When did George Lucas decide Luke and Leia were going to be siblings?

Luke and Leia kiss a couple of times in Empire Strikes Back. Yoda also mentions during the movie that “there is another” if Luke turns to the Dark Side. Was the plan always for Luke and Leia to be siblings? Were Leia and Luke’s sister different characters when Empire was being written? If that’s true, when was it decided that Leia would be his sister?


There is a video on youtube of Gary Kurtz (producer of Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, THX 1138, American Graffitti) and he explains the original plot outlines for the movies that were to be made after Empire. If George would have stuck to the original plan the series would have ended differently.
Luke was to have gone up against the Emperor and Vader and failed to defeat them. So, he embarked on a journey to find his long list sister. Together they were strong enough to defeat them. Han dies, Leia becomes Queen, and Luke wanders off into the galaxy on his own. I don't know what the fate of his sister was to have been. That was the gist of the original plan.


at the end of empire strikes back luke is able to speak to leia through his mind, i always thought they could do that only because they are related.


In a sense, Luke and Leia were twins before “Star Wars”

It’s heavily based on the Kurosawa film, “Hidden Fortess,” but the proud, naive princess from that film was separated into Luke and Leia. Toshiro Mifune’s general is the basis for both Han Solo and Ben Kenobi.

Early McQuarrie sketches show the concept of Kenobi/Solo and Luke as a female


Note that Kenobi is suspiciously George-Lucas-like in appearance
