i always thought Margot Kidder was pretty hot as Lois, in STM she had a completly different raven hair 70s look to the other movies, mainly bc she was notably younger, filmed in mid/late 70s, probably hadnt been taking too many drugs at that point etc. in SII (the Lester scenes filmed a couple of years after the 1st film in about 1980) i think shed lost alot of weight due to substance abuse (but idk for sure) so looked abit anorexic at times , in SIII she basically cameo'd (bc shed fallen out with the producers over Donner being fired for SII, and theyd brought in Lana Lang as the love interest anyway)and remember thinking she looked hot in her scenes all tanned looking, and even SIV she looked alot older she still looked good (but was secondary to Mariel Hemingways hot young Lacy, to Margots be/amusement in interviews)
anyway her looks aside she was great in the role. totally 'Lois Lane' (unlike later versions Bosworth/Amy Adams who were both meh in the role - with way too young Bosworth in a ill fitting brown wig and red hair Amy Adams more Lana Lang in looks!) it'll be good to get back to that raven hair fesity type of Lois for the Gunn reboot (as presumably thats what the new actress will be like)