Still Not Very Good...

Saw THE BLACK HOLE (1979) when it first came out and just recently viewed it on Encore. Have rated it IMDB Two**Stars and see no reason to improve upon that scoring. It is even more boring and tacky now with that droning and tedious musical score not helping matters. Plus the not so 'cute' Robots with the visable strings holding them up, whose acting range matched that of there Human opposites.

The SFX were nothing to shout about back them. Compare this film with STAR TREK released the same year, which still holds up pretty well. Disney is thinking about a remake. After JOHN CARTER maybe they should keep away from the genre. Hopefully they will continue to leave MARVEL and PIXAR alone.


I was maybe 11 or 12 when this came out and saw it in the theaters. I found it entertaining and with some really nice plot devices and concepts. But mainly, I think it is a (somewhat campy) product of its time, so the FX do not hold up well, nor does the dialogue or even the score, which is cool but gets droning after a while.


Well the book is good. Reading the book eliminates any bad acting / music / fx


I got this film on a cheap, pirated dvd based on the cover and summary. What sounded like an intense space thriller was in reality a knock off with dated looking design and effects. For a movie that came out in 1979 it looked like was it was made 20 years earlier.
