In Star Wars, Luke and Han's conversation after escaping the Death Star. Han, "You think a princess and a guy like me-" and Luke cuts him off, "No." Now, I'm not saying I've got the only read on this, but that sounds like Han is suggesting that he and Leia might hit it off and Luke cuts him off because Luke doesn't like the idea (ie, he's jealous or definitively wants Han to remain a non-rival). In fact, Harrison Ford's performance makes me think that Han is deliberately teasing Luke. This, and other moments ("She's beautiful...!") in the film set up Luke's attraction to Leia.
Empire has two main plotlines, Luke's quest to become a Jedi knight and Han and Leia fleeing the Empire and falling in love. The latter undeniably establishes Han and Leia's relationship. Leia kisses Luke early on, Luke acts a bit smug about it afterwards. Combined with the set-up of Star Wars, and the trope assumption that the (Jedi) knight ends up with the (Alderaanian) princess, we have the workings of a love triangle.
Had Return of the Jedi not sibling-ized Luke and Leia, it could easily have made Luke's disappointment and/or jealousy a plot point, piece of character development, and touchy subject for Vader and the Emperor to exploit (as they do his familial relationship with Leia anyway). Han is also angry about Leia sharing something with Luke, clearly annoyed, and later references that he won't "stand in the way", all of which alludes to Luke's former interest in Leia, or supposed interest. Han had that misconception, too, it seems.
Externally, the decision to mash up Luke and Leia into brother and sister is documented as occurring later in the writing/development process for Return of the Jedi. Later I'll do some internet searching and try to find some quotes on this if you like.
All of that points towards a love triangle.