The best performance of her life, kuku?? If that's true, it means every one of her other performances must have been complete and utter trash!
I watched it again last night, and there were times when I actually cringed in embarrassment for the poor lass.
I mean, I sympathise with her and all, but man, her "acting" in this movie was not even up to amateur theatre standards. It was just plain BAD. I could hardly believe that SK actually passed her scenes.
In fact, I think everybody's acting in this film verged on the amateur. Somehow SK had them speaking their lines as if they were doing a preliminary read-through of the screenplay. Slow, halting, mechanical, and wooden. Except for Nicholson and the boy, everybody seemed to be thinking, "I wish to hell I wasn't here!"
Beats me why Kubrick gets the kudos that he does. I can imagine him thinking, "What morons people are! And how easy is it to dupe them!"