Saw THE BLACK HOLE (1979) when it first came out and just recently viewed it on Encore. Have rated it IMDB Two**Stars and see no reason to improve upon that scoring. It is even more boring and tacky now with that droning and tedious musical score not helping matters. Plus the not so 'cute' Robots with the visable strings holding them up, whose acting range matched that of there Human opposites.
The SFX were nothing to shout about back them. Compare this film with STAR TREK released the same year, which still holds up pretty well. Disney is thinking about a remake. After JOHN CARTER maybe they should keep away from the genre. Hopefully they will continue to leave MARVEL and PIXAR alone.
Maybe you should stick to reviewing other films. The score was done by the late great John Barry and was wonderful. The special effects in this movie were incredibly well done and the matte paintings were fantastic. If you're using Star Trek: TMP as a comparison, we need to just stop here. You obviously have no idea of what you're talking about.
masterjedi-2; I am well aware of John Barry and his works having a extensive collection of Film Scores. Even Beethoven had some stinkers, ever listen to Wellingtons Victory, not so good and neither is Barry here. As for STAR TREK; T.M.P. was referencing its SFX which still hold up very well. After all there is no visible strings holding anything up like the Robots in BLACK HOLE.
Maybe you need to develop a more critical and sophisticated eye. Because if you think this film has such high merits you need to work on it. When I look at my watch 15" into a film, which I did when first seeing BLACK HOLE that is the kiss of death.
Yeah xerses13 - the film has it's flaws. But it's 33 years later and some people still like it ... Myself included. So what are you going to do about it? Come in here and tell everyone they're wrong?
How about you list off your favorite 100 films ... I'd be willing to bet i'd find at least a few in there that i think are way worse than "The Black Hole."
James-169; This is my thread so We would hardly be trolling. Since everybody does not like it proved by its rating and others comments there is no need to convince/tell them they/you are wrong. Have more then enough support from others.
Rather then your suggestion have included list of our 200 Worse films of the 20th Century. There are some here also worse then the BLACK HOLE, but not many.
Abbot and Costello Go to Mars (1953) Land that Time Forgot (1975/British) Abbot and Costello meet Captain Kidd (1952) Legend of the Lone Ranger (1981) Abbot and Costello meet the Mummy (1955) Lost Horizon (1973) Abraham Lincoln (1930) Mandingo (1975) Annie (1982) Mars Attacks! (1996) Babe Ruth Story (1948) Mary Reilly (1996) Beast of Yucca Flats (1961) Mission to Moscow (1943) Bela Lugosi meets the Brooklyn Gorilla (1952) Natural Born Killers (1994) Bell Boy (1960) Newsies (1992) Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970) New York, New York (1977)
Black Hole (1979) 1941 (1979) Blair Witch Project (1999) North (1994) Blues Brothers (1980/1998) Outlaw (1943) Boxing Helena (1993) Paint Your Wagon (1969) Bride of the Monster (1955) Paradise Alley (1978) Cape Canaveral Monsters (1960) Pirate Movie (1982) Casino Royale (1967/British) Plan Nine (9) from Outer Space (1959) CinderFella (1960) Popeye (1980) Dondi (1961) Postman (1997) Drop Dead Fred (1991) Prisoner of Zenda (1979)
Empire of the Sun (1987) RainTree County (1957) Fearless Vampire Killers (1967/British) Raise the Titanic (1980/British) Fiendish Plot of Fu Manchu (1980/British) Red Planet (2000) Flash Gordon (1980) Reds (1981) Fly II (1989) Reptilicus (1962/Denmark) Force Ten (10) from Navarone (1978/British) Return of Dr. X (1939) Frankenstein Conquers the World (1965/Japan) Revolution (1985) Frankenstein meets the Space Monster (1965) RhineStone (1984) G. I. Jane (1997) Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) Glen or Glenda (1953) Robot Monster (1953)
Great Balls of Fire! (1989) Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964) Green Berets (1968) Shape of Things to Come (1979/Canada) Hanover Street (1979) Six (6) Days, Seven (7) Nights (1998) Haunted Honeymoon (1986) Snow White and the Three Stooges (1961) Heaven’s Gate (1980) S*P*Y*S (1974) Hello Dolly! (1969) Swashbuckler (1976) History of the World-Part I (1981) Tank Girl (1995) Howard the Duck (1986) Tarzan the Ape Man (1959/1981) Hudson Hawk (1991) Tidal Wave (1975/Japan-USA) Hurricane (1979) To Be or Not To Be (1942/1983)
Ishtar (1987) Under the Rainbow (1981) Island of Dr. Moreau (1977/1996) Valley of the Dolls (1967) Jack and the BeanStalk (1952) Waterworld (1995) Jacob the Liar (1995) When Time Ran Out (1980) Jaws, the Revenge (1987) Wisdom (1986) Jet Pilot (1957) Wyatt Earp (1994) JFK (1991) Xanadu (1980) King David (1985) Yellowbeard (1983) King Kong (1976) Yentl (1983) Krull (1983) Zontar the Thing from Venus (1968) Xerses13 100 WORST
- Go into message board of obscure film "X" - dominated mostly by fans.
- Say "film 'X' is bad, overrated, lame" etc
- await drama
- trolling complete.
Also: I wanted your list of BEST movies ... That's where I'll find something that *you* think is good, that *I* think is bad. Then I will prove to you that *you're* be wrong. xD
As far as your "support from others" ... I have never cared what the majority thinks, or worried about the ratings applied to things by the general populace. If that was the case, I'd be a fan of TV shows like "American Idol" ... or "Keeping up with the Kardashians" ... Those are very popular, so by your rationale, that means they must be good? Tons of people hated the new Star Trek film ... But many others liked it ... So who's wrong?
No fan of "The Black Hole" is going to agree with you on your assessment of this film. That doesn't make us wrong. Sorry! You can argue against this, but you will fail. We don't submit to your "higher knowledge" of films. I know plenty about movies myself ... having worked in the post production industry for 15+ years ...
James-169; The film is hardly 'obscure' as for 'drama' have not seen any yet. Right, I am sure your knowledge is quite extensive as is your career in post-production. Tell us about the demands of sweeping floors or moving potted plants.
If you cannot make anything from the list that I gave you which I am sure has some of your favorites on it another would not help you at all. Sorry, you still are clueless and there is no argueing about that.
You and I are the drama. I won't give you the last word either. Keep trying.
I work in editing and visual effects ... I leave the sweeping and moving plants to you.
The fact that the film is 'obscure' depends on your point of view. In December 1979, it was certainly not obscure ... Disney marketed the crap out of it, and as a result, there's a ton of merchandise out there for a film that was only a moderate success. Since it fell well below expectations, Disney considered it a failure ... and they pretty much tried to forget about it ... It wasn't re-released on VHS after 1980, or even on DVD until Anchor Bay picked up the rights to do so in the late 90's.
The home video rights eventually went back to Disney, and they have since done a limited release on DVD only - I think it was in 2004. No blu-ray, no special edition ... barely any extra features. So, relative to many Disney titles, I think most would agree this movie is obscure. I would venture a guess and say that people who weren't born when this movie was released probably don't know much about it ... or care what you or I think ...
As for your list, i remember seeing several decent films on it ... and i'm sure there are many people out there who would agree with me ... Just as there are some who would agree with you. That doesn't make either one of us "right" or "wrong" either.
The difference between me and you is that I don't go into message boards of films I don't like and start shouting out criticisms, telling people who like the movie that they are WRONG for liking it ... That's just silly behavior.
So, you have failed on many levels. Enjoy living with that. :)
James-189; Well that was rather long-winded and superfluous. Knock yourself out if you wish to be a drama-queen. Don't recall 'shouting out' any criticisms just stating a position. I personally do not care too bowl against a empty wicket and that is the difference between you at me. You have stated nothing but hand-wringing whining, the true mark of a failure. As for the 'last word' if that is a mark of victory for you, you are welcome too it. Hardly Wellington at Waterloo though.
The facts i stated about the film dispute your position within the argument. So, in that regard, they are not superfluous. The fact that you see anyone who disagrees with you as a "hand wringing whiner" just shows how ignorant you are. You clearly fancy yourself as some kind of film critic with a keen eye - Keep on believing that ... because if you don't nobody else will. Even good film critics are a DIME A DOZEN.
The bottom line is: Nobody cares what you think.
As for the drama, I enjoy it ... but you started it with your snobby comebacks. I just enjoy arguments, and laugh at people who make fools of themselves. (you) :D
Saw this when it came out in theaters. After Star Wars came out, me and my parents were expecting this film to also blow our socks off. After the rather comical ship coming apart, control room falling down, people taking forever to run back to the spaceship, the eyerolling antics of the two robots, and the 2001 type "ending", we walked out of the theater and I said "well, that sucked". My dad seconded that and my mom, who is too nice to say anything mean, just said "well, they tried".
Maybe future family outings should focus on Twilight-type fare or whatever family film The Rock has currently in theatres. Something not too taxing intellectually.
I too saw this on opening weekend. STAR WARS raised the bar of SFX; let's face it. Even the BH sets had no logic; just big empty spaces, with mid-20th Century Industrial Warehouse Beams to create an epic grandeur. The lack of imagination and lost opportunities means they failed...and failed miserably.
I read the book before seeing this and my mind conjured up more cinematic magic than the film did. And that ain't the way it's supposed to be.
Trivia: Kate's communication with VINCENT was possible because she had surgical implants that made it possible to a direct robotic communication. But ESP with a robot? Another dumb-down'd substitution for logic.
And the comments we overheard of others leaving the theater weren't pretty. OR the reactions of others who had seen it after we did. We were warned. We didn't listen. We warned others. And they made the same mistake we did. And said so!
Xerses: loved your worst movies list. The memories of sitting thru those as a kid still causes cringes ...kinda like the Black Hole.
But still like Borgnine & Forster...and Mimieux. Given their dialogue, they still came out (almost) unscathed.
Star Trek TMP was superior in effects; Even if they were overblown and over-expensive; and that was BEFORE the 2001 restoration and enhancements.
And the normally reliable John Barry still created his sleep-inducing, habitual, 4-line repetitive theme; that cures my insomnia to this day. ZZZzzzzzzzzz !!
"I read the book before seeing this and my mind conjured up more cinematic magic than the film did.
And that ain't the way it's supposed to be."
yes it is. book is always better, for that exact reason.
A lot of fanboys will try to convince you to put this film in its "context" so as to not judge it to harshly.
I was there for the context. I saw this at age 8 in the theater. The context was that when it was a created it was a crappy, substandard movie. So bad, that an 8 year-old could recognize that the director treated his audience like crap.
Of course, I had seen Star Wars a couple of years prior. Great story, amazing special effects. Characters you liked. While the story was not truly sci-fi, but fantasy, it was fun and well paced.
The Black Hole had none of this.
The "context" of the Black Hole is that Ridley Scott was simultaneously releasing Alien. There is a space movie that hit on all cylinders and people don't make fun of it and mock it like the Black Hole.
How about Start Trek, The Motion Picture? As an 8 year old I found the pace too slow, but the movie isn't farcical.
I recently had an opportunity to relive the train wreck, so out of morbid curiosity, I gave it another shot. Man, I was correct at a young age - it sucks. There are some redeeming qualities, but taken as a whole, it was a disaster.
usafa93: See we are on the same page with this one. It appears a few times a year on the ENCORE Network and never gets any better. It may of had Albert Glasser write the score the way it repetitively pounds into your head. Technologically its SFX looked dated back then compared to STAR WARS and ALIEN.
"I saw this at age 8 in the theater. The context was that when it was created it was a crappy, substandard movie. So bad, that an 8 year old could recognize that the director treated his audience like crap!"
Pffft! This statement is a complete load of bullsh!t! No 8 year old is THAT sophisticated!
Try watching Star Wars followed by The Black Hole. Then try eating chocolate ice cream followed by dirt. Yes - people are more "sophisticated" then you give them credit for. If by "sophisticated" you mean they know relative worth.
Young children know when your shoving *beep* in their mouth. I'm just surprised that at your advanced age you're still trying to convince yourself that *beep* is ice cream.
I saw this as a kid and was so excited but it was really quite a let down due to being spoiled by Star Wars & Star Trek. I did love the robots and the ship interiors but it was absolutely boring to me. Today I love it, I watch it all the time. It's definitely something you have to have a taste for, I can see why some people wouldn't like it as I felt the same way at one point. What I like about it today is that it's like watching a little piece of our movie making history so I appreciate it for that and it's actually quite sophisticated. The details in the robots, ships, interiors etc etc are just so cool to me today. Certain movies grow on me over the years and this was one of them. Another example was Presumed Innocent with Harrison Ford. I hated that movie when it first came out now it's one I will watch over and over. The movies themselves don't change just people or their perspectives change over time. If you hated it when it came out and you still hate it today that pretty cool you haven't changed much as some people do. I for one am a completely different person today then I was back then and I'm grateful for it. A lot of things I had my eyes closed to I am more open with today. Yada yada yada doesn't really matter though. Lol
I disagree, I think I have much higher standards today then I did back in the day. I was extremely close minded when I was young. This movie is extremely adult compared to a kids movie.
Right but I'm telling you and you're just not listening that it wasn't the latter for me, it was definitely more open minded. But hey does it really matter? You hate the movie anyway. Lol
As a Star Trek fan I think Black Hole's space shots hold up fine. It's a decent film. There's one or two technical mis-steps, but it's an okay, if somewhat existential film.
Blueghost: As a Star Trek fan also, since its inception, believe that they would have done a better job with this story. It has been shown often on STARZ and have rewatched it. Nothing has changed our negative opinion.
roland-rockerfella; Well I disagree on both points. Did not feel that the score was John Barry's finest hour, it sort of droned on, but if you liked it that is all that really matters. I am sure there are many films that I like that you would not care for. After all I believe that I am one of the few People that actually liked GREEN LANTERN.
I too saw the movie when it first came out. And recently had the opportunity to watch it again.
I tend to agree with your general assessment. The movie has a distinct "split-personality". Somber discussions about God and the Universe, then it switches to silly robots and ray gun battles. Back again to Schell and Perkins emoting about "the ultimate reality". Then back to Joseph Bottoms doing a bad Han Solo impression.
It's like they tried to make a "2001", and then stick pieces of "StarWars" onto it. However most audiences found it extremely jarring and hard to follow.
And as for the fanboys on here claiming it's "The Greatest Movie Ever Made":
zooeyhall; Those are very good points and most likely explains why it failed for Me. Do not believe they knew what they were trying to go for and ended up with a mishmash and convoluted screenplay. Plus compared to 2001 and STAR WARS the SFX just looked cheap and poorly done.