MovieChat Forums > The Black Stallion (1979) Discussion > Just proves again how sexist the film in...

Just proves again how sexist the film industry is.

Go ahead, laught and mock but its true.

EVERY SINGLE other movie I have seen about horses feature a young girl as the main character...

BUT when it calls for a strong character who must struggle to survive.. you guessed it, they cast a boy!

Name me one movie.. JUST ONE movie that features a young girl as a hero. I am not talking about happy go lucky movies like Matilda and The Little Princess.. but survival movies like Lord of the Flies and Black Stallion.
How many? None.

Hollywood will age a female character to get their 'chick flicks' or use boys to satisy their nambla needs. They treat young girls as victims, never heros.

I swear to god, I will sue the crap out of the film industry.


Wow, the origial post is one of the most ignorant I've read in a while. The films noted in the post are based on books written many years ago, and the main characters happened to be boys.

Ever see Whale Rider? How about anything that Dakota Fanning has starred in? You can even go as far back as ET - Drew Barrymore's character was a very strong minded, brave 6 year old girl.

Yikes, get a grip!


wait a second, have you not seen Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken? or Sylvester?


You must also note that the director is a female.


Or better yet, there is another Black Stallion movie that came out not too long ago called the Young Black Stallion, and the movie featured a girl, unlike the book that had featured a young man following the Black through the desert to survive.

But to the OP, I think you're kind of selfish to come on here crying about how hollywood is sexist because for once they are actually adapting about 75% of the book to film. The only big thing that was messed up was in the beginning, the movie had Alec's father accompany him to India and back, and die in the boat fire. In the book, Alec was all by himself on his trip, and the whole while his father remained alive throughout the rest of the series.


Watch Buffy!!! Not horsey but best role model you could ever ask for!

The new Flicka has a girl as the main lead , its a really good horse film x


No. The director is a man. The name can be deceiving.


This has to be one of the most ridiculous post I have seen in some time. I hate to break it to you, but the sexist card doesn't work when the film is adapted from a book. Furthermore, I'm black and you don't see me crying about Alec being white. This is a fantastic film and for you to step in here an insinuate that the movie is somehow sexist just goes to show how incipient the womens-lib movement has become. You need to learn how to maintain tact and composure when attaching important social issues to classic film, even when those important social issues have really nothing to do with the film in question. You sound pathetic and angry and you should probably think about what you're writing before you post it.

I would also like to thank all the people that rubbed your nose in your Femi-Nazi pointlessness by pointing out a number of films that show the power of women under presure.

Clearly you know nothing about cinema or storytelling.


Check out "Rabbit Proof Fence." It's great!


Primo Baby


I hate it when there are that select group of women whose only argument for anything is that it is 'sexist'. It is a movie, based off of classic books, which are based off of the legend of Alexander as a boy, all of which involve a BOY and his horse. Please stop trying to ruin an amazing film with your petty opinions.
Women like you (original poster), are what give others the stereotype of women not always having the highest intellect. You fall back on your one 'trump' card, saying that someone is being sexist by pretty-much even involving males in something. There is a huge difference between fighting for your rights and pitying your sex because you are so hard done by. Alright, we have been hearing about sexism for years. So why don't you help real women out there to change it?
The Black Stallion is in no way sexist. Would you please just take that for what it is and leave it at that.


Ok you need to go to a bookstore or a library because the Black Stallion the movie is based on a book with a male lead character so if you have an issue with the gender of the main character take it up with the author who is a male. Male writers usually identify better with other males which makes it easier for them to write a male character.


red sonja;-)


Boy, you're right. It would take a Wizard of Oz with a Golden Compass to find a strong, smart girl-hero at the center of a fantasy film. You've really given me something to Mulan.
