To Bevus and other fans of DGTS on this thread,
Sorry for not writing here more often. I hate to say it but this movie remake is on the back burner for now. It has been harder to find a studio than we originally thought. It is being held off the market until it looks like we have another shot, and then we will be submitting it again. The screen name Keylimepie is me, Ned Wynn (I think you can look into my profile and see that, I don't know). The funny thing is that some people think it's not me. Why on earth would anyone claim to be Ned Wynn who isn't him? What's the gain there? Like, what would it profit me? I'm pretty unimportant in the scheme of things.
Anyway, I wish I had better things to report. I know that the group we have together including the two producers and the director, once we get a studio or some investors onboard will make a properly scary movie, updated and tuned to the times. I will do my best as the writer to maintain the scares that kept all of you fans for so many years. Again, I apologize for my long absence here. Keep the faith, folks. I really do appreciate all of you who loved this movie. You make me feel great.
Ned Wynn(Keylimepie, ekw, and some other names)