MovieChat Forums > Friday the 13th (1980) Discussion > Who Called The Cops At The End?

Who Called The Cops At The End?

Maybe I missed something, but every single person was dead. Alice killed Mrs. Voorhees and then drifted into the lake, where there was no phone.

Do you think the cops just showed up the next morning and found the bodies? If so, they seemed awfully calm trying to get Alice's attention. They didn't seem flustered by the dozens of bodies lying around camp.


These are good inquiries, MinorityRules15. A police officer gives Steve a ride to the camp and probably hears along the way that Annie has never appeared for work. He likely goes with his co-workers to the nearby woods to investigate. After finding Annie's corpse, the group heads to the lake and its surrounding property to see if anyone else has been killed or hurt. It's possible that Steve adds to the cop in the car that Ralph has been hiding in a cabin, so the police could also be looking for the local 'herald' at the end of the movie. Law enforcement officials are never happy to find a murder scene, but trained to remain collected and calmly ask questions for the sakes of survivors who might need help. They don't want to scare Alice, especially while she's on a boat in the middle of a lake.


Two problems with your analysis.

First, Steve had no knowledge about Crazy Ralph at Crystal lake. The motorcycle cop stopped and gave the warning after Steve left for town.

Second, Annie's body would've been found adjacent to the other victims, it was in Pamela's jeep which was parked in front of one of the cabins.

My guess is they knew Steve and they were just checking why he didn't come back for his jeep. There was only one police car so they probably just discovered the scene.


Thank you, Branson26. I wasn't aware that Annie's corpse was in Pamela's jeep. However, Steve had to have known about Ralph being in the cabin because it was still morning or at most noon when he left the camp. He was at a diner at night, and couldn't have been out for nearly twelve hours just to get supplies. (The sun would have had more time before setting since it was June.) Steve must have gone back and forth at least once. Also, there was probably more than one police car involved at some point since the officer who was looking for Ralph was talking on his radio about where he was.


You're welcome. Anyhow, Steve never mentions Ralph. Once he leaves the next time we see him he is at the diner. It's only at that point when he says has to get back to camp.


We don't hear Steve mention Ralph, but it might happen off screen.


Anything could've happened offscreen. However, there is no evidence that Steve mentioned anything about Ralph. When the motorcycle cop asked the counselors about Ralph it was all news to them.


The counselors don't know about Ralph upon going to camp, but find him after being warned by the first officer. Steve is probably on the premises long enough to hear about what happens in the kitchen, and I imagine that Ralph comes up at least once later in the movie, even if it's not referenced. The inebriate is too relevant a topic to the owner of Camp Crystal Lake and the police to never be mentioned in a conversation between the last two.


Steve is long gone before the cop or the kitchen scene. He had no clue that Ralph might be heading towards camp. If Steve did he would've warned the group instead he noted about getting the archery range in order etc.


Those are true. I mean that since Steve cannot be gone from morning to night over supplies, he must be informed of Ralph unless if he attends to other things that he doesn't mention. If it is the latter, then the owner of the camp doesn't know about the incident in the kitchen, but in the case of the former, he does. It's hard to imagine what would keep Steve away from the grounds for twelve hours, though. Speaking of the persistent, drunk neighbor, I'm surprised that he is not brought to the attention of the Christy family and the new camp staff ahead of time. The exchange that takes place in front of Annie says that the town messenger has been spreading stories for years, so the police should expect Ralph to go wild over the reopening of Camp Crystal Lake.


I'm watching the marathon on AMC, and have just been reminded of a brief line that we have forgotten. Ralph does come up in the police car. The officer mentions him to Steve. The owner of the facility knows about Ralph, but not that the announcer has been at the camp that day. Steve has been gone for twelve hours after all. We're both partially right.


Steve is alerted about Ralph towards the end. From their consersation, it seems like Steve is aware of Ralph but it seems like it's new thing for Ralph to be at the camp. It's never said Ralph's back or at camp again. Instead:

Cop: Your old Ralph was out your way.
Steve: That's all I need Crazy Ralph running around.

Yeah watch the marathon and there's always something to post about.


I'm guessing since Steve never came back for his car, his cop friend decided to go check on him.


Yeah I'd go with this. There doesn't really seem to be any other explanation.


yeah probably the jeep


How do we even know the cops showed up like that at all? Wasn't that scene just a dream Alice had, ending with Jason jumping up to grab her, after which she wakes up?


The next part she's talking to an officer while in the hospital. He says two of my men pulled you out of the lake. I think those men he's referring to are the same just as it showed.


I'm guessing the cop who dropped steve off, either had a hunch or just wanted to do a follow up to see everything was ok, seen a horror scene and knew something was up.


I just thought about this. Wouldn't it be hard for Alice to prove that she didn't kill everyone? After all, she's the only survivor. How could she prove it was actually Mrs. Voorhees who committed the murders and she killed her in self-defense? If you're a cop, you're automatic suspicion is going to be on the lone survivor.


i'm almost positive EVERYONE dies in this.

and the sequel and every other film till part 9 is a dream sequence.
Jason never came back.


I agree about the noticing Steve never came back to pick up his jeep or maybe Crazy Ralph showed up again and discovered them.


Plot hole
