie once when I was young. It was on late at night so it wasn't the TV premiere. I loved it, but all I remember is the girl going up the stairs with the pizza cutter. Scared the hell out of me.


Havent been able to sleep, since 1993!
I love you!
I really love you for doing a 80´s horror classic that actually is good!
Like many people have said, this one is forever stucked in my mind...
I loved it and I have searched it ever since channel three in Sweden showed it for the first time....that was 1993 or something like that!
The swedish awful title translation was: "Vad du än gör, somna inte" ... in english: "Whatever you do, dont fall asleep"!
Well, today I found it!
I love you for writing it, and I love myself today for founding it again!


I remember this movie, I saw it when I was ten and never forgot it. I have been trying for years to find it and no one seemed to know what movie I was talking about. I would love to find a copy of this movie so I could see it again. I was beginning to think I had dreamed this movie, I am glad that there are so many other people who remember this movie.


To all of you who remember this as a scary movie but upon seeing it again and finding it lacking: it's dated. We know that. DM and GdelT*, who want to produce the remake, have picked LMcK to direct it. As the original and remake writer, I promise you it will be torqued out to scare even this newer generation of more sophisticated horror aficionados. Some of you have seen it recently and have noted how it really doesn't do it like it did when you were younger. But that's true of a lot of movies, and remember, this was originally a TV Movie Of The Week! Can you see this on TV today? Hardly.

For a big screen feature film, we have a whole range of stuff we can do that we couldn't do then both in story and in special FX. Everything will be updated. But I will fight for the pizza cutter which was one of the best ideas I ever got. It's kind of the hallmark of this movie.

Ned Wynn

*Can't reveal the names of the producers or director - under penalty of getting electrocuted, thrown off a roof, and pizza-sliced - until a deal is set.


OK...first zorry for my english. I am from Chile (south america)and a fan of horror b-movies and all this 70's and 80's tv movies. Is funny how there are memories that affect in the same way people in their 20's , 30's all around the world. How many times i talked with my friends about all this creepy movies that we saw when kids?? And finnally (Thanks to internet) i found the name of many of them. I have this movie.. I recorded it from TV several years ago and now i passed it to DVD. I love it... is one of the best, and i wanna thank you for writting this awesome film. i hope to get some day a original DVD copy of DGTS. I beg you don't miss the spirit of the original in the remake please!!!

Some movies of my list (TV flicks... i'm not 100% about all of them, but.. i saw them on TV!!!!):
-Dark night of scarecrow (i have it)
-Trilogy of terror (no)
-Satan's triangle
-Bermudas deph (The giant turtle..)
-Dead and buried
-The car
-Salem's lot or La noche del vampiro
-Don't be afraid of the dark
-The hearse
-Devil dog (ja ja El perro diabolico..funny)
Etc etc


Would Dakota Fanning be a good choice as the little girl or is she to old?


We discussed her, and age plus her almost certainly high salary are both something that concern us. There are real budget concerns when you go up the ladder like that.


ok, but she was in discussion at least! :)
Well, whatever you do I am sure it will be fine! :)

Then, when its time for a DVD-release, why dont have a 2-disc version with the old and the new version?
I would enjoy it!


It's tricky getting a film properly cast. There are so many fine actors around, and child actors are a special case. Most likely these kids will be unknowns, but I'm not sure. Whatever, they will be good.

Anyone who wants to see some cleaned up clips of the movie may now do so at I'd appreciate some 5-star ratings if anyone of you are in the mood to rate the different clips (yes, the pizza cutter scene is there).



This is my all-time favorite ghost movie, an excellent psychological thriller. I'm looking forward to a remake.

My cast choices:

Jennifer - Jennette McCurdy or Emily Hirst
They can both do "sinister and creepy" very well.

Mary - Juliette Goglia
I'm a loyal fan (and therefore biased). I think she's perfect for just about any role.

edit: I just read on another thread that actual filming may not get started anytime soon. Juliette, Jennette, and Emily will probably be too old to be in it. :disappointed:



Your movie scared the hell outta me as a kid and I still think about it from time to time even now! I literally woke up from a scary dream I had that somehow incorporated the ghost ("jennifer") in that last scene in that final scene, ascending from the foot of the bed.

The pizza cutter was genius by the way. I think that's one of the reasons this movie stood out and apparently still gives me some chills to this very day.

Can't wait for this movie to come out!




Anyone who wants to see some cleaned up clips of the movie may now do so at I'd appreciate some 5-star ratings if anyone of you are in the mood to rate the different clips (yes, the pizza cutter scene is there).



If I don't have a screename on here I need to get one, LOL..

Anyway, Im 26 and never saw this movie but was haunted by the commercial alone as a child!! I don't know how old I was, my guess is about five, I have a great memory for TV images, and I even remember that I saw it during an intermission while watching the Return of King Kong. Now im looking through old VHS tapes hoping I can find it just to watch the commercial but the tape is probably lost.

What I most remember from the commercial is an image of a women crying outside a door while leaning on it, and also the image of the kid falling off the roof and a voice saying "DON"T GO TO SLEEP!". When I was little always got the movie confused with BAD DREAMS because the add for that scared me too, but i have seen that movie.

I find it fasicinating how all of us in the same age group have had the same experience. WHERE CAN I FIND THIS ON EIHTER VHS OR DVD??? I HAVE TO SEE IT NOW!!
Anything both creepy and nostalgic is great, those gritty films of the 70's and early 80s were captivating. I also heard there was another version of the same movie made in the early 80s. IS THIS TRUE??? Where can I find this film??


Get a job.

You can take my body and dry it in the sun. Seeing the vultures circle up ahead. -Phil


JA JA JA!!! YOU too UncleAxl !!! JA JA JA . You have time for look this.... DO SOMETHING BETTER IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS.. JA JA JA


Learn english.

You can take my body and dry it in the sun. Seeing the vultures circle up ahead. -Phil


yaaaay for the youtube links...totally made my night.

pain makes the hunger go away


This sounds repetitive of the other posts here, but there has never been a movie that has scared or haunted me like Don't Go to Sleep. My grandmother had it on video when I was a kid, and I used to watch it over and over. There is one scene that, unless I was feeling really brave, I would always close my eyes. It's the one where Mary goes to hide under the bed and sees her dead sister for the first time. It was the way the sister was smiling. Creepiest. Scene. Ever. In any movie. For years, YEARS! I couldn't look under a bed. Even today as a full grown, sort of adult I can't forget that creepy smile. Actually I found this board today because I went to get a box from under the bed, and that scene just popped into my head. So I decided to search for this movie. I'm now really excited to hear about a potential remake. I'm also excited to see the youtube link. (Thanks!) I hope the 'smile' scene is one of the clips. I'd love to see it again, to see if it's as scary now as I remember it to be.


Dear Ned Wynn, I can't wait until this movie gets a proper DVD release, so i can relive my child hood memories with this film. I woke up last night at 3:41 AM, with some of the music from DGTS playing in my head. (The part that plays just before Valarie Harper hears Jennifer knocking and appearing before her) It was creepy considering it was dark, everyone in my house weas sleeping, and it was time to take my meds. Luckily I got back to sleep and go a few zzzzzzzz's.

This is one of the ultimate cult horror classics ever!

Also recommended: Sleepaway Camp, Dont Be Afraid Of The Dark, Burial Ground, Mother's Day, and The Deadly Spawn.

Happy Nightmares, Kids!


So glad this was on youtube! Then again, basically every made-for-TV movie from that era exists on youtube in some form. Cool to see a filmmaker talking on IMDB forums, rather than a bunch of whiners and trolls! Way to go keylime!

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law!
