This movie is racist
Every man in the movie is paired with a girl of exactly the same skintone and racial features as him. It looks very odd for San Francisco in 1982.
But it becomes ludicrous when this happens:
Ganz is ordering 2 whores over the phone, one for himself and one for Billy, his Native American colleague.
He gets himself a white blonde girl. What the fuck is up with the need to get Billy an indian whore?
With all the possible choices available, not to mention the limitations of finding an indian whore for the service he called, does he really need to get Billy an indian girl? He doesn't even ask Billy for his preference.
The movie takes it one step further, by having a clearly white girl with an "indian" hairdo pose as said indian whore later on (maybe that was what the service could organize, given the likely difficulty of finding a real indian whore on such a short notice- the movie doesn't clarify).